house design 20 x 45

how do i say it, boss? there's a new mermaid in the sea? the very sight of hercan set your desires on fire. she should invoke fire in our heart. come on. hey..stop! stop the boat! stop! hey..what are carrying on the boat?

what's on the boat? prawns. female prawns! surrender. i said surrender now! let's go on that boat. we've just arrested a gangthat's involved in human-trafficking they kidnap girls and sell them tothe highest bidder in other countries. these kidnappings arenever reported here, because.. ..a lot of girls from abroad, come togoa without informing their parents.

their kidnapperstake advantage of this. their parents don't havea clue about their kidnapping. and that's why most of thecomplaints are never recorded. but soon we'll find themastermind behind this racket.. ..and know who they are. no need to show such enthusiasm. my name is makrand kamati,and this dock is my lair. i own countless fishing boats. i am the king..of this dock.

but that's just my part-time job. my main business is drugs. and..girls too. i've been in this business.. ..since i was stillin my mother's womb. and now this worthless inspector.. ..wants to kill me. i will kill you. shoot.

shoot! does anyone else has thesame honesty fever like him? eijaz, killing a policeofficer can create problems. turn him into a living dead. rascal, scoundrel.. turn him around. i'll break the rascal's back. whenever he sits on the commode,he'll think about you. no!

you want to sc*** boss? this is where thebrain's situated, right. the police have reallytroubled me a lot. there are many rascals in this world. but i am their boss. hey-hey-hey..i am a traveler, man. give me the money.- i don't have any money. wallet.- trust me, man..i don't have a wallet. check.

nothing is there. what the hell, man. you don't even have 1 euro? not even a cent?- no. take care, man. let's go. how about some money for the beatings? i want money. what the hell is going on?

i said i want money. hey.. don't ever mess with an indian. now shell out the money.- hey you.. wow! where are you hiding it? only 10 euros. bloody beggar. will you pay up quietlyor should i beat you up? money!

oh..i am sorry. do you have money, wallet..- no money? wallet?- no wallet. no.. wallet..wallet..- take this. is the jeep yours?- yes, man. they mugged me and tied me up.- oh.. oh, thanks. this wallet is mine, sir.- yours?

take it.- thanks. take care boys, have a great day. thank you.- bye. next time you ask for money,be polite. must find a job soon. i am..varun! i need a part-time job. thank you so much. i hope someone will respond quickly.

i will take up any job. that's enough. 'foreign language' "angel." hi.- hi. excuse me.- oh my, god. what's wrong? what's wrong with you?- heart attack. priya. come quickly.

he's having a heart-attack. please, be quiet..or yourcondition will get worse. we'll be at the hospital soon. number.- whose number? please call my brother,i must speak to him. yes.. priya, give me your phone. we'll get caught up in this mess. stop talking nonsense,and give me your phone. we can't take a risk.

give me your brother's number.- 6246.. 311..- 311.. 424..- 424.. i think you gave me your number. give me your brother's number.- mom-dad-brother, i can be anyone. thanks for your number. i'll call you up tomorrow andtell you where we'll go for our date liar..cheat..get out of the car! get out!

you stupid-idiothow dare you try to fool us. naã¯ve girl..would you have given meyour number so easily if i had asked? never.- exactly. if a average lookinggirl like you can say no.. ..then she looks like a film-star. she would've nevergiven me her number. why you?- let it be. let it be. priya seems short-tempered. what is your name?- like i will tell you.

why don't i tellyou my address as well? you've got a temper too.- just shut up. my name is varun. wait.. bloody hoodlum.- at least tell me your name. please..- who does he think he is? at least tell me your pet name. please..please..hello. tell me your address. where will i look for you?- get lost.

yes, i am lost. krishna, i just don't understandyour style of function. you've made me theboss of this place.. let me work independently. someone's always meddlinghis nose in my business. krishna, you make me the trustee. i will turn this entireworld..into a harmonious place. rukmani. rukmani. lord.- where is she?

lord.- how many times do i tell you? it's your duty to fall at yourhusband's feet and take his blessings. forgive me, lord.- useless woman.. ..where are the children. they..- you called, papa. yes i did.. because i want to take your blessings. greetings, father. don't just show respect, mean it.

where is your useless,good-for-nothing sister? she's gone to receive her friend.- friend? boy-friend or girl-friend? hi, uncle.- how are you, dear? when did you come?- i just got here today. everyone fine at home.- all okay. i just need your blessings. oh, paying respect to me. now that's the culture of india.

our blessings are with you. don't look at her.. i meant mine and lord krishna's. come, take my blessings.- bless me, father. may you get married within a month. you're getting married?- this is why i called you. father's looking for a 100%vegetarian, brahmin groom for me. it's what he keepsranting about all day. then go ahead, what's the problem?

i want to get married too,but with the one i love. what?- yes..i am in love. love? will your papa say yes?- not even in his dreams. if he finds out, he will kill me. so when are you going to tell him? not me, you will. my father never says no to you. only you can do this,i don't know how. but you must convince him.

thank you so much, senorita. hello.- varun. yes.- part-time, job. yes.- come to hibelona, 10 street. sure. thanks.. i got a part-time job, man.- that's good. what is your boyfriend's name?- haridas. haridas? is he old-school,just like his name? hey..he's a singer,lyricist, musician..

and he even has a rock-band, you know. wait, i'll check. you here? oh, god.. that's all i can take, get out. hello. i didn't come here for you. i am just lucky,that i got a chance to deliver this. deliver what?

who is shriya? priya's sister? shriya. shriya.- hey..wait. wait here, i'll send shriya out.- fine. but what's your name? shriya.- yeah. collect your delivery. i am shriya, where do i sign? do you like her? is she your sister?

she's like my elder sister. what's her name?- hyati. hyati? what kind of a name is that? whatever.. hey haati, now i know your name. it's not haati, its hyati.- right, haati. it's hyati. get lost. your sister has a really short-temper.

there's nothing one can do about it. order a pizza every day..- only if it's free. whether i give you a freepizza or not, but we can be friends. if you keep talking to him,i will break your teeth. hurry up, please.- okay, 5 euros. bye. boss, why do girls have such attitude? they look innocent and naã¯ve. but if you touch them, they snap back.

hopless. and indian girls are a bigger problem. befriending themis next to impossible. befriending them meanslosing peace and slumber. insomnia. first you lose your sleep.then memory loss. i forget to do what i do every day. what is this? a learned man once rightly said..

