house design zen type

artists ends in japan have cultivated anesthetic tradition forhealthy years the paint and made paper with patterns inspired by nature and this is the art have cut economy i'll want kinky to send is the eleventh generationowner and cultural the oldest kinda coming workshop injapan the moon's he is kept alive the methods andphilosophy

that going to cut economies creationwent the new kinda commies most importantfeatures are the patterns and the power process i believe peoplehave created various patterns to symbolize nature theme since time the memorial /url some 650 and cartoons designs and then carefully preserved the incorporate me chairman teeth fromjapan's four seasons

and sun symbolized engine concepts happy cosmos wishing prosperity hey people in japan have cherished comeypaper and use it for everyday articles mikesliding doors and partitions subtle changes in the light make thepatterns sparkle the and let's explore beauty nurtured formillennium through the night to come economy i'lli'll

kilter the ancient japanese capital has a historygoing back twelve hundred years ok begin festival is one of the highlights have kyotosummers floats per made to the street decorated with bright colors andpatterns this design featuring dragons has its origins in china anothercombines geometric patterns from pressure approval design from india these motifswere brought to japan to eurasia

during the festival people pay forhappiness and good fortune and at the foot and mouth he in northeastern kilter stands catchersworkshop it was established in 1624 during theno. period artists and here it carried on the craftand making kinda kami for centuries him at 10 a.m. can i chose workday begins up kinky chi begins every morning bylooking after are the plant

well as a their to using it in you up to cock trying to enable them been his wife he could cope race at the family altar she asked their ancestors to watch overthem so their day will go smoothly today cankeep she starts working on cut a commie with a cherry blossom design and localstore placed the order cultures methods for making cut a commie

haven't changed for 400 years first kinky cheap repairs a white base withpowder made from oyster shells then he applies it to a piece andhandmade washy paper this base color will accentuate the pattern what shewill say officials hope kitchen much you to hold us lol you anything will yep now can keep she mixes thecolor for the flowers this is the most important step inmaking kinda kami

the main ingredient is powdered micah the japanese name quetta describes itsluster natural pigments containing claim i then added only read blue and yellow are used tomake the entire spectrum of colors adding a touch of bread tonight kidder makes the delicate pink and cherryblossoms kinky chi uses a small amount so thecolor more be too bright

next he had some yellow this will conveythe warm she did cherry blossoms in the spring and a tiny amount to balloons plans chance parents see to the pedals can teach you realize on instantdeveloped through years of experience to makes the perfect sheen the one that big indian quality yep topull a within this the small shiny granules in the picmeant by the key to

their sparkle make the color standout and flicker in the light with now it's time to create a patternfor the cut a commie with the woodblock can keep she appliesthe pigment with the screen this simple tool uses a large piece ofgod's it's important to coat the surface evenly with color or put on a show for where you and you will know with augmented with me temperature andhumidity

affect the thickness and the pigmentthis found helps kinky t make subtleadjustments he then places the washing people on the woodblock to bring out the pattern said hinted she takes care not to crush thepigment as he gently rubs the ppm well 0 here's the finished she did kinda kamiwith cherry blossoms

in full bloom the kid on the papersurface reflect the light adding muster in the slightest variationin color the border between the light and theshadow is especially beautiful good what makes that possible is thiswonderful paint with cuter mixed in want there's the q nos del cid paint on thewhite background it's actually not p it's not quiteeither here in kyoto we call this hun ninety

when his 190 reforms to a column that contains ahidden tell the difference she the murderexpresses a depth can't be described by individual namesfor colors a famous oddly once said decided that nearly brought her to tearsthe mood ok the started making cut a commie beganin japan about a thousand years ago in the han period ok the pp came from china to kyoto

in the capital city at first aristocrats used it mainly for ridingbut over time paper printed with motifs such as birdsand flowers found other applications that was the beginning afpak on me it in the early and a period about four hundred years ago peoplebegan to use kinda kami for sliding doors so they could enjoy its beauty in theirhomes

demand for the paper soon edged therecord from the time shows there were 13 kinda coming workshops in kyoto wanted them points cut a commie actuallyknown kachin is an abbreviation and his name treasures from that period had beencarefully kept at catcher the 650 carved wood blocks by the heart and soul at the cut acommie artisans working whatever this pattern is called human or design of nine stars

mean it probably has its origins inastrology from india will and perhaps came tojapan over the silk road thing it's an exotic pack going and the oldest one waging it says the 3rd year can say aaron that's about 1791 during the end ofperiod no i can't imagine how many times thisblock has been used but it's not to warn

