poultry house design eggs

welcome i thought i would do a little episodehere on the incubators now some people have been asking aboutour new incubator that we just purchased last fall we've scaled up from a small styrofoamtype and you probably seen on many websites and youtube videos so wedecided to scale up to this one our problem with the styrofoam one wasthat we had problems maintaining our temperature and humidity now if you're familiar with this type ofincubator you'll know that there are

water channels that run along the bottomof the incubator and you actually fill those with water and depending on howmany you fill depends on how high your humidity levels are then you have asmall heater controller on the top to control your heat and you maintain itthat way the problem is when you need to addwater you've got to open it up and you gotta put water in it and then you losea lot of that heat so you've got your heat and humidity up and down and thatcan be detrimental to your egg hatching now this unit here we found we werelooking for something that maintained the humidity as well as the temperature

there's not a lot of them we found outthere on the market just one here is nice because it has aseparate holding tank for the water and the humidity is not controlled bysurface area but it's controlled by the temperature so as the humidity goes outof range and it needs a little bit more humidity it turns on that heater andheats up the water a little bit more just to get that extra humidity so what i'll do is all open this upquickly we don't want to let too much heat outwe only started this yesterday it's fairly early but just to give you aquick look

we have three trays in here we have the water reservoir with heater we have the heater element and the largefan and in the back there's an exhaust fan these racks they tilt back and forth you can set it within the controls hereyou can set it we've got it set for one hour rotations that's pretty muchstandard that's easy to remember but you can setit to 55 minutes you can set it to an hour and a half

whatever you like so currently littlerock back and forth it will go once i takes probably about 20 or 30 seconds toget to that position and then the next hour it will rotate back again and allthose parameters are set up in here i can actually tell it to tilt in fiveseconds to do it's full tilt or a minute and a half orthree minutes to do a tilt i haven't played around with it too muchbut i could probably tell it to take a half an hour to do the tilt and then itwould almost be continuously rotating so yes so we found that the the hatch rateon this we've got couple hatches we found that we were actually getting anice hatch right

currently in here we've got a fewdifferent ones we've got some peacock we've got some pekin duck pilgrim geeserhode island red black australorp and some bantam eggs so we've got all those in here now someof them take a little bit different time than others and what we've managed to do is on thebottom we have an open section just on the right on the bottom of the unit whenour chicken eggs are done which is on the bottom row we will check out ourcalendar make sure when we need to pull them for the final three days we'll pullthat rack out and we'll actually just

slide it in right on the bottom so itthen won't be rotating anymore these eggs will still be running stillgood humidity levels we've maintained and at sixty percent humidity now theysay you can go forty-five percent fifty percent andfifty percent to sixty percent you know over duck eggs required a little bitmore moisture but we've found our hatch rate has gotten better keeping it at a steady sixtypercent humidity now you know you can talk to differentpeople and and some people say no it's

better this way better that way withthis unit and what we've experienced and it's easier that way so it's not only getting a higher hatchrate but we can run different types of eggs in here we can do ducks and thenmuscovy ducks which are longer there are 35 days some of the geese eggsare thirty-five days chicken eggs are are are less so we can actually run itwith everything in there and then we can just rotate them through we can add moreeggs to this as the other one are hatching as the ducks and the geese arehatching we can add some more so we can kind of run it through verynicely

ok so a few of the features that are onhere something that we didn't expect was there is actually a sterilizing uv bulb so i did some checking up on that, there is a uv bulb in the inside here that runs across the top forsterilization afterwards so of course what you want to do is you want to getrid of all the material in there the the unwanted do you want to do your yourbasic cleaning first to clean it all up with your soap and water make sure it'sgood and then you turn on that sterilizing bulb i've done some research and checked onsome different forums and checked on

some documentation and it seems 15 to 20minutes is adequate for sterilizing a surface now this has got forced air runningthrough so this uv light will because it canactually see the different surfaces underneath the trees and everythingbecause the air is moving that sterilizing will actually move aroundand encompass the whole cabinet so that's kind ofnice that was kind of an added bonus one issue that we did have with itrunning at the sixty percent humidity we had our glass starting to fog up nowthis unit here is a made in china unit

that's been refabricated in the us andthen resold converting it over to the 120 from the 240 and adjusting thecontrol panel to a english control panel replacing it so we found you know a few things but wejust got this going and just the other day i decided to pull this apart and andseal it all up using silicone versus glue that had it mounted in there and it was spacing where moisture to getin so if we want in the future which issomething that has been brought up is to have a little larger window

you have kids that come over you knowthey love to see the animals and of course if you have more than one kid they're going to fight over this wholewindow so i thought about possibly ordering a window that's about twice thesize of this completely sealed to epoxy sealed with argon gas filledand mounting that in there so we have a nice large window so that's pretty much about it i thinkthat's covered everything on here it's a beautiful little unit were happy with itso far if you have any questions about thisplease put them in the comments and i'll

