house design with loft

hi guys we're here today in the netherlandsagain and we are visiting marjolein who is buildinga tiny house my name is marjolein and i'm going to livein this house my name is dimke and i'm building the housei'm vincent hofden and i designed the house come on inside my house - my tiny houseit's not finished yet of course, but we're making nice progresswhen did you start? in beginning of february and now it's start april and it's set to finishhalf may we hope to have it's a very ambitions fast build we love that. i know. i've got some professionals buildingit for me

so i really hope we manage to get it rightin time. this is going to be a sitting corner - thisis a bench and there's going to be two small extensionshere they are very cool designed, they are lockedtogether you can pull them apart and there's a tableinside and you can sit here four people and havedinner. this is a storage room and here's gonna besolar panel installation and also in the bench.are you going to run it primarily on solar energy?yes it's going to be off-grid. only solar

energy.i've been living in the house i rent now since 2001 reallyi've been wanting to more for a long time. i looked around for other places for somethingto buy or to rent, but everything was not what iwant. it's too big, it cost way too much money,and i just wanted a small cute little house in a nice placewith lot of nature around but i could'nt find it for my budgetso i started to notice these pictures of cute little housesonline tiny houses from america, and i really fell in lovewith them especially when i started reading

about thephilosophy behind it, how enrironmentally friendly they areand also the simplicity of living, not so much focus on stuffi really believe we need to stop consuming the earth so muchwe need to take better care of this earth, and i want a housethat stimulates me to do that, and a tiny house does thatso you use less energy and less water. and you can't put so much stuff in it, soyou start to make better choices and focus on the more importantthings there we are going to have stairs with somestorage

area in it, normally staits not a ladder.real stairs. the fridge is going to be in the stairs. okay.are you going to have any kind of table over here to sit byor is it like a lounge sofa area? you can make a diningroom area out of it, because of the furniture you can moveapart and there's a table inside you can lift's normally just an l-shaped couch, but you can make ita real dining area. and you're going to have beautifulwindows here, is that the plan? this is open have a stowe in here, is it a wood burning

stoweor what kind of stowe is it? yes that's my wood burning stowe"the hobbit", cute isn't it? i really like it,yes i like it too very much, big pipes. i can be really toasty in here. that's goingto be my main means of heating place. i'm also going tohave an infra read warmth panel just to have a back up.not sure yet if i'll have enough power for it in the winter timebut we'll see. have you been doing the downsizing processfor the last couple year or something to slowly get ridof stuff?

yes definitelyi started with marie kondo reading the book andstarted with clothing, books and i decluttered a lotand it feels really good. one or two moments i thoughtoh! i got rid of something i shouldn't. have you missed it?no not really, it's just moments like oh! i had something thereand i don't have it anymore, but you find something elseto solve that problem. overall it gives me a lot of peaceand i even want to declutter more, and i have tobecause i really don't have much space. i

thinkthat's going to feel so nice to know where everything isit's all within reach. here we move to the kitchen area. this isgoing to be the kitchen, with the length of the window tillhere. a fairly good size kitchen, i really wantedthat. yes a lot of the tiny houses they have verysmall kitchens it's one of my priorities, i want a good sizekitchen because i like to cook. i like that you canactually see out your window. you're pretty tall too. alot of these

house have the roof going out, and you can'treally see anything, but you have a good view.this is going to be so much fun because the window willopen up like this, and i'm having a kind og bar areaso in the summer you can just put the window upand you can serve your food to your friends. you're going to build a padio outside? yes,it's going to be so is it going to change your life you think to livein a tiny space like that? it's allready changing my lifein ways i never imagined. i started my website

last yearin february and i just started this more like an onlinediary for myself, and hopefully for other people whowant to do the same, if i write something that is usefulto them, but it has grown so quickly, and also the tinyhouse netherlands facebook and website. there's so much attention and so many peoplereaching out to me saying what you do is so awesomei want to do the same, how are you doing this and howare you doing that? i'm meeting a lot of people and get a lot of media attention and manynew experiences

