house design program free

my parents came from cuba, and they lost everything. i think losing your home and being sort of uprooted like that in such a dramatic way, it definitely influenced my desire to help people create a beautiful home. -america was once hailed as the land of opportunity, but today it has become the land of red tapeand government regulation.

in the 1950's about 5%of the american work force was subject to occupational licensing. today it is nearly 30%. -our study designed to exclude finds that occupationallicensing laws applying to interior designers is more likely to exclude minorities and mid-careerjob switchers. -eva locke is a perfect example. after getting a liberal arts degree from tulaneuniversity and raising a family, she decided to follow her lifelong dream of doing interior design work. but the state of florida has put many hurdlesbetween her and that dream,

including getting another degree, passing a mostly irrelevant thousand-dollarlicensing exam called the ncidq, and completing a four-year apprenticeship under a state licensedinterior designer. -working under a licensed interior designer felt like i was an indentured servant. -eva's friend and classmate pat levenson is another mid-career switcher whose combinationof ability and passion also led her to a career in interior design. -the results of the aptitudetest were cabinet maker, auto mechanic or interiordesigner. i was producing drawings and even

though they're technical drawings you couldmake them beautiful so i got a creative outlet. they take a long time, but it's rewarding. it's like a piece of art when it's done. -proponents ofregulation claim the laws are necessary to protect public health, safety, and welfare, but there isn't a shred of evidence to supportthose claims, as the leader of the lobbying effort in texas recently admitted during atv news interview. -are there any examples in texas where there has been some sort of a safetyproblem because somebody that wasn't a licensed designer designed?

-actually there are not things that i can document right now. -abuse of occupational licensing has an uglyhistory in america. at first it was used to suppress competitionfrom newly freed african-americans, from asian and european immigrants, and from women. today it has become a powerful weapon in thearsenal of special interest groups like the american society of interior designers, who use it tosuppress fair competition. -this is supposed to be the land of opportunity and freedom. -there is both the artistic element andthe technical element and i think by combining

the two i will be able to achieve to me what is the americandream. -the institute for justice has filed a lawsuit challenging florida's unconstitutional interiordesign law. eva, pat, and countless other floridianswant nothing more than to be able to work in the occupation of their choice free from arbitrary or unreasonable government interference.-i think that would be my version of the american dream.

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