the more ordinary she looks,the more attitude she has. she's grinded my brain. such attitude,she even refused to tell me her name. as if her name's on the fbi's list. when i said her name's 'haati',she said it's 'hyati'. oh, god.- what happened? don't worry,'s a mild heart-attack. okay, man. i wish you could understand hindi.

only a man can understandanother man's pain. i need you to swim. lord.. papa seems to be in a good mood. he's watching titanic. talk to him before hegets in a bad mood. please. i'll talk to him. i won't let your ship sink.- great. 'listen to me, rose.'

you're watching titanic, uncle.- yes, dear. are you watchingit for the first time? not at all.i am watching it for the 25th time. that means you like love stories? me.- yes. i hate love stories. and yet you watched it 25 times. i like watching the titanic sink,and the people drowning in water. that's the only scene ifind interesting in this film.

every person in the world.. ..likes to see the otherperson's ship sinking. few people boarded the titanic,dreaming of a memorable journey. but unfortunately, two lovers calledjack and rose boarded the boat too. they were busy in kissing-hugging,singing-dancing, drawing. idiots. and the titanicsunk because of these two lovers. what was their fault?- was it my fault? did i make the ship sink? shameless lovers, get in thecar and do such shameless things.

well, that's tolerable. it doesn't end there. they upstairs, on the deck. and romance out inthe open without any shame. openly. the driver was busy watching them.curses. and he lets the titaniccollide with the iceberg. they annihilated humanity. and all because ofthose two wretched lovers.

not just titanic,but many families drowned too. take a lesson from this.don't get involved in love. and don't let anyoneelse fall for it either. that's what i've taught my kids. you can learn from them. understand. now that's 100% bad luck. if the titanic's directorhad heard my father.. ..then, he would'vedefinitely committed suicide.

or made titanic 2 without lovers. haati! it's not haati, its hyati. you should've kept a simpler name. with such a tongue twister name,it will twist my brains too. i want to talk to you.- go on. do you know my name? i don't want to know. oh..

i don't know why,but..i want to tell you about myself. my name is varun. i am a traveler. you must have heard about hippies.something like that. i travel from one country to another. i am a free soul. i've no one.. but currently,there's you two. since i saw you.. ..i couldn't sleep. i get mild heart-attacks.

we don't want to hearanymore of your cheap-story. if you don't mind,i want a small favor. go on. i want to kiss you. what did you say? i need a deep lip kiss. what are you staring at him for?slap him. why did you slap me?- do you know what you just said? i only asked for a kiss.- just a kiss?

how dare you talk to a girl like this? don't you have any manners? minute. excuse me.- what? hi. i am varun.- yeah. do you know i am followingyou for the last four days? following me?- why? because i find you very beautiful. thank you.

i feel like i want to kiss you. kiss me? no way, i can't kiss you. i have a boy friend, sorry. thanks for asking me, varun. i feel it's like a compliment. well, i can't kissyou..but i can hug you. do you want a hug? yeah-yeah-yeah.. i never miss outof anything that's free.

thank you, varun.- yeah. bye, take care.- bye.. so tell me,isn't she cultured, or me..or you? it's hard to describewhat you mean to me. so i asked for a kiss. "aalo.." "o girlo." "kiss on my..lips." "lips."

"oh yeah.." "" "it's time to move your hips." "one""come kiss me on my lips." hey hyati,haridas just returned last night.. ..from a show in ibiza.- show? what does he do in the show?- singing, music, dancing. same thing that other djs do.- oh wow, he's a dj. he's a star. - wow!

how do i look in this dress? that's the 100th you've asked look amazing. be very polite to my hari.he's very sensitive. he gets offended easily. you're so concerned about hari. i will rag him politely. just ask him a few easy questions,that's all. okay.. okay. look at him.

looks like a wild-buffalo. and giving us flying-kisseswith his big swollen lips. don't say that, he's my boyfriend. he's hari. haridas, my baby. are you crazy? please, hyati. i love him. you're in love with this tribal. hi, my baby..- hi, sweetheart. how are you?

god, protect her. come, meet my friend.- yeah.. like i said, this is hari. hi, this is hari. haridas.- hi. hyati.- hyati, nice meeting you. she told me a lot about you. would you like to go for a drink? yeah, sure.- come on. come, let's go.

my baby, what happened? you were not in touchfor me for two hours. i was busy practicing, i am sorry. i missed you.- i missed you too. stop it.. you two didn't meet for two hours.. ..but feels like you'relong-lost lovers. we're meeting after two months. my've become so dark.

will he actually marry you,or is it just time-pass? that's the problem with us indians. that rascal asked you fora kiss on your first meeting. do you know what he asked for? my marriage. my sweet-sweet baby.- yeah..i can't live without you. even i am tensedto see this big baby.. ..and, i wonder whatwill uncle go through? uncle, why do your devoteescall you black-beauty?

you're not black, you're blue.romantic blue. lord! where were you two?- we were out shopping, uncle. what is this?- what, papa? what is the color ofthe top you're wearing? it's black.- you know i don't like black. i won't even toleratea black kerchief. do you know what black means?- black. black is the color of lord saturn.

if you wear black,you get influenced by saturn. stupid fellow. take it off and throw it away.- hey.. dear, throw out everyblack thing from this house. don't hesitate. you're the only one who understandsmy emotions, my thoughts. yes. such a ruckus over a black top. imagine what he'll do whenhe sees his black son-in-law.

priya, i can't tell..he'll kill me. i don't know how you will do it.but you must do it. i can't live without baby. boss, amo's calling from spain. yes, amo. the stuff's here,it's loaded in the van. where do i make the delivery? write it down.- tell me. alanda..siera..29 puzo.

make no mistakes during delivery. i'll arrange fora return flight ticket. okay.- amo, be careful. the police have their eyes on you. fine. what did you say?your sister's in love? even after all the restrictions.. ..she's dreaming ofmarrying a african boy. and hyati is helping her.

i see.. so tell me, will your father agree?- no chance at all. he won't say yes even if lordkrishna comes down to convince him. what's wrong? who are you looking for? someone's waiting here for me.i am trying to identify him. amo?- yes. hi, i am varun? you applied for a part-time job.- yeah. see that van.deliver it to this address.

cool.. 50 euros. - yes. 29 puzo street.. okay. make no mistakes. thanks.. let's go.- who is this girl? she is my friend.- are you going to take her along too? why do you want to know? i can't go without her. i feel scared. i know the address.- you do. which side?- left-left-left.

sierra?- yes. why are you people carrying guns?- what? i saw the gun, show me. what's going on? when you hired me,why were you following me? your job's done, now get lost. i want to see what's in this box. what is this? sugar? or brown-sugar. it's filled with cocaine.

call the police.- yes. hey-hey-stop..stop! varun! hello, police. i need help. take down the address. what's this, a free show? don't you want to fight? get up. are you deaf?

oh, man.. what's this? the police is here.. no time to return the punch. bloody oaf. everybody down!- don't move! if anybody tries, i'll shoot. who is he?- i don't know him. then why did you give him the job? you said i shouldn'twander out too much..

