philippine native house design bamboo

i'm brendan mckeon we're out here at myfarm in tambor costa rica and we are harvesting bamboo today the species a bamboo that we're workingwith is called multi-plex and multiplexes is a thin reeded bamboo it's not the type you'd want to usefor construction but has many great uses multiplexes are clumping bamboo and so when you plant it won't spread all overthe place there is clumping bamboo and there's running bamboo and you might be really careful whenyou're planting bamboo with which one you're using for what purpose
because running bamboo can take over quickly this multiplex particularly whenwe use it for arosion control hedges we plant it at about a halfmeter spacing and then it fills in real real nice and createsa really tight hedge as you can see we planted it allalong the front of our property here where they had cut the road and thathelps to just to maintain that edge and and andprevent any type of eroision this multiplex has really great deeprooting system really similar to that veitiver grass
and therefore it keep soil place and also build soil there is avariety of different uses that we in permaculture and on the farm that weuse this for one one is the erosion control another onewe use in our agroforestry systems for hedge rowsfor slowing the water down and forchopping drop this bamboo and bamboo ingeneral is really high in silica and silica is the mineral in the soilthat's responsible for holding all the nutrients and mineralstogether is the binding agent and and
unfortunately here in the tropics our soils are really void of this so we use a couple of different things we use bamboo and we rice hulls which are both reallyhigh in silica this bamboo in particular is really greatfor this use because its again a really thin reed and so it's easy to run througha shredder we're gonna be taking this out to serenity gardens eco village andplanting it out for different hedges an erosion controli
and we harvested about 300 plants today and ah basically this hedge that you see on myfarm is about three years old so grows really fast and it really fills in quick it's also greatfor any anywhere you want to protect springsor water sources and for erosion along creek sides things likethat super great multi-use permaculturespecies bamboo again it's called multi-plex there'stons information online if you want to
know more thanks for coming out today and we'llsee you again soon
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