house design style names

in this tutorial you'll learn how to makefive cutest and easiest friendship bracelets ever. hey guys! you may already know that i love bracelets. i love making them, giving themand most of all, wearing them. so in this tutorial, i'll show you how to make 5 beautifulbracelets using string. these are perfect for beginners, super easy and fast to can make them for yourself or your friends. i'll show you how!first, we are making this beautiful colorful rope bracelet. you will need a small pieceof cardboard, any rounded object, a pencil, a button for the closure, 4 colors of embroiderystring and scissors. start by making a simple

bracelet loom. take your rounded object, iam using a glass, place it on a piece of cardboard and outline the glass to get a circle. cutit out with scissors. mark the center of the circle and make eight little lines on theouter edge dividing the circle into eight equal sections. take the scissors and makeshort cuts along the lines. the cuts should be about half an inch long or shorter. takeyour pencil again and push the tip through the center of the circle to get a little hole.and here we have a bracelet loom, which we can reuse to make bracelets for all of ourfriends. cut four pieces of embroidery string, eachapproximately 25 inches long. fold the strings in half and knot them together like so. wehave 8 strings coming out from the knot, but

we need just seven of them. so take one stringand cut it off very close to the knot. push the loop and the knot through the center ofthe cardboard loom like this. next we need to randomly arrange the strings around thecircle by placing them into the cuts. there must be one string in one cut and since wehave 7 strings and 8 cuts around the loom, one cut will stay free. hold the loom so thatthe empty cut faces towards you. count one, two, three, take the third string and placeit into the empty cut. rotate the loom, one, two, three, take the third string and moveit into the free cut. this is all you need to do. rotate the loom and move the thirdstring into the empty cut. well after you get the hang of it, you won’t need to rotatethe loom anymore. just count three strings

left from the empty cut and move the thirdstring into it. after a while you will notice a lovely rope bracelet on the other side ofyour loom. you can make your bracelet as long as you want. i want to wrap it around my wristjust once, but you can also wrap it two or even three times. just remember to cut longerpieces of thread to begin with. when the bracelet is long enough, release all the strings fromthe cuts and take it off the loom. make a little knot to secure your work like this.for the button closure choose one thread, i like to go for the color that matches mybutton, and thread the button on. slide the button as close to the bracelet knot as youcan and make a few small knots to secure it in place. trim the excess thread away andyou are all done with this beautiful bracelet.

it only takes about 20 minutes to completeone, which is just awesome. i’m in love with the button closures because they aresuper practical and very cute at the same we are making this color blocking spiral bracelet. we need embroidery floss, scissorsand a button. i decided to use four colors of thread, you can use more or less differentcolors, whatever you prefer. put all four thread colors together and cut at about 50inches. now fold this big string of threads in half and make a knot slightly below thefolded end to get a little loop for the button closure. finally, it's time to start knotting!out of the eight strings, chose one, and start making normal forward knots around the remainingseven threads. to make a forward knot take

your working string, make a four shape overthe remaining seven strings like so and then simply go under the seven strings and up throughthe loop of the number four. pull the working string so that the knot slides and keep the spiral going smoothly, i like to go under the seven strings with my workingthread when the knots arrive to my right side. then just continue knotting forward as usual.after several knots you'll notice that the knots automatically form this knotted spiralshape around the bracelet. if you don’t have this cool branch to hang your braceleton while knotting, you can totally tape it on a flat surface or pin it on a blanket orpillow if you like making your bracelets in bed. to switch the working color, simply pickup another color from the bunch and continue

making exactly the same forward knots. myspiral has now reached the right side, therefore i need to go below the seven strings to theleft side with my working string before i can continue knotting. time to switch thecolor, good bye green and hello blue. of course you can use any colors you like for the bracelet.i'm using four different colors here, but if you want you can use two, three or more.this time we used four thread pieces to begin with. if you would like your bracelet to bethinner, use only three thread pieces, and if you want it to be thicker, use five. that’sthe beauty of bracelet making. you get to decide the details! when your bracelet islong enough, make a final knot to secure it. this time i am using a cute flower buttonfor the closure. thread the button on one

of the strings, make two knots to secure itand cut the excess thread away. this bracelet is seriously so straightforward and easy.on top, it will only take you around 20 - 30 minutes to finish it. i love to cozy up inbed on a cold fall or winter day, turn on some music or a tv and make bracelets at thesame time. ta-daaaa! the bracelet is all done and look how beautiful it is! yaaaay!now let’s make this lovely fishtail bracelet. we’re gonna need four string colors, scissors,a button and a needle. cut 40 inch long thread of each color. fold the threads in half andmake a knot. i decided to make this bracelet on a pillow. pin the threads in place usinga needle, by going through the pillow and the loop like so. separate the threads intotwo sets, one of each color on each side.

