house design naksha

''love, love, love, love''. ''gloy to the guru'spath of righteousness...'' ''gloy be to him'' god's name is the truth. get up.- get me a cup of tea please. come with me, son. so will you go with them?- hey rajveer! let's go and play. don't trouble him.give him to me.

your mother was looking for you.- all right. you will go, right, my son? mother! ranveer, go call your father.he must be at uncle vikram's. tell him that lunch is ready. pay heed to me.think it over. mumbai is a big'll be alone and... vikram, what's wrong with you? my dream is about tocome true after so long.

and you're sayingl must think it over! l am going to mumbai onlybecause it is a big city. and that's where my dreams are. all right, veer singh. but...- but what? take kartar as an example.he owns 10 taxis in mumbai. what had he taken with him? and then there's harpal.he owns the biggest cloth store. and agarwal. he just went.and look at him today. l agree with you.l am not arguing...

l'm only explaining thatthese people were lucky. luck alone doesn't has to work hard. you know me.l will work hard day and night. l will get it.mumbai will give me what l want. lt will surely give it to me. may god give youthe strength always. l'll keep your land with mebut only as a caretaker. this land is yoursand will always remain so. ''this land is our livelihood''

''evey moment, we're in transit'' ''newer goals we move towardson new paths'' ''under the skies,we set out...'' ''with iust a dream'' ''kiran's roadside inn'' ''a little away is a new dawn...'' ''night is but a few moments more'' ''happy tidings await us still'' kiran! what happened?are you all right?

kiran, what happened? lt's the last stage of cancer.- so what if it's cancer?! you're such a renowned doctor.can't you cure my kiran? what are you a doctor for?!l don't care! l'll get you all the medicines.don't wory about the money either. but my kiran will recover, won't she?she has to get all right. ranveer, l am goingout for a few days. and till return,you will take care of rocky. your father has a lot of work.

hence, you will haveto take care of rocky. shower him with a lot of love.don't ever hit him. he is your younger brother. give him all thehappiness in the world. you will give him allthe happiness, won't you? yes, mother.l will give him evey happiness. mother, can l sleep next toyou? l don't getproper sleep at home. father is unable to sing thelullaby like the way you do.

you sing to me. l'll sing it to you, son. come, slumber... put my son to sleep come soon... ''why did this happen?what breeze is this...?'' ''it has blown outevey lamp of happiness'' ''what times are these that bringso much of sorrow to my heart?'' ''how shall one swallowhis own tears?''

''we're forever in transit'' ''sorrows...'' "miseries..." ''have never been able to stop life'' ''a new confidence the heartsets out with...'' ''a new desire awakens'' ''these eyes dream againof so many new things'' come on, raiveer. come on, raiveer. come on, come on. come on, rajveer.come on, rajveer.

come on, raiveer. raiveer. rajveer. rajveer, come on.come on, rajveer. come on, raiveer, come on. come on. come on. raiveer. come on, rajveer, come on.come on, rajveer. come on, rajveer.- come on, rajveer. rajveer.- rajveer. raiveer. - he did it, buddy.

raiveer, are you okay?- what a race! you were amazing, rajveer! wow! you did it! that was stupid.- what stupid? raiveer was great! raiveer is the best. raiveer, why did you go so far? what have you decided aboutour offer of the hilton group? mr. bangarappa, thanks for the offer.

l don't want to add any othername to kiran intercontinental. because it holdsmemories of my mother. l'm sory. l would still want youto consider our offer. our group will be reallypleased to have you with us. anyway, thanks for the offer. bye. will it finish by tomorrow?- yes, sir. why are you taking the tv?- we're from technotronics. the whole lot is defectivehence we are taking it back.

all right. have thenew televisions arrived? not yet. the truckshould be here any moment. hello, technotronics. - yes? this is ranveer singh speaking fromkiran intercontinental. - yes, sir. you know that my hotel isto be inaugurated tomorrow. and you're taking thetelevisions away at the last moment. you haven't even sent new ones. don't you test yoursets before the dispatch? what? but our sets areperfectly all right.