the netherlands as a whole, they really likethe idea yes they do. maybe it's the density of thepopulation and global warming, it's an issue that effetcsthe netherlands a lot if it keeps going.compared to the united states we live fairly small,so the step to go a little bit smaller is not that big maybe.and in here is going to be a little desk area. so i can work, and then there's going to bea wall here with a sliding door to the bathroom, and thebathroom is going to have a sitting bath tub, and ashower

of cause and a composting toilet. it's quitebig the sitting bat tub is that the one they calla japanese but, where you almost sit up?no it's not the wooden one, they are so expensive i like your height here, it's nice isn't it?do you have enough space up stairs to be able to sit up? yes i wanted to be able to situpright in bed so up stairs is the bed, and a little bitof storage space and a wardrobe, is the wardrobe going to beprimarily up here or down here as well? primarily the back some closet space, to keep everything there probably. i really like the angles,and the ceiling

this roof is tilted in different angles. andsky lights. i'm very happy with the sky lights, lightstreet or something it's going to make it look so bright and roomy.elena told me about her passion for tiny houses, andthen she wanted to start a design studio with herbrother, and i was looking for someone to design myhouse. she said we want a try-out project: use me!and then vincent came. she told me about the conceptand i didn't know it before, but i sort of fell in love withit immidiately, because it's so a cool concept

to live smalland in that way live more efficiently and use less energyand simplify your life. then we started the three of us adesign studio for tiny housing, and as the first projectthe tiny house of marjolein, which is actually beingbuild right now, so it's really cool, it went pretty fastand here we are. what are you going to have on the walls inhere? i'm going to paint this white.this is a fun stuff called eco-board it's pressedand 100% formaldehyde free it's very eco-friendly

it's a material that would otherwise be thrownaway. the whole house is being build from eco-friendlymaterial. the insulation is sheep wool, and this isa wood fiber board. is it going to be treated in any way?no, there's going to be another layer on top of thissiding, a european pine, and it's steamed or "baked"so all the moisture has gone out, it's very don't have to paint it, it just naturally greys outover the years. very nice. and this stuff is extrainsulation, it's being used instead of the

foil youusually use. it also keeps the sun out some morethe sun rays, so it keeps the house cooler in the summerand warmer in the winter. we got to know a guy from the southern partof the netherland, and he was deling boat we spoke to him about possibilities to make atrailer especially for tiny houses, and he thought wellnice concept lets try and then he togehter with dimkethe guy who is building marjoleins house right now,they designed a perfect tiny house trailer.

so now it's on the market, and people in thenetherlands but also outside the netherlands can buy it.and it's not that expensice actually because theboat trailer guy thought, well this is a good concepti'm going to make a mold and build it fairly efficientso there we go we have our tiny house trailer and it fits the regulations, so it's the rightsize and it's the maximum width, and you can orderit in different lenghts, so it's perfect for a tiny housei want to collect rain water, at some point, so there are some points where the water comesdown from the roof and then i'm going to have

some sort of tank with a filter and just userain water to shower, and then i'll be totally off-grid, that's the goal, and that's youroutdoor covering for the gas tank and the water heaterand the kitchen stowe they will be in herei can put some gardening tools in here and suchthis house is going to look amazing when you aredone with it. i think so too. for me it became a starter, because now ihave a little design office with two design architecturestudents and just by getting passionate about a subjectlike this

you get so incredible motivated to do coolthings and by doing cool things you get to know alot of cool people like marjolein, and in all kindsof places you meet new people if you do the things youlike and that's what i really like now about tinyhousing, but i think you can do that in any kind ofsubject. if you want to see the floor plans to thissmall space i made a sketch of it on our website. to accessit all go to the cards in the upper right corner.if you want to watch more tiny home tours

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