still in good condition it's beenthrough several unions and history and survived wars andso on and we continue to use it today good i couldn't be more grateful the wood blocks are 30 centimetres high and 45 centimetres wide the meet atmagnolia and with its soft and easy to carve traditionally the headed the cutincoming workshop trust the designs woodcarvers then she the blocked by hand

some wood blocks crowd are part of apattern gets shipped but generations and cultures are twosons have had them repaired and pass them down by during the entire period japan had astrict class hierarchy for color coming designs were dividedinto five types according to the social status at theusers up in central kyoto is the oldest survivinghome and the aristocracy the stately trees a family mansion isfour hundred years old

beautifully patterned kokomi do in the sliding doors in the main harthe my hp any aaron best design is remind me but also elegant thepattern brings together be peony flowers and some dude comes a traditional similar happiness in japan is the crane designs featuring creams where allowed only an aristocraticresidences here soaring cranes create

spirited man disgraceful patterndecorates the home a noble family in contrast tomorrow morning's preferred dynamicdesigns with patterns that are more crest and masking the punching an evergreen lives for along time symbolizes power people who enjoyed the tea ceremonyappreciated might be some be

japanese aesthetic emphasizes quality to simplicity and modesty they opted formore delicate patterns cindy the client schemes the purity in the silently falling snowthings calm and peace to the team in many homes built by mitch merchants inthe period still standin killed the president said the thinking about afamily is more than two hundred seventy yearsold

his peaches coming the design a smallflowers this pattern was created using onlykidding formica on a white background merchants had a man standing in theclass hierarchy munchies were strictly regulated they were not supposed to use patternsanother displaying some well hey at first glance these doors look plainbut when the light is just one design a small polonius emergencemerchants came up with clever ways to

enjoy their wealth in privacy the new game temple in kyoto is closelylinked to the second show member no.: period the sliding doors in the main hallcampaign teams i and noted painter and the time tomoney yet sometime think and the box and the doors are covered incum cum the design is made up and dragged medown in japan the dragon represents the garden waterand people say the dragon

stories back to him these doors restored by kim chee chee in2010 in four hundred years ago and innovativeartist emerged in japan he developed close ties with kindacoming artisans konami clinton displayed talent in a number of artforms including calligraphy painting and cramps he wanted to read by the elegant beautyand culture the han period

in 1615 he opened in artists communityin northern kilter comment to establish the style anddecorative aren't dis come to be known and then school in one of the masterpieces at this style is a screen showing the gods and wind inpending it combines abandoned gold leaf anddelicate colors in a boot composition comedian work and unique japanese beauty clinton brought many kinda comingartisans to the community

one of them was coming out chilly mud could see was a talented cali crushingand created hanging schools using kinda kami use a short poem from the han period hetranscribed it sends snow is gone from parts in thegarden but there are no other marks there noone has visited spring has come had committing added colors to the willto poetry this works design features wisteriaflowers

and burn leaves made with kinda comingwith blocks he also started making some good on moresucka books be renamed after the irian killed 10when they were published animated cut a commie designs printedusing kid on my cat people enjoyed them not only for whatthey said but also for their designs it's been four hundred years sincecommit to establish standing by school can keep she wants to recreate bankable and booked to commemorate theanniversary yep

the hosts only museum in kyoto has someprecious item on money louis school the paper was firstpainted pink and the patterns were printed witheurope who normal the front and back coverslook like this for you kidder or micah shines against thought comes the company said these perks have moremy cat then kinky teen only applies to his kind con mi

there was no electricity in the entireperiod the killer must have spackle brightly in the dim light a candle bringing out a master at the patterns disappear impairing have color and lightkids dept to the designs this pink is lovely money and the blues clan pretty they're likewhat we call pastel colors curable chides they are killed bright but soft notallowed i'm i think the word 190 best describethese colors

well i want to bring soccer ball back tolife today i took you up on your offer toshow me the real x having seen them with my own eyesglobal muscle i feel more motivated than everthan usual macaluso the saigon burke's captured the colors of nature in kyotothat change from moment to moment under the light of the sun can keep shemisses himself in nature to look for hints about the colors heshould use in his saga bone them

a.m. for on all the background in sky blue and against inter yellow deep green there's also the red and the maple leafs the form a complex mixture colors of nature are amazing the colors have cured or also the colorsand cultural and the colors of corrections or thecolors of kyoto they're all around us in our daily livesand yet there the colors we yearn for

i think nature really serves as ourguide can keep she's kinda kami to be the transient beauty a change inmy knee and colors he used a deep two million from these maple leaves andbranches depending on the angle apply gold inc ina spark of like an autumn sun shining through theleaves season is concealed within maple leafs plutonictwinkling meter two kinky chi the leaves appearreluctant to bid farewell to adam