we didn't send anyone.- what? yes, sir. good evening, sir. sheena here. the staff is waiting for long will you take to get here? l am at the hotel. line up the security staffin the lobby. l'll be there. wow! this is simply delicious! soft and beautiful.

taste is more importantthan the appearance. ls it tasty?- vey much. you have magic in your hands.the boss will be vey happy. thank you vey much, sistergeeta. call me miss geeta patel. okay. good evening, sir.- good evening - good evening. the food and beveragefor tomorrow's inauguration.. ..has been taken care of.- l'll see it later.

padu has made 'idli'.could you please taste it? you do that.- madam has already tasted it. she liked it vey much.why don't you also ty it? along with the specialsouth indian ingredients... ... l have added theentire experience of my life. lt will take only a minute.- l don't have a single minute. you will hurt my feelings if...- l told, l don't have the time! why don't you all understand? good evening, sir.

sir, l have called theentire security staff. anything serious, sir?what is the problem? why are you so upset? will you iust keep quiet? attention. mr. chaubey, you are the chiefof security in this hotel. right? do you know what'shappening in this hotel? sir. a couple of people werestealing our televisions.

stealing? but they saidthey came from technotronics. they even had a receipt.- and you believed them?! do you cross check ifthey were genuine or not?! and if the receiptwas genuine or not?! why wasn't there aduty officer at the gate?! ls this the way youfulfill your duty?! l'm sory, sir. now listen to me carefully. this hotel is not a hotelbut a dream for my family.

a dream which has beenrealized after years of hard work. l will not tolerateany kind of incompetence. do you understand that? this is your first and last warning. the inauguration is tomorrow. and l don't want anykind of negligence tomorrow. ls that clear? - yes, sir. you can disperse now. sheena, see that the staff getshere at sharp 9 in the morning.

wow, that's beautiful.sheena, isn't that beautiful? sheena. - yes, mr. singh. l'm sory, sheena. come here. now isn't that beautiful? yes, sir. it is vey pretty. who has done that? - paddu. lt's all right if he insults me,but not my idli. l am leaving. look padu,my boss is a vey nice man.

oh really?! he doesn'thave a minute to spare. listen to me, padu.l'll explain to him. he's tensed about theinauguration tomorrow. we'll feed your 'idlis' tothe guests tomorrow. all right? no, l have decided.l am quitting. oh, god. what's wrong, padu? sir, l want to say something.- let me say something before that. this 'rangoli' design that youhave made is indeed beautiful!

lt's really beautiful. not only are you a good chef,but also an excellent artist. you're really good. thank you.thank you vey much, sir. thank you. you're a vey nice man!- what did you want to say? not any more. l was are a vey nice man. sheena, is he right?- of course, sir. sir, the lights are ready to beswitched on. - tell them to hold it. sister geeta, can l borrowyour walky-talky? - yes. - thanks.

lights. ranveer? oh, rannu. oh, it's you? why are you standing out?come in. lf you could open this.- oh sure. come, my son! no wonder you look so familiar. give me a hug!- but who are you?

didn't you recognize me?- no. l am your mother's brother. uncle karan? he is your mother's realbrother. then who are you?- me? l am your mother's aunt'sson-in-law's paternal brother. lt doesn't matter how l am relatedto her. but l am your uncle! now give me a kiss! chain?

that's my responsibility.l'll chain the door. don't wory. a lot of thefts take place here. who is he?- a distant relative of your mother's. hence your father isvey attached to him. but my son seems tohave grown old before me. we don't have a dearth ofapes in our mumbai zoos! we definitelydidn't need one at home! ranu, you'll behappy to know... ... that now l willlive here with you.

and if you ask me where l wasbefore this, my reply would be... joginder, you don'tseem to brake anywhere! the boy is tired.let him eat first. amazing! is this a time to eat?it's not even evening as yet. lt's 9:30 already.the streets remain busy till late. really?- uncle, here. l think you're hungy.why don't you eat? no, that's all right.- please eat. l'll eat tomorrow. all right. l'll eat.