..that's why i called him. die you.. i think he's got nothing better to do. she's doing nothing,at least she can answer my call. what is it? listen, i am at thepolice station now. if a local resident signs for me,they will release me. can you send priya here? how did you landin the police station?

they arrested me in a drug case. very good. stay there for the next 10-15 years. hey..- what is it? he thinks he'll call and we'll come. we'll never come. we can't come.- oh.. give the phone to priya. here.

speak up. if you don't come down tothe police station immediately.. ..with your passport, then.. then what? i will tell your fatherabout your black beauty. what black beauty. hari.. haridas. your black baby. how do you know? are you coming or not?

is passport enough? do they need any other document? how does he know about my baby? let's find out. do you know him? he's a friend, he's like family., hyati,her respected father, haridas. we're all one big family. right? okay, you can go.

stupid girl, can't you keep a secret. you.. i will show you. okay, we helped you out. now you go your way,and we'll go our way. the scores are settled. no more blackmailing. even i am tired of this fighting. i need some entertainment.

turn around,i want to see how you look from back. what? i won't do that. priya, your bad time starts now. ask her to turn around,or i will spill everything. okay. turn around. what are you doing?- did you see? see all you want. is it okay? wow, what a beautiful sight. can i get a replay telecast?- no way.

respected father..- no-no-no.. please.. please hyati.- stop it. what do you want? you didn't get it.just one kiss..only for an hour. you mean one hour? are you crazy? one small kiss..thatmust burn 3000 calories. brings the sky and the earth together. and makes the universe rock and roll. i am not asking for yourwealth..all i want is a kiss.

what is a kiss? two lips touching each other. the pressure createdfrom the lip-lock.. ..opens many mysteries. whether it's love or lust. friendship..or just formality. and for me it's reallyimportant to know. an hour long kiss can only be lust. priya, is that yourexperience with haridas?

what is the logic behind kissing me? do you want to marry me?- i don't believe in marriages. so, do you love me?- i can never make such a mistake. you've been followingme around for so long.. ..i thought you love me. hello, i can't endurethe burden of relationships. we've such a short-life. do we have to get in arelationship with whoever we meet? you want me to pay yourbills for the rest of your life.

why? why? do you want me topay the bills instead? you mean you will dump meas soon as you get what you want.'re getting it wrong. you'll dump me instead. all men are same. they confuse everyone for a new logic. priya, don't curse boys.- why not? all boys are same.

useless and hopeless like you. they can think of only one thing.that's it. so be, will you kiss me? it's a big no. then i'll go see father. you've been blackmailingus for 4 days now. you don't have to tell him,we'll go tell him ourselves. hey..don't say that, please. do you love that haridas?- i do.

don't you have any guts?- i do.. so..will you dump himbecause of his blackmailing? i can't.- so you'll tell your papa. let's tell him together. you can go do whatever you want.come on. poor father.. father! so how's this guy?- this one look's nice. this one looks smart.- let me see..

we're watching photos. we've proposals from some 100%vegetarian brahmin boys for priya. uncle, stop this nonsense..please. what?- why don't you understand? priya won't marry any of these guys.- why? because she loves someone else.- love? yes, love..this is no ordinary love. it's black and white love?- black and white? yes, priya is in lovewith a black african.

hey, do you really love him? tell uncle thatwhatever i said is true. she's telling the truth. tell him his name? his name is haridas. how long have known him? 4 years, papa. not just that,you're going to meet him right now. clench your heart.

you must get used to such shocks now. hari. baby. hello, father-in-law, how are you? sir, i want to marry your daughter. we're in deep love. krishna.- mom. krishna! lord..this is how yourewarded my years of penance?

i chant your name every time.. ..but you never thought about me. my daughter's been having anaffair with that tribal for 4 years.., why didn't you stop her? i light a lamp for you every day.. ..and you've spreaddarkness in my life, lord. how can i accept thatafrican as my son-in-law? no, lord..never! i won't accept himas my son-in-law, lord.

i don't accept. i surrender my homeand everything to you, lord. now everything's yourresponsibility, lord. i resign, now you assign. you've humiliated me, lord. krishna.. you would never want your devoteeto swallow poison in front of you. will you stop me? you won't? you won't even try?

i get your attitude,you cannot stop me, krishna. there is no other option left now. no-no-father-in-law.- no.. no.. no.- uncle.. papa..- uncle.. papa.. father, open the door. lord. nothing to worry about.

oh! thank you.- you're welcome. baby.- don't cry. my daddy.- everything will be fine. dear. how is he now? he is out of danger. but you said he swallowed poison? yes, he did.but it was beyond the expiry date. so it had no effect.- oh..

this is all your fault. what if something had happened to him? did i poison him? you're responsible for this. this is your fault. i got irritated andtold uncle everything. you forced me.- hey, stop over-acting. what's this?you're turning your back on me. i did this for the sake of your love.

look..what's done is done. now think about a wayto convince uncle, okay. sit, baby.- thank you. so priya, how is papa now? he's much better now. so tell me your plan. last night i thought deeplyabout your papa's nature. there are many ways to commit suicide. but he chose poison.

that clearly indicatesthat he's a timid and coward man. just tell us the plan quickly. i was getting to that. my plan is very simple. i will disguise myself, and attackhiwhen he's on his way to the temple. your baby will arriveat the spot and save him. and he will be impressed.- cool. once he's impressed,baby and you can get married. you call that a plan.

every other hindimovie has the same plan. and this plan alwaysworks abroad. right? your papa is fromthe older generation. so he should understand the plan. newer methods can confuse him. now the decision is yours. don't tell me that you'rethinking about this stupid plan. doesn't sound like a bad plan? i think this planwill definitely work.

you're very intelligent. as soon as the plan succeeds,you two will get married. and as soon as you two settle down.. we'll reach a settlement too. what settlement?- you must kiss me. why will i kiss youif these two get married? do it..or else you willnever be happy after hurting him. enough, priya. she willnever understand these things. 'although i've this furiousexpression on my face..'

