urban house design decals

we wanted to seehow far we could push trump's loyal supporters. so we decided toassemble a group of them for an unfiltered view ofhow they connect with trump's vision for america. we brought these actual trumpsupporters to this actual focus group research center towatch these actual fake trump campaign ads. so maybe real quickly, ifeveryone could just go around,
you could tell me yourname, and if there's anything you want toshare about your thoughts on the upcoming election, i'dbe happy to hear that too. yeah, my name isbrian [inaudible]. i live here instrongsville, ohio. i've liked trumppersonally-- not personally, but i just know-- i just like-- and it's time thatwe have a change, and i think he's one thatcould bring that about.
ok. i like everything what he says. i give him a 10. i like everything he says--everybody what we want to hear, you know? he's real. he speaks what's on his mind,and he's not a politician. i know sometimes he mayneed a filter a little bit, but for the most part,he's i think a good guy,
and he's not in politics. that's what also i like. i like trump, because i thinkhe has a plan, and i like that. sounds good. thanks for being here. so what we're going to dohere and spend most of time is i'm going to show you someconcepts for some campaign ads, ok? and what we'reintending to do is
to get your thoughts andfeedback so that we know, is it a good idea? is it something thatwe can make better? is there a way that we canhave the people that really care tell us what they think. so i'm going to go up andplay the first one here. [video playback] ok, look. i believe the transgendersdeserve to use the bathroom
they feel comfortablein, but sometimes that means men transgenders aregoing into women's bathrooms. women deserve tobe comfortable too. that's why, as yourpresident, i will make guns available in everyladies' room in america. and these will be easilyavailable in dispensers next to the otherdispensers that you see in the ladies' room. the guns will bechained to the wall
so they can't be usedoutside the bathroom. so the women can do whateverthey do with the knowledge that the playing field is even. problem solved. it's disgusting,but it's solved. we're done with this. let's move on. [end playback] all right.
so that was the first one. so tell me what yourinitial reaction is. what do you think? i personally thinkthat if you're a man, you go to men's room. restrooms for women goto women's restrooms. and it all started kind of--we never had this issue before. and i think it started withcaitlyn jenner, you know? it's like, god.
it's like-- thenobama, it's like, oh. i mean, what happenedto decency anymore? what about you, donna? are there places where youcan imagine this making sense? anywhere. anywhere? anywhere nowadays. would you even haveenough time to get one out of those vending machines too?
true. so what about thedetails on that? how would that work? how would you imaginethat they could make something like that work? if there's a, youknow, break the glass. right. that might be alittle better, but-- or even like thebaseball bat or something.
yeah, the [inaudible]baseball bat. something. oh, so if it wasn't a gun,having a bat or something else. yeah. [interposing voices] good comments onthat first one. so we're going todo the same thing. i'm a big fan of women,and they're big fans of me. but some want to votefor crooked hillary
just because she's a woman. but is she? she says she's a woman, and iwant to take her at her word. but have we seen her whatever? i mean, a lot of people look ather photos and they question. i mean, why doesn't shejust say i'm not a man? what's so wrong withsaying i'm not a man? look, i'm ok with a femalepresident and blood everywhere and all of that.
let's be honest, folks. i mean, basically we alreadyhad a female president-- barack obama. and that's probably why he won'trelease the birth certificate. and it's not a big dealif obama is a woman and hillary is a man. but we should know. so tell me what youthink about that. that's trumpcounter-punching, right?
i like it. right on. karen, you're nodding too. i think the publicwould enjoy it. i'd rather hear stuff like thatthan your little foo-foo tag lines that don't make sense. the media hits him,he's going to hit back. yeah, correct. ok, good.
well, let's look at-- let'slook at another one here. here's anothergreat idea you're going to love-- the wallis going to take a year or so to build. so while we'rewaiting for it, let's build an invisible electricfence to keep any illegals out, starting now. they try and cross and zap. now, i know whatyou're thinking.
how will we get all 150 millionmexicans to wear shock collars? easy. the collars will havethe only thing they love more than crime-- bling. trump quality, and themexicans will pay for them. that's right. before the wall,we build the fence. it's going to so gorgeous,so beautiful, so invisible, it'll make your head spin.
tell me about that one. so what's going on there? i like the fence,but seriously getting collars on all those people? well, do you need acollar with the fence? you'd have to have somethingon you for the invisible fence to work or you couldjust walk across it. to zap, right? if it wasn't a collar, thenwhat else could that be?
this is perfect, becausewe're looking for these ideas to say how do we-- you mean like abracelet or a bracelet? you could put a metalbracelet or an ankle bracelet. oh, so not a collarbut maybe something goes to your wallet or yourpurse or something like that? -right.-yeah. or a vaccine. they wouldn't know.
they'd think they were gettingvaccinated for something. [inaudible] put like a chip in the arm. you guys are doing great. this is great feedback. so i'm going to teeup the next one here. we have to stopillegal immigration. we have to stopthe massive crime. we're going to builda beautiful wall,
and it will keep mexicansfrom coming into this country and taking our jobs. but what about allthe illegals obama already welcomedin on a red carpet? and here's my newest plan. we will plant porta pottiesnear places where mexicans congregate-- homedepots, migrant farms-- that lock from the outside. and once all porta pottiesare filled and locked,
they're lifted by craneand put on a flatbed truck and driven acrossthe mexican border. we're going to send back somany illegal mexicans this way, so what about that plan,the details of that? is that something that--could they actually execute that and make that happen? could work with that. so they kind of lure then in. actually, that's astarting point right there,
even though it iscomical, it is something that could be worked with. well, they say mexicanscongregate outside of there, but what if you're goingto home depot, one of us, with our family and the kidneeds to use the porta potty, is it going toautomatically lock? are we sure they're gettingenough oxygen in there? certain neighborhood's gotmore mexicans than others, so you won't putthem in pepper pike.