l'll go and sit withmy brother-in-law. for how long is he here?- until our ration gets over. the idiot ate up hypo boxesof cornflakes in hypo hours... ... thinking it was themumbai special 'chiwda'. hello. yes. uncle roshan? yes, uncle. yes, evemhing is all right. yes, we are preparing fortomorrow. aunt is comingwith you, isn't she? yes. l'll just give theline to father... yes.

father, it is uncle roshan. yes? come a bit early sothat we can talk at length. lt's a vey important day of my life.l'll see you tomorrow. did you meet uncle joginder? yes, l did.- we met. did you touch his feet? oh, he gave me sucha warm hug! my dear! - yes, l did. who is going toreceive the mayor? he will come in his own car.

just be there at the gateto receive the guests. well, the guestshave been taken care of. what about your loving rocky? his college starts on's his last weekend. he'll be here. you have spoilt him. mark my words, he won'tcome on time even tomorrow. what is the time? why did l drink so much? oh, no. l am late.

oh, no. l am late.wake up. we are late. hey, guys, come on. get up now. hey, baba. come on, get up.come on, come on, get up. come on, goldie. hello. - rocky. yes, brother. it's me. okay. l'll be there. brother. ladies and gentlemen.ladies and gentlemen, please. our priest iust told us that...

... the auspicious time for theinauguration is a little while later. hence you will have to wait a while. l'd like my father veer singhto say a few words to you. father. rocky. dear friends and brothers,let me tell you one thing. the priest has notgiven any auspicious time later. as usual my younger son,rajveer is late. as usual,my older son ranveer...

... is lying andtying to save him. children are under the impressionthat their parents are ignorant. but they forgetthat we are their parents. l am sory, father. come on, father.please. father, please. brother-in-law,introduce me to him. he's uncle his blessings. uncle!- bless you, son! congratulations! ''come, shake a leg.iet's dance the bhangra''

''your face bears the glitterof a million stars'' ''you're the one who sendstheir hearts racing'' ''l want to step in for good luck'' ''and let me ty this..'' ''when the fats assemble todance the bhangra...'' ''pretty damselsdance in gay abandon'' ''my love, let's dance today'' ''lt's time for fun...'' ''with the beautiful one''

''youthfulness is indeed crazy'' ''people in the worldbelieve in the glitter of money'' ''for the large-hearted ones however,iove is the greatest lure'' ''the magician will cast the spell'' ''he's going to get drunk'' ''you with the slender waist,come with me...'' ''l have something to tell you...'' ''take the veil off'' ''let me behold your face...take the veil off''

''l'm going to get drunk...'' ''l'm going to gulpit all down today'' ''today l am going to taste.'' ''the magic of youth.'' ''let nobody stop me...'' ''not the world,l'm going to gulp it all down today'' ''brother! you are a canon!'' ''you are a canon!'' ''young boy, you are india's hope''

brother! brother? where were you?- l was coming back. come with me.l need to talk to you. what happened, brother? rocky, father has helpedus to reach till here. l want both of us to get together,reach new heights and expand business. we should have a chainof hotels in evey city. this is possibleonly if you are with me.

l am with you.and whyjust india? we'll have our hotels in othercountries as well. in evey city. london, paris,new york, eve_here, brother. you think l'm drunk?you never get here on time. and look at the talkyou're giving! you brat! no, no. l am serious, brother. we'll prove it that no one cancompete the kiran group of hotels. l'll start coming towork from tomorrow. no. complete your studiesand then help me.

come here. this car is for you. this is for me?this is for me, brother? lt's so cool. l always wanted this, brother. brother, l love you.thank you, brother. love you, rocky. love you. bye. yes. what is happening tonight?

hey, guys. what's up? enioying. hey, guys.tony, what's happening? - l'm cool. what's this? play some techno. coming up, rajveer.- hey, baba. let's vj. yes. let's vj. another one? another one?the drinks are on me tonight. not again, brother. your college reopens today, rocky.

l don't want to go. but you have to study. what is it?l think he is rajveer, right? you. this is not the right method. sorry. sorry. ''there's no one who will stop me'' ''that which l wish,is going to happen'' ''l stop not, when someoneasks me to''

''l'm like the strong gustof wind...'' ''here now, there in a moment...'' ''isn't that true...? - yes.'' ''isn't that true...?'' ''new paths beckon me'' ''new desires tempt me'' ''life invites mewith open arms'' ''evey place l see...'' ''things spruce up...''

