house design with courtyard

hi i'm josh hollander from hollander landscaping limited. we did alandscape here last year a small courtyard in toronto. whenwe came here originally there was a us a small deck, not veryfunctional, not very functional landscapearea to sit down here there wasn't many plants. it was just kind of a drabby area so we wanted to create kind of asitting area down here but also have an opened view from thedeck and create a bit of a perimeter plantingfor them to enjoy

we start by removing everything toremove the whole backyard we took apart the deck we kinda prepared the base for all thestonework here so i was the first thing we did we use aproduct that was kinda but tumbled stones were given a bit of arustic feel then we blasted with plans just soften up allthe stonework we try to get some height by putting infor large trees along the back for some privacy their pyramidal treesthe call european hornbeam they're very low maintenance the secondrow of plans going for them we put in

hydrangea shrubs and they're very lowmaintenance illegal for feed the flower pick up the back at the end of the yearthey come back the following season when we came here along the back therewas already some ivy growing so we thought it would be a good idea tointroduce some more screening and we planted some more more i v justthe kind of look back at the fence well on both sides the kinda complementeach side gets in height we put in some custom ripped cedarscreens and then we covered them with clematis which is a flowering vine 0

and then there's a few perennials thatwe've put in all around very low maintenanceafterward the stone work was done we thought we'd kinda compliment eachcorner and try to keep it very smasher call so we get a boxwood hedge in at the squareplanter here and inside here we have a he jeephydrangea tree the flowers kinda hang down drape overpowers late in the season so it's a nice accent to the to the gardensright beside the deck we put some riverstone in there some hard servicinglike the stonework so

makes it a little bit start so wedecided to do was add some big large ornamental grasses to the areawhich will grow probably about five to six feet tall and i'll justrelease of in the word the stone kinda be a transition betweenstone what clear and in some proposes all the wayaround around all the plants the trees in the back burn all the pretty also all she has todo is hook up a host turned on for half an hour an hour every other day and it waters everything grass wasn'tworking here it was a very difficult

situation the high traffic zone we do a lot ofthis artificial synthetic grass which is very popular now for either hi shadyareas or highly trafficked areas once a seasonor prices season just have to brush it tocome to get the the grass to kinda stand up on us straight but other than that it'svery low maintenance last season we did almost all working all theplanting this season we came back to do the landscape lighting on theproperty that's a good thing to do it

after kinda plan to filled in a littlebit because then you can kinda see where exactlyhave to light up sonnet ross is here we install lightsthe downlight the the clematis that are growing up thereply this and then in these garden beds this poorlittle square garden beds we put in little op lights for the smaller treesso they're they're smaller to keep in scale with the landscape and along the back meup i pyramidal hornbeam and we lit upeveryone individually just the kinda

give us a really nice stock let seen we put in 3 path lights around the deck the seewhere you're walking i find landscape going to be veryimportant a night as a complete different dynamic more abouttexture and feel at night it's creating a setting and a lot of people i mean workingduring the day when you come home in it gets dark you wanna sit outside creates just the ninth setting brrip

this space i would describe it's asmaller space but it's very well thought out i think there's a good balance betweenplant life and functional sitting area we want tocreate space so by putting in a lower patio by openingup the upper deck we've created kind of different areas to set and two dying down here and i think withthe plans are kinda gives you are a real private feel back your soapthat's what we're trying to create people


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