house design japanese inspired

hi guys it's matt from six senses design. i'm back again with a more in-depth look at step one in my seven step garden design guide. if you want an overview of the seven steps click link below or in thedescription. so step one is all about sourcing inspiration and finding ideasyou want to test in your backyard. this step will be broken down into threesections; garden styles; activities and features and resources. the process youfollow is very simple. you find a design style or material palette you like and thenchoose some basic activities you want to do in your garden and some visualfeatures you want to see. to help you find inspiration and ideas to test, i'll go over two main resource options:

imagery- such as photos and videos, andreality- which is the physical world around you. let's have a look at garden styles. the easiest way is to start with existing images you have and look for somethingsimilar. if you have an image you like, google image allows you to search for similarimages in the google image page. upload the image you like (using the option here to search for it on your computer) and see what other images come up. google images often provides differentviews of the same garden, as well as other gardens with similar styles. if youdon't know what you like, head over to or even justgoogle garden styles. this should give

you enough styles to start exploring. the key here is to start with what you don't like and cross of anything that doesn'tappeal to you first. keep narrowing down options until you find a few core stylesyou do like. it's often easier to find what you like through a process of elimination. onceyou have a few basic styles, write down a few points about why you like each ofthem. they can be really simple; i like straight lines; i like natural shapes andcurves; i love color; i prefer mixed plantings; i prefer massed plantings. keepit simple to help you define for yourself what you like about each style. but don'tgo too in depth just yet! all you want from

a style is a set of rough guidelines orperhaps a material or color palette to work with. before you begin don't forget tolook at your house make sure the stars make sure the styles you are looking at don't clash with your house that you want to extend your building design elements into the gardensaid don't makes a cottage garden with a modern house for example make a small list of the materials andcolors around your house from both outside and inside easing into materialsin your backyard is a great way to connect both areas creating a nicefellow and more contemporary feel as you can see in a few examples here theeasiest way is to continue your floor

end or ceiling material once you have it keep this list handy and ready toreference when you start designing so by now you should have a few differentstyles want to explore and some materials and colors you can work withand now it's time for section two activities and features activities arethings you want to do in your backyard whereas features a visual things youwant to see at tiffany's are things you have to leave the house to use whilefeatures a visual elements things you say from inside but don't engage withexamples of activities could be entertaining area about you a diningarea

hammock kids play area where there'ssmoke examples of features could be featured trees planting beds sculpturesbut what if a chance features work well as items you can lookat from the house without needing to go outside they can also draw people intoand helped lead them through a garden along a path into another area that maybe hidden from the house take a few minutes to come up with yourown list of activities and features you want to try in your backyard while youdo it don't be scared that if you dream options things you can't afford but would loveto have you never know maybe in a few

years his situation will change and youmay be able to implement these ideas after all it's just a drawing said rimalittle what's the worst that could happen now that she's styles and yourlist of activities and features it's time to really consider the resourcesyou have been looking for ideas i've broken into two main categories imageryand reality imagery refers to photos of the any silicified thats visual andsomewhere you can't physically go the best place to live imagery is theinternet design websites specific blogs social media pictures to facebookyoutube or simply type in east our

activity or feature into google and youhave a list of places to check and collect imagery images are a greatsource of inspiration and ideas but there are some issues with single imagesyou need to be aware of the dangers that simply copying image designs and placingthem straight into your backyard biggest danger is the image often comes with nocontext you don't know where it is who is for the budget the climate thatis i'm process all the construction process among other things i've exploredthis in more detail on our website with links to these articles in thedescription below spot potential problems images areplentiful can help you develop many

different ideas to try and your guideand videos and is common but can be useful they are generally promotionalfocusing on designer or client they usually provide more views of the gardenimages and they're better than series of images because they show the garden inmotion they hired the effects of win some and shadow which give you a muchbetter feel for the space secondary source you can use for inspiration isreality reality is the physical world you walk there every day and it doesn'tjust refer to back yard or gardens you can find inspiration even in urbanenvironments such as city or streetscapes reality can be hard todefine as it focuses on spatial and

emotional elements many of which youdon't even notice throughout your day many spaces in the city of oakparticular response from people passing through them they can be warm andfriendly arousing curiosity and inviting you to explore they can become andhumbling remaining quiet reflection they can be open empty and isolating theplace you don't want to spend time in may be small and intimate spacesinviting you to stay longer if you begin to notice has certain areas make youfeel you cannot close the space is a voting these feelings if you find afeeling you enjoy and wanting your backyard take notes and what is aroundyou

likewise if you don't enjoy space noticewhy and don't repeat that in your backyard and other benefit to using yourpersonal experience in a garden design is you can measure with your body thesize and scale of space it gives you a good sense of how things fit togetherfar better than an image you can test the mentions of objectsexceed your table heights widths and lengths to see if they're comfortablefor you and how you plan to use them this is certainly harder than looking atimages online it can be very helpful when it comes to understanding anddesigning how you actually use your garden being aware of how differentsizes and scales can impact you

emotionally allows you to create spacesthat evoke feelings you want people to experience these two resources companyor sources of inspiration using birth we hope you find more than enoughinspiration and ideas for your garden style activity and instep to look at howto unpack them to get some good criteria for the different areas or activities inyour guide and finally before finishing up at like to go through the mindset youneed to have when you start looking for ideas and inspiration you probably comeacross many articles starting with 38 garden design ideas or $22 decker ideasthese articles are very popular because we love lists and we love optionsdespite this they can be problematic if

used incorrectly so you need tounderstand what they're offering these articles of these solutions to a problema finished product to copy and paste into your garden for fabulous resultstissue is then not necessarily answering your specific problem and the resultsyou get don't answer your specific questions and unfortunately this is a commonapproach people take when designing their guidance they identify what theywant and look for individual solutions for each area then plug the main one ofthe time over a number of years some uneven complete leaving a half-finishedprojects sitting in the corner of the

back yard waiting to be fixed a fewyears later the stakes follows the same approach and so the cycle continues wellmany people s the way it is a backyard that has no continuity or cohesionthere's no link from one area to another it's full of random activities andfeatures that have no relationship with the local environment where you need tounderstand is the design is like a plan it allows you to work and steps tocreate a framework the ties everything together then no matter how do you holdback yard at once will take many years to implement each stage you'll end upwith cohesive spaces that work well together so what you are looking forfrom your images is ideas thanks for the

concepts you can adapt to your backyardwill explore this more in step 2 but to help consider the following is this ideaa solution to a problem does it have any relationship to my environment and can ichange a part of it and it will still work you want to i'd say no to the first andyes to the rest then you have a flexible idea so that's it for step one remedy userreality as a source of inspiration and when looking at imagery try to findthings that are flexible ideas rather than cutting pay solutions search bydesign style and by activities are

features you want to try and your gardenget more than you need plenty of ideas when it comes to designing for thisuseful and thanks again for watching please visit my website at how to gardendesign dot com and don't forget to like and subscribe for more original gardendesign content

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