house design new

bryce: for some, tiny homes are a long-term solution. b: for others, they're just a stepping stone. b: we're about to meet a young couple who've built their very own tiny house on wheels... b:...which has now become a kind of "enabler" for them to now look ... purchasing a larger house, where they can start thinking about... b:...adding a few more members to the family. b: hey, how's it going?holly: hi there! h: good, how are you?b: nice to meet you, holly!h: nice to meet you! b: g'day oli, how you doin', mate?

b: this, here, is a very impressive looking tiny house! h&o: thanks! b: she is a big one, as well, so ... b: ... how big is this one, actually? h: ah, 7 metres by 3 metres (23 feet by 10 feet) b: 7 by 3? h: yeah... so we went wider.b: definitely. b: not one that you'll want to be transporting on the road very often? h: no, for us it was always... the point was to move it just once or twice, and then just leave it...

h: ...onsite, and, yeah, we thought it was worth some extra stress transporting it for the extra space living in it. o: so, i've always been obsessed with tiny apartments and things like that ... o: ... and, um, i was actually just watching one of your videos o: ... the one on brett*, and holly saw it...(*amazing diy off-grid modern tiny house) o: ...and was like "man, what's this, this is pretty interesting". o: and so we watched it together, ay, and...h: and i said we should do it! o: we should do it! o: so, yeah, we started, like, taking things out on the floor and... h: yeah...o: every time we were at the beach, drawing things in the sand and...

h: yeah, we had, like, full-on tape measures and stuff h: ....and we'd draw up floor plans, and we went through heaps of different designs... lots and lots of different plans. h: all sorts of stuff ... h: but basically the main thing that made us do it was just that we wanted the adventure. o: yeah, the adventure... b: well, the place looks really nice from the outside. b: let's have a look on inside, see what you've done.h: awesome, come on in. b: what a lovely home! h: yeah, she's cool, hey? thank you!

b: it's all so open and light, isn't it? h: yeah, that was a big part for us. h: we have 9 windows and this tiny little space and it was always about making it light and airy... h: ... and getting the sunshine in, all the time.o: yeah o: so we'd seen, like, a lot of those american-style tiny houses... o: and they didn't really work for how we like to live and, um, you know, they're pretty amazing but... o: ... we tried to take the "kiwi approach" to it, you know - open plan... o: ... big doors looking out onto the view and the deck.h: yeah o: it was the main thing we had in mind when we built it actually, was the light, bright open feel.

b: i really love what you've done here with this climbing wall. b: this is such a clever way of getting into the loft. h: yeah, it's cool, ay? h: so, it was just that we didn't really...we didn't really know where a ladder could go ... h: ... and we didn't really want to cut off any of that opening. h: so, instead oli, yeah, oli decided on a climbing wall. i was pretty against it at the start... h: but now, i really like it. h: i think it's cool to have the "pops" of green and everything as well. h: lots of people were, um, a little bit "anti" having a climbing wall as the only way to get up there!

h: but, you know, the whole thing about a tiny house is, you built it for you, right ... h: ... you don't build it for resale value or, for you know, anyone else, you build it for the people who are gonna live in it. h: when we, um, if we watch movies and we have cups of tea and stuff... h: ... we do have to pass it up, like, because it's quite hard to climb up with a cup of tea! h: so yeah....o: it's good, you get very quick at it too, ay? b: can i have a go?h & o: yeah! b: all right, everyone in the world can watch me fumble as i get up this thing. b: although, maybe i'm almost tall enough just to... i've really got an advantage here, ay? o: you can just step up!

b: oh - now that ... is cool!h: yeah! b: that is a seriously cool way of getting into a loft! b: and, and what an amazing space this is ... i mean, comfortable, you've got all these cushions, awesome tv... h: yeah, so we wanted the tv to be up, out of the way, you know, we didn't want it to be the feature of the room.... h: ...because it's such a small space, so if there was a tv, say, right here on this wall... h: ... it would be quite overpowering, but we did want to be able to watch movies and, you know... h: shows and stuff, so we set it up, up there. b: while i'm up here, i really like the use of the led lights, this is really nice. o: yeah, we stole them from holly's auntie...