arrange the threads in a mirror image pattern.when making a fish tail bracelet all you have to do is take the outside string on the leftand bring it inside to the right. then take the outside string on the right and bringit inside to the left. to make the braid nice and tight you’ll have to take the stringsinto your hands while braiding. the concept of fishtail braiding a bracelet is the sameas fishtail braiding your hair, so if you are familiar with that, a fishtail braceletwill be a piece of cake for you. and even if you never did a braid in your life it isjust super simple to learn. so take the outside string on the left and bring it over to theright. then take the outside string on the right and bring it over to the left. thisbracelet will take 10 minutes top to complete

it and honestly i think it looks so cool!finish with a knot to secure the fishtail braid. take a button, i have this beautifulyellow flower and thread it onto the chosen string. slide the button close to the braceletend and secure it in place by making two knots. trim the excess string and voila our fishtailbracelet is all done. if you want to have a thicker bracelet you can use more than fourpieces of string, if you’d rather have a thinner bracelet go for only three stringpieces. let's add even more cuteness to our handswith this always beautiful striped friendship bracelet. you will need some embroidery thread,scissors and a button. i’m gonna make the bracelet using three string colors: yellow,blue and corally red. for the button i’m

choosing this red heart. cut about 80 inchesof each string color. fold the strings in half and make a knot like so. finally we areready to start knotting. set the bracelet in place using a piece of tape. arrange thestrings by color. i have red strings on the left, yellow in the middle and blue stringson the right. take the outside string on the left, red in my case, and knot it over allother five strings on the right until the working string reaches the end on the rightside. make a forward knot by creating a four shape over the second string, loop the workingstring under and back through the opening. pull the working string to tighten the knot.move on to the yellow and finally blue strings. make two forward knots by making a four shape,loop the red working string under and back

through the opening. pull the string to tighten.make sure to always knot twice! and our first row is complete. let’s continue with thesecond row! take the outside string on the left, which is red again and make two forwardknots over the yellow string next to it. then continue knotting over the remaining fourstrings until the working string reaches the right side. it is super important that youalways make two forward knots over each string. and repeat: take the left string, which isnow yellow and knot twice over all the other strings. you just need to keep making theseforward knots and adding rows by rows to your bracelet until it’s long enough to fit yourwrist. i already made heart and chevron friendship bracelet tutorials, which you can find onmy channel. this diagonal striped bracelet

is the easiest and perfect if you are a beginnerin bracelet making. similarly as with other bracelets in this tutorial, using more piecesof string will give you a wider bracelet. so if you are using four strings at the beginning,you get eight when you fold them and the bracelet will be for the width of two knots wider thanthis one. let’s see the forward knot slowly once again. take the outside string on theleft and make a forward knot by creating a four shape over the second string. lead thetip of the working string under the second string and back through the opening. pullthe working string to tighten the knot. make one more knot before moving to the next string.this bracelet takes a bit more time than other bracelets in this tutorial, but i think itis absolutely worth spending an hour for something

as beautiful as this. continue knotting untilyour bracelet is long enough to wrap your wrist. when you reach that length, make afinal knot to secure your work. take a button, thread it on the chosen string and make twoknots as close to the bracelet end as possible. cut off the excess thread and there you go,the bracelet is finished! wear this classic friendship bracelet on it'sown or combine it with other jewelry pieces. it's so sleek and simple but ads a nice popof color to any look. the last bracelet we are making today is thislovely floss wrapped chain bracelet.â we will need a chain, a clasp, embroidery thread,needle, scissors and two pliers. first we need to shorten the chain so it fitsour wrist perfectly. note that you need to

leave some space for the clasp. so i’m takingan inch less than the size of my wrist. to split the chain into two pieces simply openthe chain loop. for a thick chain as mine you will need some strong pliers. so thanksdad, these work perfectly! next we need to add the clasp. open the little ring on oneside of the clasp and attach it to one end of the chain. do the same with the other claspring and attach it to the other chain end. try the bracelet on to see if it looks good.i am happy with mine so i can proceed to the string part. we will need quite a long pieceof thread to dress up the chain along the entire side of the bracelet. it depends onhow thick you want to wrap it but i used about 130 inches of thread for this bracelet. knotone thread end to a big needle. the other

thread end needs to be tied on a chain end.make two knots to be really sure the thread won't untie, because that would be frustrating.start wrapping the thread around the chain by leading the needle trough the chain loopdown and then up again like so. as you can see we are wrapping the thread only alongone side of the chain, while the other side stays golden. you can switch up the colorof your thread to your favorite color or a color that matches some particular outfit.i love how a coral color looks paired with gold. if you run out of thread in the middleof the bracelet, just knot a new thread piece to it and continue. this way you can alsoswitch the thread colors along the chain and you'll end up with a cool color blocking bracelet.when you reach the end, make a couple of knots

to secure your work. cut away the excess threadand you're ready to rock this gorgeous chain threaded bracelet. even with bracelets madeentirely from thread i like to stack on some metal jewelry pieces. so this bracelet isperfect because it has both by default. two in one ya know.friendship bracelets are meant to be handed to your friends as a token of love and connection.but i don't blame you if you make bracelets just to rock them yourself. i do it all thetime! and these were my five easy friendship bracelets.i hope the tutorial was helpful and you'll try to make them too. if you do so, don'tforget to share your pictures with me on twitter, facebook and instagram. i love you, sendingyou big hugs and bunch of kisses. bye!

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