cherry blossoms into college spring inkilled 10 the whitish blossoms teams became china hearts and the japanese peoplethis design depicts the blossom thin filament attempt by ben beauty comes to reading in summer sky large clouds flowed upward kid micah is used in the base color tocapture the bright sunday and on it float majestic clouds

bush clover summer flower a are dumb it's also the season when silva grassleaves in the wind by in riverside good here bush clover leaves are shownin green mother so the crash in ames in goldenfilming 0 the late itemid plays hide-and-seek amid the depth and green the only jeans seemed

blue lines dick and then depict violent surgeons the nikes long enough and you can almost hear the waves andsee them of can keep he has started making his son abomb burke his first color choice is a pale green it's the tender color and young spring grass

hill include other colors to signify the four seasons can keep she is now a veteran kindacoming artists and but his path wasn't always easy in the 1960s japan's economy was rapidly growingchris pratt big changes to the way people lived traditional homes were replaced bywestern houses and apartment complexes demand for kinda kami plunged on

it was around this time that culturebecame a master the original kinda coming workshop kinkyshe was working at a trading company he had little interest income economythe family business was struggling to make ends meet saudi 8228 he quit his job to help lol the kong i was the only son too so i was supposedto carry on the family day but they weren't mine didn't findother work interesting people who are even saw much i was youngand

had a strong sense of responsibility hasa man apparently bad feeling much stronger than mine house the new hewas new to the job then no orders for coming in he felt apathetic 0 hmm then a big opportunity came canteach his way it would change his approach to cuteconomy making teams in 1976 a major renovation began other cuts tothe imperial villa

the villa is a national treasure it was built in kyoto in the 17thcentury as a vacation home for the emperor it'sa masterpiece and japanese architectural the japanese government launched theproject which took five-and-a-half years kinda chill had supplied cut economy tothe miller and was asked to join the restorationeffort the project get kinky chick chance toclosely observe his father at work on an important assignment can keep shewas still

inexperienced but he helped his fathercreate 3,000 sheets have cut a commie paper the polonia designed dances and sparkleson the white background the sliding doors the quiet supremeleader that cuts into imperial villa was kinky cheese first true encounter with traditional japanese beauty he became entranced by the profoundaesthetic sense kinda economy he may win you see walls and so oncovered include a commie skits truly a few to be halted

continent but it's not because thesparkling glitter sauna p it's a simple sense of beauty quality you know i think thats sense isstill somewhere in our hearts this connor commiessimplicity is in some way its secret can keep she wants to preserve thebeauty of cuttack on me he's now working to pass on thetradition or up his eldest son seiji is following in hisfootsteps

you up so that further in june room possible in 2014 satie took over as the head at theworkshop you my father has handed the baton to mebotch he still running to up so but ima we're trying to workalongside each other toll and go through a generationalchange at the same time

this past year has been an importantjuncture in the beginning there was a lot ofpressure cg must feel grateful for all the teamsprevious generations of artisans have nurtured and accumulated overhundreds of years he should always remember what he'sgetting is not his but something he's been entrusted withseiji works out another studio he began learning the trade from hisfather recorder have a century ago when he was 19

now he is exploring new possibilitiesfor kinda com he's making large cut coming sheets to entirely cover the wall someone roomthere for a customer is building a new house to replace onedamaged by flood ct has certain reasons for the patternhe's chosen i make suggestions such as i think this type kokomi would be a good fit for thatkinda room i believe this dragon medallion

has all kinds and meanings all such as protecting a residence like agod the palate is quite stylish and yetpowerful to i think it'll be very nice room ct has a kinda commission room in hisstudio he wants to demonstrate that kinda kamican be used for sealing as well as malls this shows how cut economy can be usedto accent on western style this table has an embedded design aplane leaves

and the cupboard is also decorated withcut a commie i'll this curtain has the kind coming designon it too china can also be used on textiles until my father's generation kawakamiartisans focused on paper customers would pick and choose thedesigns they liked and have the paper made into a finishedproduct cool london but if we came suggestionsdirectly to customers

telling them what we think would lookgood on i p the they will feel moresatisfying about their choices mind say geez projects aren't limited toprivate homes his work also appears in a shock to theglobal coffee chain this is one and the designs handed downand catch up the two pics rolling clouds soaring tothe heavens say to use the clouds to represent steam rising from cokie andplaced them against a copy colored

background he wanted to express the taste and youwill not have the greek a pattern created long ago found its place in the modern world forcg is promoting other new ways to use kinda kami whileworking to protect the tradition he's been carving new wood blocks toreplace those that are more now artkraft there are no more artisans whocarved the blocks sages worried about losing patterns havebeen kept over centuries it is taking him ten years to recreatefor wood blocks