h: yeah, my auntie, she had a fairy light chandelier, and we just thought it was a cool idea. b: well, i'm gonna climb on down and we can have a look at the kitchen. o: sweeth: cool b: this kitchen is really lovely, it's so open, it's so inviting. b: you just want to get in here and start cooking, don't you? h: yeah, it's great, it's awesome. h: we just, um, so, we wanted it to be a big enough space because we usually cook together... h: .... so we wanted to have enough room. h: and, i guess it still is a small kitchen...

h: ....but it just worked. o: and one thing we wanted to do, that's because there's two of us living here ... o: ... and we still live, you know, a very normal life. o: we have "9 to 5" jobs and everything... o: ... so we didn't want to compromise on too many things. o: so our fridge is actually bigger than the last fridge we had. o: we've got a full size oven, full size double sink. o: you know, so we wanted to make sure that we could actually fit all those things in. h: we did, um, we were gonna put in a gas hob - we actually bought a gas hob and everything...

h: ... but we just never got around to it. h: and we used our little camping stove. h: we cooked christmas dinner on it actually, and so that's the ultimate test. h: if you can cook christmas dinner .... so yeah, yeah, it's been awesome! b: now this is something you don't see very often in a tiny house. h: a full table!b: a full dining table. b: and i suppose as well, this is the sort of thing you can do, just by pushing it ... b: ... that little bit further to that 3m mark, ay?h: yeah h: because if it was 2.4m, you wouldn't know, it's quite a luxury to have that much space ...

h: ... to have that big of a table. but it's such a usable space as well. h: like, we do use it for, you know, you sit down and you work here, you're on your laptop.... h: ... and all that sort of stuff? and obviously, you're i think it's amazing to have a table. o: and one thing we didn't want to do is have all the "transforming" furniture... o: like that's...there's some really cool ideas but because there's two of us living in here... o: ... you don't want to have to, you know, fold your bed up to make your coffee in the morning... o: ... and what not, so same thing with the table, wanted to have proper fixed furniture. o: it makes it feel more like an actual home as well, doesn't it? h: yeaho: rather than a camping trip or something, you know?

h: yeah, so we still do have a lot of the cool little storage solutions and that kind of thing... h: ... that you have in tiny houses, you know. h: but, yeah, it's just because there's two of us, we didn't want to have too many transforming things. o: and we had the space to do it, you know ....that's what we decided from the start, make it a bit bigger. o: don't move it often, and we can fit in the things that we want. b: very nice, very comfortable looking lounge here as well. h: yeah, they're cool, those were old cushions that we actually took off some couches that we have ... h: ...and up-cycled them and, yeah, there's all storage under there and that's why, obviously, you build a couch. h: i think with all the upholstering and everything, it probably would have worked out cheaper to just...

h: a couch and put it in here but like, you know, in a tiny house, you need to use the space. h: you know, it needs to be storage. and under there, it swallows up so much stuff. h: it's got all of our camping stuff, yeah, like backpacks, all that sort of thing. b: and so your bathroom i'm guessing is through that it? o: yep, just under here... o: so this is the bathroom.h: yeah b: this is lovely. o: so we managed to fit a full 900mm by 900mm shower and that's because... o: ...we pushed out over the drawbar.

so that's where that sits. b: right. o: we've got a smaller bit still pretty big size vanity, standard composting toilet, and, yeah! b: so what about this space here? what goes in there? h: so that's the other part that was over the drawbar, obviously. and that's the washing machine. o: yeah, so that's our laundry. we've got a normal full-size household washing machine. o: and just some coat storage, and, yeah.h: yeah. o: we didn't want the washing machine to be as noticeable as they are in a lot of other tiny houses. o: so, we put it in there and you can shut your door and never see it again, so, it's good. b: and, we've still got the sleeping loft to go.

