house design 30 x 30

6 kitchen tricks/tips/hacks [kitchen remodel] 1: egg freshness test sometimes you’ve got some eggs and you justdon’t know whether they’re fresh or not. it’s kind of impossible to look at an eggand know that it’s fresh even though most grocery stores these days do print the dateon them, just like so, but sometimes these dates get rubbed off because of some otherreason that we just don’t know. in that kind of case what do you do to figureout if an egg is fresh or not? well here’s a simple trick, just drop youregg in some water and the fresh ones will sink to the bottom just like this, and theun-fresh ones will float to the top just like so.

now the great thing about this trick is youcan do it with multiple eggs if you have a big enough tub, and then you can easily detectwhich eggs are fresh and which eggs are no good. for example here, these two are no good andi’m going to dispose of them and cook with the rest. 2: ginger peelingalright here’s a trick how to peel some ginger. normally you use a gadget like this or anothergadget like this, but for this we’re going to use a simple and humble spoon like so,or you can use a smaller one like a teaspoon

like this one. all you do is scrape it across the surfaceat a little bit of an angle and it just removes the skin from the ginger. you can also use a big one, it doesn’t reallymatter what spoon you use but the great thing about spoons is they can get into the crevicesand valleys where other tools can’t really get into and they just remove the skin fromthe ginger so you’re leftover with much more ginger root at the end of peeling. there we go – done. 3: instant mayonnaisealright this here is the easiest mayonnaise

recipe in the world. add 2 egg yolks, one broke slightly there,and then you want to add half a teaspoon of mustard, just like so, followed by 2-tablespoonsof freshly squeezed lemon juice. then one tablespoon of water, this is veryimportant – this is the key here to make the blender mayonnaise. 6 kitchen tricks/tips/hacks1: egg freshness test dates get rubbed off because of some otherreason that we just don’t know. in that kind of case what do you do to figure outif an egg is fresh or not? the great thing about this trick is you

can do it with multiple eggs if you have abig enough tub, and then you can easily detect which eggs are fresh and which eggs are nogood. for example here, these two are no good and i’m going to dispose of them and cookwith the rest. ginger. normally you use a gadget like thisor another gadget like this, but for this we’re going to use a simple and humble spoonlike so, or you can use a smaller one like a teaspoon like this one.all you do is scrape it across the surface at a little bit of an angle and it just removesthe skin from the ginger. you can also use a big one, it doesn’t really matter whatspoon you use but the great thing about spoons is they can get into the crevices and valleyswhere other tools can’t really get into

and they just remove the skin from the gingerso you’re leftover with much more ginger root at the end of peeling.there we go – done. recipe in the world.add 2 egg yolks, one broke slightly there, and then you want to add half a teaspoon ofmustard, just like so, followed by 2-tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. then onetablespoon of water, this is very important – this is the key here to make the blendermayonnaise. then you want to add ⽠teaspoon of flaked salt, just like so – that wassmoked flaked salt. and then you want to follow that with 240-milliliters of canola oil. youcan use any other kind of oil and you’ll get different flavors of mayonnaise, but thisis a very good oil to use for making it.

once you’ve done that then you want to takeyour hand blender and place it in, i always put it at an angle so there’s no air pocketand then you press it against your egg yolks at the bottom and start it. this is very important,don’t pull it up until it starts to become mayo and then slowly pull it up so that itcan make the mayonnaise. once it becomes a thick consistency you want to pump it up anddown quickly while it’s still on the blender and this will create a homogenous mayonnaise,just like this. once you’ve done that just pull it out andthere you go, you’ve got the simplest, easiest delicious mayonnaise you can make. there isno point to really buy mayonnaise when you can make it this easily.4: cutting board movement

cutting boards are great for cutting but sometimesthey can slip and slide and move. now this can be very dangerous when you’re usinga big sharp knife like this. if it moves at the wrong moment you would cut yourself. avery simple solution i found for this is i went to ikea and bought this special rollthey have; it’s sort of sticky material that used to keep carpets just cut it to size and place it underneath your cutting board and it stays put and doesnot move. if you don’t want to go to ikea and get this or you don’t want to spendthe very small amount of money to get this then i’ve got another solution for just take some water and a paper towel, just put it in there then remove most of thewater and then just unravel that, place it

on your surface, place the cutting board ontop, press down and then it does not move. now i do recommend the other material fromikea but if you can’t get this the other system is a very cheap and easy solution thatyou can use to keep your cutting board in place.5: soft butter trick sometimes you want to spread some butter butwhen you take it out of the fridge the butter is super hard and really hard to spread. thisis super annoying, so what do you do? you usually just pop it in the microwave butthe issue with this is it always seems to over melt the butter and make it into a bigsoupy mess just like this. that can be very annoying, so there must be a better way.well there is, take a cheese grater and then

you just grate your butter stick. yes that’sright, grate your butter stick. that’s got two added benefits – one, itdelivers energy to the butter by the grating motion which makes it a bit softer and alsothe higher surface area makes it softer quicker also. lastly it’s in this funny interestingspaghetti like consistency which now is super spreadable so you can just spread it on whateveryou want and you have nice soft butter. success! 6: easy poached eggalright so the worst thing that can happen when you’re poaching eggs is this – theegg white runs away from the egg yolk and leaves it completely unprotected in the waterand then it just comes out all weird like flat and the egg yolk is completely’s a very simple trick to make perfect

poached eggs every single time.take a little bit of cling film, place it into a bowl just like this, then crack youregg and drop it in just like so. then pick up the sides of the cling film and just wrapit around tightly, trying to remove as much air as you can away from the egg. once you’vedone that then you want to take a little piece of string like this, wrap it around and thentie one tight know just like this. once you’ve done that just remove any excess cling filmthat’s not necessary. the great thing about this technique is youcan ready make them and have them in the fridge ready to go for whenever you want to makethem. i’m just going to use one right now andjust drop it in some hot boiling water, and

you can do many at the same time because youdon’t have to pay much attention and just leave it in for four minutes to cook. onceyou’ve done that then you just fish it out just like so.i recommend you let it cool down a little bit before you unwrap it, and once it’scooled down untie the knot just like this and then unravel the cling film very gentlyjust like so, and then you’ve got a perfectly poached egg you can use with your eggs benedictor salad or whatever you want. on the inside you have a delicious slightlyrunny egg yolk just like this – done! end

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