this is one he carved himself the two pics countless chrysanthemums the flower signify eternal life and are said to remove bad luck and this design has been popular amongordinary people since the end of period it is often used for kimono some of our patterns have existed formore than a century local and some haven't changed for morethan a thousand years to me that's the power of culturalpatterns

wouldn't fifty or a hundred years fromnow the new wood blocks will also have aged nicely that's alsotrue for artisans like us as we pass things down over generationsi hope to decades from now when i mazzola's myfather i'll be able to carry on the skills andmaturity that can only come with age so you mightsay wood blocks and artisans are the same alarge collection and kinda kami family had a period has been kept in mind

great mind in exposition in 1862 was the first event to showcasehandicrafts pam japan which had been closed up to the rest ofthe world designs from the middlemen country toomany people's curiosity the event triggered the so-calledjapanese a movement in europe that would influence western culture andfashion in london department store libertyincorporated japanese designs into its product fabrics with small flowers like peas

known as liberty pains became quitepopular japanese design was very different from anything else that people wouldseem to focus japanese be japan have been closed to europe in thewest the star love it was was so it peoplethat people really loved it more than one hundred years later these prints are still in demand the today patterns and small flowers aremore colorful could be used for calling

and everyday items japanese designs have become woven intothe fabric and european mike can keep he has made a trip to london he has wanted to see kinda coming fromthe n.o period with his own eyes for a long timeironically in japan we only have cut a commie from after the end of period but older examples can be found in london that's incredible kinky teen has yet tosee cut accompanied by his ancestors

he's heard cut a commie can be found atthe royal botanic gardens cue they were built in theeighteenth-century as a garden for the royal family thereof a registered as a unesco world heritage site examples that cut a commie have beenkept at a research center for studying the relationship betweenplants in people's lives have been a mmm your not possible thank you by understand you have a

collection of old kinda kami from the and appeared him haa on us from here yes so they're all elected in 1870 by sorry are think each she'd have cut economy has beencarefully stored up yes when i'm certain this was made by cutoff the mideast peace peach is a deep color

created by kinda chance seventhgeneration owning the midtown is very similar to the onekinky teen has used in his own work the new lighting thins is also from college the sheets coming have survived forabout 150 years can keep she found 38 with the samedesigns and some under his care and this is the dragon medallion used on thesliding doors

at the yogini temple inc intel pattern is printed with golden key toagainst replying to be said green the color combination is similar to theone kinky teachers pet to restore donors hesenses the colors his ancestors used i still alive inside him well i feel like i've discovered one of thereasons concho has continued for four centuriesto in a while every single one of the colors i sawtoday i've been using myself they're allfamiliar to me

that's amazing when you think about itschool me this has been an i opening experienceor it's made me think again about thetheme/design to unconsciously you concho has lasted four hundred years you know and i'm the eleventh generation owner or i couldn't be more proud in late are determined kilter can keep she is working on the patternsfor his sound good on book

he's painted the base colors on sheetsome washy paper green paint blue occur and white these colors all to picked kyoto'sseasons patterns for sega bone should be applied only with kidder torecreate the powerful left herbicide a-bomb from the edit period can keep she decides to mix two kinds atkidder and add more coarse grains just say

when i saw the real sucker born to theyhad quite a sparkle i want to make mine like that to listen to more ice storm the better that'll generate more muster the coarse grains make the makesticker can key teach in tlie spends the key to onto the screen this is a pattern andpush clovers it said to have been wanna master aredescended from mami ko it seems

p pets in the adam period can key to usehis kid in place a green for the leaves he wantsthem to appear to swim in the light the motif portrays the dignifiedstrength and pump branches that stretch out street after surviving a bitter winter hepresses on the design with paper and soft pink as if to wield the flowers to releasethere said aside the phone book is made with 12sheets and cut a commie you're bound to get him

it can keep his ancestors next coming yearsengine the web to people on wood blocks to create and cut a commie just as hedoes now the 11th on earth cannot show hasinherited a former beauty developed over a millennium he continuesthe tradition and we'll pass it on there are themes we must not change thatincludes the former the wood blocks and the aesthetic we must also change nature and work that's truthfulto nature

we're not making kinda kami forourselves we're not hard we must never make thingsfor our own satisfaction that's the essence much as i have come to understand one month later can keep teams can i come has been boundinto a signed up on black akita sparkles and his just as lestersaid in this and the bone his ancestors made

mom on lappy mom kinky teen will now wait until winteradded to complete this 21st century something

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