house design yellow

hey guys! scotch tape can be used in manydifferent ways. i'm going to show you how to use scotch tape in nail art. my boyfriendfor example, he uses scotch tape to shut me up when i'm talking too much. :) anyways,these are the designs we are making today: heart, bow, tiles, strawberry and pastel take out your polishes and scotch tape and let's begin! nail art can be loads offun and much easier to perfect with a help of a tape! it allows us to create perfectshapes and lines, which is great, especially if you're a bit clumsy like me. today we aremaking five totally different nail art designs, and all of them are made with a help of ascotch tape! first things first: applying a base coat isvery important if you want your nails to stay

healthy and beautiful. strong colors can stainyour nails and base coat also prevents your nails from being in direct contact with thosenasty chemicals used in colored polishes. let's start with this adorable heart design.apply 2 coats of any base color of your choice. i am using a very light pink. since i am makingred hearts, a light or a super dark base will create the strongest contrast. now it's timeto use some tape. cut a small piece like me and fold it in half. don't fold it perfectlyas you will have to unfold it later. so it's better to do it a bit more diagonally. drawhalf of a heart on the edge where the tape is folded and cut it out with scissors. youcan create many different designs this way, star, butterfly, flower anything symmetrical!

unfold the tape and you get a hole with ashape of a heart. place it on the middle of your nail and make sure the heart edges arefirmly sticked to get those precise sharp lines.i want my heart to have a gentle ombre effect, so i am taking a cosmetic sponge and applyinga stripe of red and a light pink. make sure the two colors overlap in the middle for abeautiful gradient. tap the color on the nail; i am making two coats for a higher pigmentation.carefully remove the tape and you are left with this beautiful heart. you don't haveto use a sponge for this design if you want to create a heart with just one solid color.finish the design with a fast drying top coat. i painted all my nails on my other hand withthis technique. i love it because it is super

cute yet extremely easy and fast to make.let's move on to the strawberry design! start off with any green polish you own and applytwo coats of it all over your nail for a nice opaque result. first we are making a strawberryleaf. take a piece of the scotch tape and cut out a zig-zag shape like me. it's betterto make each triangle a bit different so it looks more realistic. stick the tape on theupper part of the nail, where you want the strawberry leaf to appear. on the rest ofthe nail apply a red nail polish. make sure it is pigmented enough to cover the greenwith just one coat. quickly remove the tape and voila you geta beautiful red strawberry. now, draw on small yellow stripes for that little extra. youcan use a striper or a toothpick for this.

i created this striper myself and you canfind a diy tutorial on my channel. since my yellow polish is not that pigmented, i wentover each stripe twice for a brighter result. seal in your design with a fast drying topcoat. how adorable is this design, right?! i am totally in love with it!for the third design we are making these cool color blocking tiles. let's start off withtwo coats of white for the base color. having a good white nail polish is very importantif you like making different nail art designs. i use it the most out of all polishes, sinceit makes a perfect base and any polish on top looks much brighter. cut 3 narrow stripesof tape and stick one along the middle of your nail and two on the sides like me. thisway your tiles will be separated with precise

white lines. now chose two colors for thetiles, i went for two different blue shades -- a lighter and a darker one. i am applyingthe colors using a piece of sponge, but you can just use a nail polish brush instead.i find that sometimes a brush can apply too thick layer of polish that dries quickly makingit difficult to remove the tape afterwards. but if you just use a thin coat it shouldwork fine. when all the parts are covered in colors, carefully remove the tape and youare left with this cool tiles effect on your nail. for even more interesting nail art,you can use more than two colors for the tiles. remove any polish from your skin with a q-tipsoaked in acetone. finally go over with a fast drying top coat which will bring yourdesign together and make sure that it'll last

longer without chipping. i think this designis really unique and so cool, since you can have loads of fun by switching up differentcolors for the tiles. next, i am making this cute bow design. youcan use a striper if you are precise enough, but i find it way easier by using a tape.apply two coats of any polish you want to begin with. since this is a very girly anddelicate nail art i went for a light pink. take a piece of a tape, stick it on a flatsurface and draw a shape of a bow. i really like this tape since i can draw on it witha pencil, which allows me to sketch the design and even correct it if i make a it's time to cut the bow out. first, i cut it in halves like so. this makes it reallyeasy to cut out the rest of the shape. small

nail scissors work best for cutting such smalland delicate pieces like these loops and tiny little straps, which form a bow. when you'redone cutting, stick the tape to your nail. i want my bow detail to be more towards thetip. leave some space between each half of the bow to get a nice stripe across the nail.again, i am using a sponge to apply a black color for the bow. dip the sponge into polishand tap on the nail with it a few times. then quickly remove the tape and you get a perfectbow. you can create any sorts of shapes this way! and this is why a tape is such an awesometool in nail art! finally, i am applying two dots of light pink with a striper to finishup the bow design. apply a layer of top coat and this sweet girly design is complete.last, but definitely not least is this pastel

stripes design. it is so simple and easy tocreate, but it looks absolutely adorable. apply two coats of light pink to begin with.cut four fairly narrow stripes of scotch tape and stick them along the nail so that thestripes are parallel one to another. make sure that the spaces between them are of similarwidth. i like to stick the two side stripes first and then the middle ones. i am creatingthe gradient stripes using pink and minty green polish. for gradient effect we needto apply these colors on a piece of a beauty sponge. tap it on the nail trying to coverthe whole nail surface and then quickly remove the tape stripes. look how lovely this manicureturned out. finish the design with a layer of a fast drying top coat and we're done.i enjoyed so much playing with a scotch tape

and creating these beautiful nail art's amazing how many different creations you can pull of with the help of a tape.ithink my favorite designs are tiles and pastel stripes. what are yours? if you want to seemore nail art ideas check out my galaxy and toothpick designs. also don't forget to shareyour recreations with me on facebook, twitter and instagram. bye, bye!

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