'..but my heart laughs outaloud on varun's naã¯ve statements.' 'i control my smile..orelse he'll take advantage of it.' 'he looks brazen,but he's actually quite decent.' 'a lot of girl fallin love with useless boys.' 'maybe you can dosomething similar too.' 'why do you try tofind some goodness in me?' 'i will kiss you likeone of those cheeky boys.' "you've already touched my heart." 'whenever i see you sleepingout on the streets..'

' the cold,without any qualms or complaints..' '..i feel for you.' 'the truth is..i've comehere thrice to meet you.' 'but i won't tell you this.' hare krishna! what is this?- shell out the moola. you mean money.- yes, money. no money.- i see. no money.- no money.

give me the money.- i am common man. why are you hitting me? don't worry, father-in-law, i am here. don't touch me.- hey.. i get it. this is a charade. first you sent a goon,then you sent hari. now they are fighting,and trying to impress me. i've seen such cheap tricks to winover the heroine's father in films. and you're trying that on me.

i may look like a fool, but i am not. how did he find out? back in the days, we usedto mouth such sounds. - come on. come on, hit me. what are you doing here?- then who's there? i got caught up in traffic,so i am late. he's hitting my baby. go. go.- go. - okay.

i know everything. now who's this new guy. oh, god! i can do that too. i'll sprain my back. no money-no money. useless. i've understood your cheap plan. my daughter must be secretlywatching this entire charade.

hide-hide. come here, stand in a line. come quickly. come on, or i'll have to drag you. dear boy, you couldn'tunderstand their plan, could you? no. my own daughter cookedup this cheap trick.. ..and staged an attack on me,so that she can marry this african. if you really wantto fall in love, then.. should be someonefair and handsome, like him. thank you, sir.- it's alright. hyati, i trusted you. i thought you're my well-wisher,and my daughter's too. and yet you supportedher and this wild bear. if something unearthly had occurred.. ..then, how couldi have faced the world? you're getting me wrong.- no, dear. i hate explanations. i am hurt.

i am hurt. i am getting hurt continuously. it's your fault thatuncle misunderstood me. you ruined the greatrelation i had with him. how will i face him now? you don't get one thing. he knows the truth about us now. the next plan will be more effective. keep your stupid plans to yourself.

hari krishna!- hari krishna! hey hero..what brings you here? i'm here for your blessings. bless me. may the lord fulfill all your desires.- hari krishna! guru.- yes, son. i've a small doubt.- go ahead, son. is it possible to do anything..without the knowledge of krishna? impossible.

we're ordinary humans beings.nothing is under our control. we're just actors, he's the director. and there's always a reasonbehind everything he does. there's a message behind it. what a melodious voice! whose voice is it, guru? "lord krishna questionsmother yashodha.." "..why is radha so fair,and me so dark?" "with a smile the lord krishna"

"you were born on a dark night." "son, you're dear tome..more than my life.." "..and that's why you're dark." who is he, son? it's him, sir?- who? it's him..he's that. guru..this is no charade. this hardcore meat-eater.. ..has turned vegetarianfor the sake of your daughter.

he's quit drinking,and only drink holy water. and he's learning indiandevotional songs to impress you. he wants your permissionfor the wedding. if you still say no, thenhe will sing another religious song. hey, come on, start. i love priya,please bless me father-in-law. i need your blessings. please, father-in-law.- please say yes! i understand your planning.

if he becomes my son-in-law, then.. ..your divine-play can beestablished in south africa as well. but why this divine play. we could've talked directly,heart-to-heart. or you could've texted me on twitter,facebook or whatsapp. how did this communicationgap come between us, lord? you didn't inform meand suddenly made this plan. i became a joke to everyone.what is this? i obey all your commands,i'm your servant you know.

papa has agreed for sister's marriage. yeah! thank you so much. soon he'll be decidingon a wedding date. thank you so much, made my life. that's okay.- thank you very much, varun. i very much appreciated that.- anytime. because of you it has were great, varun. i want to talk to you. tell me something about yourself.- like?

what's your goal in life? living without any goal,that's my goal. how can you make acareer without any goal? i don't want to be anyone in life. this is what i want to do.- where's your home? i don't have a home,nor do i want to make one. and savings?- i hate savings. i don't have back-account either.'re roaming like a beggar.

almost. but i don't beg.i take up jobs. today here..tomorrow there.and one day i will die like this. that's how animals live too. there's no differencebetween you and them. there isn't. why would any girl want tofall in love with a boy like that? it's okay.i don't need girls, nor their love. i'm not going to yearn for anyone. so you want a girl to kiss you,but not love you.

exactly. what girl would like to do that?- someone who likes me. you will never find anyone like that. i don't have a problem with that. hyati, let me tellyou a secret about boys. we first see a girl..thenwe flirt around with her. exchange numbers. then 'miss you baby..missyou sweety..oh, so cute..' we keep boring eachother on facebook-twitter..

we lose our sleep over it. squander money..oncandle-night dinners. after all that hard work,when we finally get a kiss.. ..then it makes us really happy. and we start looking for another girlas soon as we see symptoms of breakup. same process all over again. hyati, moral of the story is.. i guess the boys only lovethe process, and not the girl. but still,girls think boys are crazy about them.

let me tell you another thing. even girls love this process. theydon't care about the boy's feelings. so hyati, what will i haveto do for this kiss? tell me. go drown yourself of shame. hyati. think about it again. i'll only be here for three more days. and then. i'll somewhere else. no need to wait for three days,you can leave today.

i am leaving tomorrow. tomorrow is my last day. i know that you will soon forget me. i just wanted to see youone last time. okay. please come. i won't come.- whether you come or not.. ..i will wait for youat the bull-fight stadium. so guru, busy with your new relatives. busy? come here. i've a doubt.

who will my grandchildren look like? guru, forget this question. your grandchildren willlook like their father. dark color. will they be a little fair?- no chance. there are no shades in black. don't worry, everything will be fine. hyati, i know you really like him. he's a really sweet guy.

