house design photos

hi i'm karla with karla dreyer designand welcome to decor with love tv. so you've seen these in home design foryears, you've coveted them, you've loved them, you've wanted to create one in yourhome but you didn't know where to start. i'm talking about the gallery wall. todayi'm going to show you how to create a simple and cohesive gallery wall in yourhome. so tip number one when you're creating your gallery wall is i'm gonna say choose one color for the frames. now a lot of gallerywalls have a lot of different color frames a lot of different materials andi think the back and look great and really given eclectic luck but forsimplicity terms if you're creating your

first gallery wall just pick one we're going to go with black. so tip number two you've got to get somesupplies. now admittingly i am not that handy but there's just a few simplethings you need to get your gallery wall going. you're gonna need a hammer you're gonna need nails you're gonna need painters tape measuring tape and a leveland you're good to go. so tip number three is have fun withyour layout. so what you want to do is you want to get on the floor with allyour frames and start moving them around see what you like and having fun. ialways suggest starting with the biggest piece first and maybe making that alittle off to the center and then

playing around with all the other frameskeeping them about two to three inches apart. and lastly once you've got it to aposition that you like tape out a large square where you put your gallery wallon the wall and that'll help keep it collected and cohesive. so tip number four i think add some sculptural items to your gallery wall. especially if you're going all one colorwith frames. so when i say sculptural items just think of things that actuallystand out from the wall. so it could be in this case we've done differentletters you can put on it or different art sculptures it just adds to thetextural and eclectic flair of your gallery wall. and tip number five justcommit. go for it! so once you've got

it down on the floor the way you like ityou can take a picture of it. you could also if you want actually cutout the frame sizes with paper and put it on the wall. i admittingly don't do this i take apicture and then transfer it to the wall but if you want that step it is have some fun playing with it. get the layout that you like put it on thewall and again it's something you can add to or subtract from as you grow. so if i've inspired you to create your own gallery wall i'd love you to share and leave a comment below.if you like this video please like it and subscribe to my youtube channel as ido post new videos every week. and i'd

love it if you could share with yourfamily and friends. thanks so much for watching decor with love tv and we'llsee you next week.

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