you may put them somewherenear clark neighborhood, mostly where they all live. so what neighborhood? clark avenue is ourbad neighborhood. but this is kind ofhow trump works, right? he comes up with thesecrazy ideas and then just of throws it outthere and lets people make it-- let them figureit out or something, right? yeah, he's surroundinghimself with advisors,
intelligent people. so he's just throwingthese out there, and he's going to surroundhimself with economics advisors and military brainsand intelligent people just like, well, it's crazyabout inventing the light bulb. it's crazy abouthaving an iphone that you could doeverything in your life that you couldpossibly want to do. you're nuts.
it's never going to happen. all this stuff. it is kind of off the wall.-is he a visionary guy? it's nutty. is he a visionarylike the guys that made the light bulb or theiphone and things like that? it has to start somewhere. this next one, it's avariation on that last ad. we love mexican housekeepers.
the vast majority of them cleanour homes, comfort our elderly, and raise our children. but the illegals, i'm sorry. they gotta to go. here's the plan. we will strategically placehouses that need cleaning in cities mexicans work in. we hire theseillegal housekeepers, and while they're busycleaning, the house
is locked from the outside. that's where we pickup the houses by crane and transport them bytrucks back to mexico. it's a win-win. we get rid of the illegals,but we sell them the houses so they have a place to live. we're even. we're going tomake so many pesos, you're going toget tired of pesos.
that's an idea. donna, tell me.you like that. what do you likeabout that idea? that's awesome. put them in a house, boardit up and ship it out. so tell me about that. how is that going to work? caging them in andshipping them out. i think i like thehouse one better.
well, so how is that onedifferent than the porta potties one? put more people in a house. more people in the house? it's a house. it's not a porta potty. they're still-- they're goingto get something out of it. it's more of an incentiveto stay there now. so it's a better dealfor the illegals--
-yeah.-yes. --because they get a houseout of it versus just getting a porta potty out of it. if you send themback that way, what's going to stop them from climbingthe wall or digging under it? the first way, theyget a house out of it. -so it's incentive to stay.-maybe they'll stay. -it's incentive.-right. oh, i never thought of that.
i mean, they're bold, right? they're like really-- yeah, you get to the point. take care of it. someone's gotta saywhat we're all thinking. -right.-you got that. as your president,i will get the judges to make abortion illegal. i guarantee it.
but let's be honest,that means women will go to mexico to get fetusesremoved from their whatevers. we need those jobs. so here's my compromise, people. we only make abortion availablein economically depressed places like atlantic city. i will create legal abortionzones that will transform our urban infested cities intoincredible four-star abortion resorts.
you could make aweekend out of it. it'll be great for tourism. every abortion package will comewith 25 chips and a free shake at johnny rockets. wait. it gets better. the more economicallydepressed the city is, the further along theabortion will be allowed. detroit, third term.
newark, one month old. it's another win-win, people. i mean, are we going to havefun when i'm president, or what? what about the idea of like,you know, the more depressed it is, the more the term--how long you can-- how late you can get an abortion. so that was-- i think the termshould stay the same-- yes, i agree with that.
--all about. it should stay the same. what about theidea of having it be in places that are moreeconomically depressed? is that where the problem is?-that makes sense. oh, yes. so make it moreavailable there? why does that make sense, karen? what do you like about that?
well, because in the moreeconomically depressed areas, just the higherchances of the people that are going to be doing that.-right. yes. so putting it in those placesmakes sense to you guys. what about the idea though--this is a serious subject. i can just tell fromtalking about it, but making it like amore fun experience, not making it sosad and negative
and making it more positive. i don't know. getting paid tohave an abortion is like incentive, now i'm goingto get pregnant every year. give me some money, you know? i think there shouldbe a cap on it. they should only be able to-- -so how much is that?-if they're going to do it-- how much do you thinkthat cap should be?
well, i think theyshould only be able to do it once for the chips. supposedly someone'scalling here. so hang on one second. donald trump impersonator(on phone): hey guys. hello. donald trump impersonator(on phone): hello, everybody. donald trumpimpersonator (on phone): you did a tremendous job today.
thank you, sir. male speaker (onphone): i wanted to call and thank you all personally. just tremendous. i value your opinions,even the ones that are way, way off base. god bless you all,and god bless america. thank you, donald trump. we'll keep going, donald.
you rock, buddy. donald trump impersonator (onphone): even the heavy guy. what's your name? brian [inaudible]. maybe you should focus alittle less on cheesecake. god bless, donald. male speaker (onphone): bye bye. bye-bye. thanks for calling, sir.-bye.
thank you.-thank you. wow. good luck. so that was pretty amazing. that's crazy. uh-uh, no. no. oh, my god. he's so completelydown to earth.
i mean, that's awesome. listen up here, guys. this was great. appreciate it. we're really sorry thatwe ran over and all that. but wanted to giveyou one last chance. if anyone is interested inrecording some testimonials, we're interested in gettingyou on camera for doing that. how about you, donna?
interested? yeah, why not? donald trump's plan to lockmexicans in porta potties sounds like solidfresh thinking to me. if hillary clinton can't tellus the truth about benghazi, why should we expect her to tellthe truth about her genitals? we live in dangerous times. when we spot a potentialterrorist, every second counts. i like mr. trump's ideafor shortening 9-1-1 to 9.
with zika virus on themarch, i like mr. trump's idea of building a wall thick enoughso people can't break through and tall enough somosquitoes can't fly over. i agree with donald trump. the only way to competewith the chinese is to lower theiriq by injecting their water with variouspaints and solvents. watch my summerelection special now streaming only on hulu.
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