if you don't meet him today,you will never see him again. take my advice. yeah, amo. i've found that guy,should i kill him? who is he? i don't have timeto find out his details. should i kill him or not? don't you know what to do? what's stopping you from killing him?

rascal.- kill him! kill him! kill the rascal.. kill him! okay. yes! the match hasn't started yetand the third-umpire's already here. i guess you came in thisarena for some romance instead. how about you fight us first? fine, i'll deal with you first. who knows whether i'll everget my hands on you again, or not?

come on! we still have to settle an old score. how about we do it today? varun.- hey.. i wasn't too seriouswhile beating you up. if you don't let my friend go, i.. i will turn thiscloth into your shroud! if you wait here any longer,you won't go back alive. will you leave with thatstool or on a stretcher?

huh! hey, hit him. beat him. you hit him, i am going.- bloody coward. varun..will you make a promise? what promise? i'll do what you want,but you must do what i want too. no, first tell me.- why, scared of making a promise? i am scared that i may notbe able to keep my end of the promise. don't worry,i won't force you to marry me.

then i am not worried. you see hyati, i don't like makingfalse promises and breaking heart. that's not me. don't keep any hopes with me.the decision is yours. i am right beforeyou like a open book. tell me what to do. "lips.." "oh, yeah! oh, yeah!" this kiss has proven.. place in your heart. you want a promise, don't you?what is it? tell me. hyati. say something. varun, i was angry all thesedays because of your brazen nature. but i never realizedwhen i fell in love. i don't know whetheri should be happy or sad. but i know these thingshave no meaning for you.

because you have no place for love,emotions or marriage in your heart. but still i wantyou to make a promise. don't ever show me your face again. don't ever come infront of me ever again. i love you. you're dead for me. we must leave forthe airport in one hour. i hope we get on time.. did, varun leave?

i don't know. you didn't call him? should i talk to him? i don't have anything to do with him. i don't want to see him again. everything is over. one coffee for you. is varun working here?- no. you know where he is?- i don't know.

did he give any number?- no. give me your blessings, uncle. i'll see you. take care. bye, dear.- bye. i wonder where he's disappeared to.- who are you talking about? that useless guy disappeared suddenly.- everyone's useless here. where do i look for him now?- look in hell! stop bothering me.

'foreign language.' oh my, god. she's drunk. who the hell are you? varun! varun! how dare you drink and drive? who? me?- hey.. careful. madam. how do my lips look?

superb. and my legs? amazing. stop staring me up. do you have a driving license?- i've an international license. just because you have a license,doesn't mean you can drive rashly. i will remember that. i am cancelling your licenseright away. - you must. don't ever let me catch youin the driver's seat again. - never.

don't let me catch you again. bye.- bye. i wonder if she willmake it home alive, or not. this drunk girl drive. do i have to look after all the girls? take care of thesebeautiful girls, lord. varun. hi, i am morris.- hi. pool is over there.go and clean the pool.

okay.- yeah. thanks.- thank you. oh wow! if only this beach is mine,this swimming-pool is mine.. ..and i get to swim witha beautiful girl in this pool.. ..then life will be amazing. hey, varun. you're cleaning the pool. what are you doing here?and you remember my name? you were so drunk that night.

my memory gets better when i am drunk. come here.- yeah. is this your pool? no, it's a common pool. this is where i live.- oh.. yes. chitrangada. chitran..- nice to meet you. nice name. pardon me,but i am a bit of a loud mouth.

i blurt out whatever's on my mind. you know..i really like you. is this your profession? it is today.- and tomorrow? tomorrow is another day. what are you doing today evening? i'm free in the evening. let me know if you have a job. i will be there.- ' foreign language.'

why aren't you letting go of my hand? its bad manners.- you're holding my hand. doesn't make a difference.- ' foreign language.' varun.- yes. come to mallis tonight.- mallis. yeah.- where is mallis? just come. i think she won't let me go so easily. "without heart's restless.."

"do something, sweetheart." "it's hard to control my heart now." "don't make excuses, for my sake." i hope i didn't make a mistake byaccepting to spend the night with you. you're not as innocent as you look. i am allergic to attachment. like you. you know.. i want to kiss you.-'foreign language.' lord, i thought i am one in a million.

but you made another copyof me without my permission. thank you so much.- 'foreign language.' come. hey, look at me. look into my eyes..and kiss me. so who is it? she's a friend.- meaning? i mean she's just a friend. a friend just like me.

yes. both are same. do you love her?- no! i've never been in love. and i've clearly told her that. her bad luck, because she got serious. she made me promise thatwe will never meet again. we won't.. that's all she said and left. why? do you know you're crying?

what? do you realize thereare tears in your eyes? now tears are tricklingdown even faster. this means you don'trealize that you love her. no. i don't love anyone. in fact, just thinkingabout her is a waste of time. i don't know where she is,or in what condition. i missed you a lotin the past month, papa. and raman uncle inquiredabout you every day.

he said i should take you to spain.. that he can getyou advanced treatment. he's been silentlike this for 16 months. except for hearing and listening,he's lost all his other senses. i will never agree for this. taking him therecan be quite expensive. there's a specialistdoctor for such cases. but his consultancy fees andthe travel itself will cost a million. the operation and treatmentwill cost 3 to 3.5 million more.

and even after all that.. ..the operation has veryscarce chances of succeeding. i know your financialposition very well. that's why i didn'tdiscuss surgery with you. even if there's a scarce chance,we'll get this surgery done. papa means everything to us,we want him to get well. your entire propertyis stuck in a legal battle. none of the documents are clear. pardon me, but we can't spendany money on such a property.

but there's a businessman in goa.. ..who deals in suchdisputed properties. his name is makrand kamati. if he buys this property.. ..he will pay you at least 2 million. that's too less. our house is very big. then let's do one thing,i'll visit your house again. and get a valuation done again.

by the way,i think you should meet mr. makrand. varun. come here. 'i couldn't stop myselffrom falling in love with you.' 'but you won'tunderstand my feelings.' 'don't ever show me your face again.' 'but i love you.' hello.- priya, varun speaking. varun, how are you? can i speak to hyati?- but she isn't here.

she isn't? then where did she go? she went back to her country. which country?- why? priya, give me her number. i am sorry, varun. i can't give you her number. she has asked me not to. i don't know what happened you two. but she doesn't want to talk to you.