b: shall we have a look at that?h: yeah, come on up. h: so, we built it so that we could stand up.... h: ... beside the bed and get into the bed. h: but i don't know if you're going to be able to stand up, bryce! b: hey, that's such a neat idea, ay! b: i can at least stand up here on the step.h: that's all right. b: this is really good, it's really unusual to have this much space. b: where did you actually get this extra height from? o: so, we hadn't seen this done anywhere, but we were thinking that some of your kitchen things...

o: ... they don't need to be full height, so, pantry, fridge, for example, don't need to be full height. o: so we thought if you drop the floor above those, and then, you know, come up to the normal loft height... o: ... then you basically "steal some height" to stand up in your loft. o: which i haven't seen in any other tiny house. h: so, it works, i think because we're both quite short. h: so we can stand up here, but i think you're a little bit higher/taller and obviously, you can't. o: yeah, it's such a nice comfortable space up here, ay, we love sleeping in this bed. o: we have the best sleeps. h: also obviously because it's at the top, it's the warmest part.

h: so that's amazing and in the winter time, you know, it's nice and warm. h: ... up here in bed, and in the summer time, that's why we've got the windows. h: so we can vent it, if you just open both of those, you get a really nice cross breeze. h: yeah, it works really well, if you want to air the whole tiny house out, we just open this window... h: ... and the one at the other end and the whole thing just gets nice and cool. h: one of the biggest things about us building a tiny house was that we built one because we wanted to live ... h: ... somewhere that was double-glazed, insulated and nice and warm... h: ... and we couldn't afford that in a normal sized house. h: so, yeah, we went for a tiny house.

h: that's why we haven't really cut any costs anywhere. h: you know, we've got brand new joinery and everything, and it's beautiful and warm in here. because it wasn't really about saving money, it was more about living somewhere amazing. h: so, all together i think it's been about nzd $45,000?o: yeah h: but that's including the couch and all the curtains and everything. h: so much more expensive than a lot of tiny houses. h: but as i say, it was more about... we had more money than time... h: ...because we were both working full-time jobs and doing everything on the weekends... h: we didn't have enough time to, sort of, source everything...

o: so it's all brand new stuff, all brand new double-glazing, so it fits exactly how we want it... o: brand new trailer - the trailer alone cost nzd $10,000 .... o: that's just material costs too, so $45k material costs. o: we've paid a professional plumber and sparkie (electrician) so that's included in that. o: but everything else is just materials. o: if we were to look at our hourly rate .... o: just the time spent actually doing the work, but the time spent researching and sourcing and know.. o: so a lot of the time goes into that. but yeah, $45k.h: fun time though. o: it is, yeah.h: it is cool.

b: so, you started building this tiny house two years ago? b: you've been living in it for almost a year now. b: and you're about to be selling it... b: how does that feel now? o: it's sad, ay... really sad to part with it.h: it is a bit sad. h: yeah, it's a lovely place to live, like it is, it's so beautiful. h: but, it's kinda, it's just the right time for us. h: and it's been our big stepping stone to let us get into the property market. h: because it's... quite a hard move to make. to get enough of a deposit together and everything.

h: and... that's why we decided to do the tiny house, there was the adventure as well ... h: ...and also the financial side and so hopefully... h: ...with selling the tiny house and selling our land, we'll have a pretty good head-start. h: you know, to get a normal house, to raise a family, and, yeah. b: this home is so functional and you have packed in so many really clever little features. b: i love the climbing wall. b: i really love what you've done here, with dropping down the loft space as well. b: that's such a clever way of approaching and really thinking 3-dimensionally with your space. b: so congratulations to you as on that.

b: thank you so much for showing me your home.h & o: thank you b: it's absolutely beautiful, and all the best for your next adventures. o: cheersh: thanks b: what i really love about this tiny house is that oli and holly ... b: ...have managed to build a home which truly encompasses them as individuals. b: they both have this wonderful adventurous spirit ... b: ...and that's evident in so many of the decisions that they've made in this house. b: for one, actually making the decision to build a tiny house on wheels... b: ...but also things like this fantastic climbing wall.

b: i think the big challenge for them now is going to be finding a family home... b:...that they can move into that actually embodies that same spirit. b: i wish them luck.

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