house design revit

hey guys,scott anderson here for inreal technologies and welcome to another exciting enscape we’ll be taking a closer look at the sound simulation feature of enscape.i have enscape already opened up with our sample project.auralization is turned on and we are back in the cafeteria like in the previous video.over here we have the 2d floor plan of the building. to place an audio source we click “place sound source” button in the enscape ribbon.we can now place our source on any surface we want.we simply left click the selected surface and we get these blue lines and they willhelp us align the audio source with our other object.

left click again and we get a selection window to select an audio file.and after a quick refresh our sound source appears inside enscape as a little speakersymbol. notice how the sound changes accordingly wheni fly through the scene. even if i leave the room the appropriate soundis calculated in real-time. let’s move to a different part of the buildingand switch out some materials. i’ll drop an audio source into the scene. there it is. this time i am going to switch out the celling.i’ll locate it inside revit

and now i am going to choose a more soundabsorbing celling. like owa sinfonia. notice how the sound becomes quieter. dueto the new ceiling there is also significantly less echoing going on in the scene.when i switch back to a concrete surface the sound will be louder again and we get moreechoing. again everything is in real-time. so why does the sound change with these differentceilings? here we have a ceiling from owa called trapeze.and if i bring up the properties tab for this ceiling, we get different acoustic parameters. first is the nrc or noise reduction specifies how much energy of a sound wave is absorbed when it hits a certain nrc of 0 means perfect reflection so no

absorption at all.and an nrc of 1 mean perfect absorption and no reflection at we have the alpha omega value. this is much like the nrc value an absorptionvalue. the difference is the examined frequency spectrum.the alpha omega goes up to 4000 hz, whereas the nrc stops at 2000 hz.when i select different ceilings you can see that the acoustic values vary for the differentmaterials. some don’t have any values applied. enscapewill automatically use the values for concrete if you don’t specify anything else. if you have any suggestions, send us some feedback through the feedback button in enscape.that’s it for today. hope you tune in for

our next tutorial.

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