priya, please..listen to me. sorry, varun.- priya. varun was asking for hyati's number,wasn't he? give it to him, please. who do you want?- makrand kamati. boss, that police officer'swife and daughter are here to see you. which police officer? hello, sir. i am inspector madhusudan's wife.

his condition is getting worse. i've heard about him. he was paralyzed sometime ago.- yes. we need some money for his operation. so we want to sell our house. i've brought the documents along. please help us. please. it will be done. go now, i'll comehome and discuss this.

fine. we will leave.- thank you sir. let's go, dear. i didn't know that the inspectorhad such a beautiful daughter. we just found out. how did she escape her predators? hey, varun. will you give me a tight slap? you mean slapping? yeah.- okay.

i deserve this, for leaving her. i was born in america,lost both my parents in an accident. i was orphaned at a young age. and i've been wanderingsince that day. and got used to living alone. never thought that i wouldmake place for true love in my heart. never. i've been living without any emotionalattachment, without any feelings. even i have a heart,you made me realize this.

i will find her, at any cost. i've decided. i want to give you a big hug. you're very sweet. varun, you will soon find her! marry her! all the best! thank you! bye.- bye. hello.- hello. hello, mr. madhusudan.

maybe you didn't recognize me?we've met before. he's recognized you. but he can't speak. how much does the operation cost? 5 million. look, this house isn't worth all that. but if you..let me.. ..marry your daughter. what are you trying to say?i don't get it.

i like your daughter. if you let her marry me,i will pay for the operation. not just the operation,i will turn your life around. i won't marry you. it's okay, i won't force you. i just spoke my mind. you can talk your daughter in private. please. go. what are you staring at?

your wife will convinceyour daughter to marry me. boss, your father-in-law..isgetting furious. what? can you stop this wedding? i will marry your daughter andsell her to the highest bidder abroad. and you can't stop me again. but mother..- try to understand. a rich man like himwants to marry you. this relationship willend all the troubles in our life. your papa..will get a new life.

listen to me, dear. my daughter is readyfor this marriage. i knew, you will convince her. priya. hello. they are not at home. they left for south africa.- what? they left for south africa. when will they come back?- i don't know. 'i knew you would come here.'

'you want hyati's address, don't you' 'go goa..gone.' lift.. lift, sir. lift.. hello..lift. "twirl your moustache around.." "don the glasses like anna does.." "mix buttermilk in coconut." "come on with your moods high." do you own the road?

i will scramble you topieces with a single blow. i just want a lift.- lift. there's a style for that. you think you can get a liftby dancing around like prabhu deva. i tried everything,but couldn't get a lift. - what? come on, get in the car. hey, but where are you headed? - goa. hey, pickup your stuff. brother.- you're calling me brother.

how dare you try to be my brother? this is about love. i must go find my girlfriend in goa. and now you're the onlyguy in know in this city. taking advantage. no.- i am not as stupid as i look. come on, pick up your luggage. rajni.- yes, sajni. he said he's looking for his love.please help him.

come on, dear. i am helping you onlybecause of my nayantara. come on, get in. i've made you happy, didn't i? thank you, madam. my rajni's really hotand enthusiast by day. but by night his machine goes cold. do you have to tell him that? see, even the engineis heated up like me.

"all the rajni fans.." "don't miss the chance." "all the rajni fans.."- brother. brother.- what? have you seen this girl?- let it be. see the picture.- i am driving. rajni, see the picture. there's no harm in watching it once. have you seen her anywhere in goa?

no, i've never seen her. let's setup shop quickly. yeah. what is this place?- baga beach. will you park the car here?- yes. are we going to stay here tonight?- of course. brother, i want yourphone number and 500 rupees. you wanted a lift, and i obliged. you asked for the address,and i obliged. now you want my phonenumber and 500 rupees.

you could've asked for a phoneinstead, i would've given you that. do one thing, take her along. sorry brother. but you're the onlyguy i know in this city. i don't have moneyto go around in the city. let's do one thing. i'll look for mygirlfriend during the day. and help you out in the evening. we'll all work together.

you want 500 rupees, don't you?- you mean to say.. ..we'll all spend the night together. here you go.- what are you doing? thank you so much?- you're giving him our money. naina, he's taken more thanwe could earn in a day. - wait for me. madam, we're not runningan orphanage to help anyone. but.. - if we wait here,he'll come back again. come on, location shift.start packing. quickly.- do we have to go?

my original rajni..- what are you doing? location shift.- have you gone mad? your mother called. she said that you needto deposit money in the hospital. how much?- 7 million. boss, your wife looksstunning in this dress. don't be embarrassed of me. please leave me. i must get to thehospital. - how about some romance. then you can leave.- please, let me go.

stop showing this attitude. you'll be mine four days later. so let's rehearse. your lips, delicate as rose. did anyone kiss you before? tell me, how many menhave you been with before? how many affairs did you have? i never had any affair. is it true?

no one? no one? even if there's someone,i will kill him. have you seen this girl? excuse me, have you see her. hyati, i will kill you. get a gift for me when you come back.- excuse me. excuse me.- wait, i will call you back. yeah.- hyati? yeah.- you know hyati?

yeah, i know. where is she? i want to talk to her. she's gone to switzerlandfor honeymoon. she got married?- yeah. when?- three days ago, why? is this your friend, hyati? no, that's not her. i am not from around here,i am from mumbai. sorry.- okay, thank you.

did you find hyati? no, but my heart saysshe's somewhere around. i just don't knowwhen i will find her. varun, try to findher from your heart. my heart says,that you will find her, varun. don't lose courage. hyati! where are you? here you go. what do you want?- do you have rice-cakes?

then pack two sandwiches.- okay. poor varun.i wonder if he found her or not. hey drama queen, you looksadder than her. do you want a slap? concentrate on work. here you go, madam.- thank you. you're welcome! she forgot the sauce.hello-hello-hello. don't you want sauce, madam? no, thank you.

don't want it, okay? 'have you seen her?' hey, that's the samegirl varun was looking for. is that her?- yes. why didn't i recognize her?- yes, she is. how would you know? you didn't see her picture that day. you didn't even givehim your phone number. and you also changed location.

what are you staring at? go find her.- okay. okay. i am going.- let's go. where did she disappear to? how will we inform that guy? maybe he's still on bagha beach? okay, fine. hey hero.. what's wrong, brother? you promised that we'll meet here,so what happened?