try to answer whatever i can well let's go have a look at ourlittle ones shall we ok so here we are these are the lastchicks that came out, they are a barnyard mix so they're not a purebred but they theycame out of different colored eggs so you've got greens, bluesand browns it's a neat little barnyard mix and we found a lotof people are looking for these kinds of of chicks just to have a little bit ofvariety in their eggs and they're all very cute these guys are they'reprobably about three days old i guess three or four days old and around there

so then we move on to the nextgeneration i guess you could say these guys are probably about a week old and as i mentioned we've beenrotating them out so these ones were only a weekdifference these guys are weak old these goldenlaced are actually there a few weeks old now and they're neat they're a neat bird so these are those guys are cuddlingunderneath the heat lamp keeping warm or they're probably justscared of me so then we move on to these monstershere

yes these guys we have pekin ducks and wehave a black cayuga came to us as an orphan this will be interesting apparently mating the two of them crossing them over is it is kind of neat so we'll have tokeep an eye on that and see how that works out so these guys here water they're crazy about water okay okay justjust calm down so i can pour it in there

you go and then they just calm down it's all right okay so there we go niceand quiet it's like giving a bottle to a baby andthen of course as soon as they finish that there will be chirping up a stormagain they want more so you've got a kind of ration it off so those are those guys and then outsince i'm here i might as well show you the the batch of bunnies oh yes just a cutie so these guys are there a couple weeksold

almost three weeks old this little guy here so these arenetherland dwarf this little guys a netherland dwarfactually these guys here are a netherland dwarf rex cross that turned outreally neat so they've got a they got the netherlanddwarf ears and they've got the the rex fur that is veryplush so it's a mini rex and that of courseour chinchilla is which are nocturnal and they're just they're tucked in thiscontainer sleeping all four of them

mom dad and the babies ok so the incubator what i'll do is i'llgive you a quick little show inside just so you can kind of get an idea of thewhole thing open this up one more time you can see the goose eggs up top the bantam eggs down in here some moregoose eggs these are pilgrim and these are other goose up in here are peacock eggs these larger ones

right here there's seven of them these are pekineggs along here and down here are chicken rhode island reds and and then other chicken eggs in hereso you can see the heater container here with the float valve fan heater andexhaust fan up top and there is the uvc sterilization lampthat if you turn on you can see comes on and i better close it because my alarmsgoing off okay okay okay i get it i get it okay there we go

solved so here you can see mytemperatures drop because i had the door open humidity drop-down it's giving me thatcritical alarm it actually comes back up fairly quickly you can see it risingfairly quickly there this hatching days i haven't quitefigured out how to reset that so we've been the first time we turnedit on 78 days ago during this hatch here 25 times so with one day one hour so i thinkthat's a pretty much about that

so what you can do is with thatreservoir that's in the back what we've done is i've taken a line that comes outand of course it's in the float valve in there and then there's a line that comesup and i've taken an old camping camping container you know that you get your yourbeverages out of when you're camping and this poly pipe fitting actually is thesame threads as this little valve guy here so that worked out well so put thatin push these on and didn't need any clamps because the gravity fed and wehave put in kind of a minimum maximum this is kind of what we're using in a24-hour period now also i didn't want to

use hard water so this is soft water we ran into theproblem of getting the hard water from out here so since we cleaned it out we're gettingthis jug from the house which is a soft water and we're not getting all thatscaling happening so this is an excellent to a way to doit i just put a hole in the top and you pop that funnel right in there andyou're good to go it's all gravity fead so that's the system ok so that's aboutit i think i've covered everything i wantedto cover one last thing that i just

thought of was i didn't think of itbecause i shut it off i have a dehumidifier in this room nowwhen you're dealing with this amount of humidity whatever you put in your goingto get out in humidity so we actually dumped that container regularly once inthe morning once maybe in the afternoon and then in the evening for overnight now when it comes summer will be able toopen some windows and then have a breeze coming through here but of course ifyou're doing any heavy kind of incubating or if you have his littleducks that are our water crazy you might want to think about having adehumidifier handy if you're not going to

have an open breeze going through so that's it again if you have anyquestions please leave them in the comments below and i will try to getback to you i'm trying to monitor those comments andthen and answer any questions or possibly do a video on a specific topic the next video that i have planned isfor the trimming of goat books so i thought that might be a good idea whenwe got started you know do you get a farrier to come out to do it or what doyou do there so it's very simple to do and and we'll walk through that it'scold outside it's currently below zero

and in two days the weather network says that we'regoing above zero celsius in canada above freezing for good you know it's like wow but i'll believeit when i see it of course so anyway like share and please commentbelow & happy hatching yeah

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