tropical house design architecture

hi, welcome back to realtalk with sarasota's luxury waterfront specialist, roger pettingell. hey roger. hi mary kay, how are you? great. you know i can't help but notice drivingaround town, not only all the new condominium development going on downtown. a lot of cranes. lots of cranes. but also just driving throughneighborhoods around town, a lot of single-family home development going on,and a lot of it seems to be embracing a more modern architecture. yes, it's the macmansion of the early 2000s, that
tuscany mediterranean - you don't see anyof those being built anymore. you see this kind of, modernhomes for sure, and then you see that kind of moderncontemporary "coastal contemporary" people are calling it. that seems to be the new thing for the2000 and 12 to 20s maybe. and even the home thatwe're in right now over at 530 harbor gate way is a good example of that. yep, this was a fantastic contemporaryhome that was built by murray holmes, [john] potvin was the designer of it. the architect rather.
you know one of the things that ithink is inspiring, new contemporary construction. i thinkthere was always a segment of the market that like contemporary construction. it just wasn't that good. so, you lovethese big expansive windows, for example. especially in florida where you're lookingat water, and lots of light. but they used to leak all the time. and ithink now the construction has come to the level of sophistication, where that isn't so. right. and you cantake advantage of all the great things that contemporary architecture offers
and still have a super quality builthome. right, for more information on this listing and others of rogers, please be sure to visit us at
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