it's a good thing i lied! thanks to the locationchange i met your heroine. what do you mean?- your girlfriend. what did you say?- it was the same girl.. you showed us her pictureon your cellphone. same to same. are you sure it was her?- it was her. she took two sandwiches from here. by the time we realized, she wasalready gone. - which way did she go?

she went this way. and from where she came? she came this way,and went this way too. where could she go?- where? maybe college?is there a college around? college.yes, there's a college close-by. darling, look after the shop. hello-hello-hello..wait.- what happened? maybe she won't beat college at this hour.

because she won't come thisfar from college to eat a sandwich. let's check the bus-stop close-by.- yes. maybe we'll find her there.- okay. let's go. come fast. run, man. run. wait.- what happened? i don't think she got on any bus.- how do you know? listen to me.this is the local bus-stop. you..- don't hit me. don't get worried.

even i get worried. let me think. she didn't go to the college.not the bus-stop. she won't take thesandwich to the temple. she had something..- stop playing the violin. she had a lunchbox in her hand. lunchbox?- lunchbox.. she took it to the hospital. let's go, hero.- come on.

who do you want, son?- sorry, aunty. hyati! what are you saying? how is that possible? hold. go home. yeah. how could that container get caught? there were 20 girls in it.

do you know how much i lost? rascal, you can'tdo a single thing right. do you know who the buyer is? he will kill you. we've taken 100 million in advance. go bribe the acp. tell him to release our men. if he doesn't agree, let me know. i will explain him in my way.

i told you not toshow me your face again. why did you come back? i need you. why do you need me? i can't live without you. come with must. you're too late. my life has completely changed. see that man.i am getting married to him.

my wedding is four days from now. you know, he didn'task me to kiss you. he asked for my handin marriage instead. he also gave 5 millionfor papa's operation. do you get it? i don't care who he is. come with me.- leave me! it makes a difference to me. he's my husband.

husband? if that's true, i will kill him. what are you so proud of? you. you're my pride. i love you! i..hate you! i can't live without you.i will kill myself! stop this madness.

i can never be yours. go away.for my sake! please go! what happened, varun?- she asked me to leave. why? she rejected me,and marrying someone else. but i won't give up so easily. i won't leave without marrying her. i will finish that makrand.

are you thinkingabout killing makrand? have you lost your mind? do you know who he is? makrand kamati. he's a real monster. i've heard that..he'sthe head of some mafia group. listen, take my advice.forget that girl. you know a lot about him,but you don't know about me. nothing too much..nothing too less. don't just stare.give it to him.

this injection will calm downthis restless soul for 24 hours. any mermaid that comes to goa,will definitely fall in our trap. russian fish. what's the stock count till now?- we've gathered 18 girls so far. we must send 20 girls due tothe mess up in the last consignment. we need two more girls. the quality should be like this one. you must be selective. hey..what are you doing?- come on..quickly.

oh, god..this is kidnapping.- leave me. what have you done? you were supposed to marry this girl.- that's what i intend to do. this is my only option left.let's go. i have to go.- you don't know goa police. your wedding will land in jail. you cannot force me. boss, someone haskidnapped sister-in-law. who dared to kidnap my fiancã©e?

going away from youwas a wrong decision. and falling in love withyou was my biggest mistake. so you don't love me?- i don't know. last time we met, you slapped me. that proves..that you still love me. and for the sake of that love,i won't let you go. what do you want to do? i will elope with you and marry you. keeping any hopes withme will be a big mistake.

i am not as smart as you. i am a fool. stupid. it took me time to understandmy feelings for you. couldn't you give thisstupid boy some time? i am a human being as well. i am asking you something. can a girl come thisfar with a stranger? you definitely havea connection with him.

i don't have any relation. so you don't know him. what's this?why are you saying no? you don't know don't know me. if you even stare at her,i will kill you. why? she said..thatshe will marry you. or did you assume it yourself? what is this charade?you don't know me? you don't know me?look.. look at me!

where did you come from? you recognize him? amo! we fought in spain!remember that? you don't rememberthis oaf either? she doesn't recognize both of us. you can hit me this time.- what? i said..hit me! that's called bulls-eye. if you don't know me,how did you take my name?

did that jog your memory? all girls are same. they don't realize theirlove until they don't feel the pain. who is this rascal? he's guy because of whomwe lost our clients in spain. and we suffered a huge loss. these two were openlyromancing in spain. so what i thought was true. he must have kissed you.

did he kiss you or not? it's an old story. what do you want to do now? tell me, what will you do? i want to do..what he did! don't do that. arun! leave him. makrand!

please. she's crying on my pain. will she cry when i beat you? now watch. leave me. leave him, i will deal with him. give that to me. leave him! please, don't beat him.

how does it feel now? take care of your stupid daughter. this silly girl lovessomeone else instead of me. ask her!- no.. if she steps out. i will kill you two. is he awake? look.. wake up..come on.- he isn't getting up?

no, boss. he will.. he must get up. i will kill him in installments. first i will shoot both his legs. then i'll cut him up topieces and feed him to the sharks. hey..he's sleeping so soundly. we've been sitting here for so long,but he isn't waking up. he will wake up. of course he will.

who is she? hello. hello. hello. excuse me. that man's lying unconscious,please help. where will you take him?- hospital. hey..take her along too. help! help! help! one last try. you were showing offhow tough you were in spain.

now i will give youa one-way ticket to heaven. are you listening?hey..sleeping beauty. he's so deep in sleep,and not waking up. hey..get up. come on..say your prayers. now your countdown begins. are you listening? that's called real bulls-eye? can you see?

can you see? okay. okay? even fishes won'tfeed on rascals like you. it's that lady sitting there. you're hyati's mother, aren't you?- yes. i am varun. i love your daughter. can you tell me..why hyatiis marrying a goon like makrand? for her papa.

i told her to marry him. makrand's paid for this operation. please don't do anythingto obstruct this operation. where is she? hyati? please son, don't do it. your husband is justas important as your daughter. son..- hyati. couldn't you tell me before? you thought i wasn't worthyof sharing your sorrows either.

why should i tell you?- because i love you. if you really loved me,then i wouldn't have to tell you. you would've understood yourself. don't spoil your life for me, please. i don't want youto suffer because of me. please, go away..orelse they will kill you. sir, you don't know me. but your daughtermeans everything to me. i've come here only for her.

i never had a job in my life. but i can do anything togive her all the joys in life. hyati isn't ready to listen. she keeps asking me to leave. if you understand,then it'll enough for me. believe me. don't worry, i will talk to him. he lent you the money, didn't he?its okay.. ..we'll return the money.

and then, no more relationwith him. okay? fine, so get ready. i'll go see him. i will talk to him.- no, don't go to him. listen son. fine.. hey..where did he come from? i told you to kill him,why did you leave him alive? boss, amo said he will kill him. so we spared him.

where is amo?where is amo? he's lying on the beach.he won't come here. he doesn't want to meet you.- doesn't want to meet me? why?- i don't know. i will return your 2 million,but you must leave hyati. give me the cheque. if i had a cheque,i would've signed it already. so..will you give cash? dd? or neft?

i haven't decided how i will pay. don't confuse will get your money. when do you want the money? you have one day. if i don't get my money,i will marry her. okay..but if you try to act smart,i will kill you. don't try to scare me with toys. your men beat me up,yet i am standing here alone. even if you break my arms and legs,i can still behead you.

i've to arrange for the money,don't disturb me. boss, why did you spare him? he said he'll get 2 million. once we get the money, we'll kill him. don't follow me like beggars? i've to pay him 2 million,and 5 million at the hospital. so that adds up to 7 million. builder.. ..what can one do to earn7 million in a single day?

idea? i wouldn't be here if i did.- that's right. crazy. crazy. all i did was wanderaround all my life. if i had saved some money,it would've come in handy. which fool will give me so much money? my daughter has been kidnapped? someone kidnapped my daughter,don't you get it. three men took her.

look, this doesn't happen in goa.- i see.. i am telling you it has happened. this man found my daughter's mobile. she has been kidnapped in goa.from arambol beach. write down everything you want to say. look, i don't have time for that. do you know who i am? i can't explain you. call the commissionerand tell him i am here.

is there internet connection here? open.. open.. i want my daughter. you will get all you want. i will do whatever you want,just keep the money ready. your name?- varun. get to panjimpolice station immediately. this young man's better than you. shut down this police stationand open up a internet office.

sir, don't worry, have patient. we're doing our best. we need some time.- but i don't have time! sir, you called? this is my daughter. 'hyati, i will kill you.' 'wait.. wait..'- 'excuse me.. ' 'yeah!' sir, i've met her..i'vemet her before.

where?- bagha beach. save my daughter,i will give you 10 million. sir, i will bring herback..but i want only 7 million. hey..i am giving you 10 million.. ..and you're stuck on 7 million. if you help me out,i will give you 20 million. i will bring her back, sir. i will bring her back. want time.

you should learn from him. hey hero..what happened? what's the problem? i've promised tosave someone's daughter. but i don't know anythingabout the gang that's kidnapped him. that's all. i am there. i'll find a solution. o original rajni,give your duplicate rajni some idea. yes, i've got an idea.

we'll send a sexy lady on bagha beach. same place wherethat girl disappeared. arambol beach is themost dangerous place here. some girl is always gettingkidnapped from there. this time we'll followher and nab them. how is it? where will we get a sexy girl so soon? no time to think, find a girl. she looks more like an aunty.

i need.. your girlfriend for this operation.- no. why do you make methe scapegoat each time? this country is full of people..whydo you always come to me. why did i ever meet you? oh, god. where did i get stuck in?- please..please.. listen, rajni.- yes, darling. i love bikini.- what? you want to shootbaywatch on this beach.

finish your ice-cream. another mermaid in the sea, boss. what have i done? i've served my own nayantaraon a platter to these wolves. quiet. boss..we're short of onlyone girl for the consignment. if we can get another girl,then we can send the consignment. will that complete the consignment?- yes, boss. fine, get my girl. and send her.

i know that makrandis the boss of this racket. where do you keep the girls?- i don't know. you don't know! i know. where?- island. how far?- very far. can we go by boat?- we can. boss.. ..sister-in-law is here.- yes.

maybe you don't knowwhat goes on here. my main business is exporting girls. and i'll also giveyou a breaking news. your father isn't in thiscondition because of some accident. i did it.- no! i won't spare you! boss, hold her by the waist. kiss her..kiss her..passionately. who is it?- who is that? look there.- look there.

that side. who is that?- take a look. there's no one here.- go and check there. did you find anyone?- there's no one here hey..he's dead. where are you? how did you get here? i came here to settle your score. but now..i will send you to hell.

kill who? kill who? if i slap you now,you will see stars in daylight, you.. now i'll give you a shock! watch. how dare you hit me? how dare you hit me?- take a good look.. take one last look at her. frame her picture in your mind. let her go!

varun, kill him! you want to sell hyati! how dare you! you're dead now. slowly the intoxicationwill affect you. then you won't be able to do anything. you will be dead before that. no point now, you've lost. game over.

is he dead? i couldn't make outunder the intoxication. whether he's hurt or dead? if he gets up, then he's not dead. feels so strange. i love you haati. sorry, hyati. your flight to switzerlandleaves at 7pm tomorrow. and then to london for a week,then paris..

..and then the niagara falls. this is your honeymoon trip. what honeymoon, sir?we aren't even married yet. look, cancelling thetickets can be expensive. you can get marriedwhen you get the time or you can come backhere and get married. no one's going to stop you. whose idea was switzerland? prakash raj uncle.

his job is done, so he'ssending you to such boring places. cancel your honeymoon tripright away and come to africa. guru, all my lifei lived like a nomad. but i am married now. i can't live like this anymore. how about you giveme some job in your temple? i can do anything..- shut up for a minute. i am worried sick about howmy grandchildren are going to look. okay..okay.

uncle, congrats. papa, it's a boy.- leave that. but is he like me? he looks like thecolor of your hair-dye. looks just like obama. this was bound to happen,i am so unfortunate. don't worry, guru. next time she will have a girl,and she will be fair like you. again congrats uncle, its twins.- twins.

this time it's a girl. papa, this one's very cute. forget the cuteness,how does she look? she looks just liketennis star serena williams. black. same to same. bad luck. bad luck. guru, don't be sad. don't think about the color. lord krishna will protect them.

this is because ofmy big oaf son-in-law. what will krishna do about it? how do i face anyone now?- everything will be fine, guru. god is great. useless fellow.

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