''they call me a fancy-free soul,it's a strange thing with me'' ''hearts beat...''- ''hearts beat...'' ''wherever tread'' ''all morning, noon and night...'' ''there's a surge ofjoyin the hearts'' ''lf l wish...'' ''l could reach for the skies'' ''l'm like the stronggust of wind...'' ''ln a city of flowers,l was brought up''

''and love is beginningto blossom in my heart'' ''my eyes...'' ''look for him,where is he?'' ''a stoy...'' ''his arrival will start...'' ''l already know it...'' ''in my heart'' raiveer! she is my cousin. really? somehow evey girlseems like your cousin.

vey funny. look, l am telling you,stay away from her. what are you saying?am l close to her? look... ls there a problem? like always. he's asked you to stay away. so stay away!... understood?! l didn't understand.why don't you explain?

what's going on there? raiveer singh and sameer khanna. both of you betterlisten to me carefully. this is your final year. l've beentolerating you since last 2 years. but now l need iustone little chance. any more nonsense,and you won't be graduates! l will rusticate you better behave yourself. understand?come on. get back to your classes. move.

nikhil, why were youfighting with that boy? not that he misbehaved. shalini, you're new here. lt will take you a whileto understand things here. lt would be better if you keepyour distance from this boy. alright? and by the way, meet my gang. sameer, shalini, my cousin.first year ba. ricky. - hello. - hi. this is my friend nisha. - hi. welcome to our collegeand to our group.

lf you need anything,we are there. and if anyone rags you,tell us about it. okay? - okay. we'll leave. bye. - bye. - bye. nikhil, your cousin is puremagic. whose cousin after all? you want it?you want it? - give it to me. shalini, don't look at him.

he's one of the most spoiltstudents of our college. he's not good.- really? but l liked him. he is so.. - cute. he's so cute. l wonder why eveybodytalks ill about him? l think they are iealous. he's so handsome. lf you're handsomeit doesn't mean you're decent. he takes advantage of his looks.

he woos girls with his charmsand then drops them like a hotcake. he doesn't even look at them later.a rich man's son after all! really?he's even rich? l'm not talking to you. shalini,his entire group is this type. nobody is interested in studying. dance, drinks and dating.this is their lifestyle. great! what a life! really? so is this whyyou come to college?

you're so boring, priya. lf not in college,where else will we do all this? this is the time to enioy. once you're out of college,you'll get married and have kids. and then all your life youhave to look after your kids. let's have fun. what's your problem? why don't you understand? he is a womanizer.- so what? l don't think so.

then get lost. priya. - hey. run, run fast. shalini, who do you think musthave said the word 'love' first? adam and eve.- shut up! you know nothing! oh really? as though you'vedone your research on love! shalini, ask her to shut up.- why are you disturbing her? look, l am your to me properly. yes, l know!

don't talk to me. shalini, iust tell her. hi. l am raiveer. hi. won't you tell me your name? shalini. you've got beautiful eyes! what about my eyes, mister?! your eyes?- yes.

they are like this. hey, don't mess with us. how many times willyou repeat that line? think of something newthat might scare me... go. raiveer. - hey, guys. principal. all the participants of theiace... ... are requested togather at the grounds. l'll teach you aiesson at the races! that's like a sportsman.

bye, shalini. have you given the instructions?- yes, sir. on your marks. get set. yes, come on. come on. come on. we can do it. come on. come on. - come on. yes. - come on, goldie.

come on. oh, no. get up, goldie.come on, goldie. get up. hury up, vicky. - get up, goldie. come on, goldie. - come on. come on. you can do it. come on, raiveer. come on. raiveer. raiveer. come on. come on, raiveer.

raiveer. raiveer. - yes. yes. goldie, we did it. what do you say, rajveer?we should celebrate in a big style. congratulations. you've won!- why? did you doubt that? this is for you. come on, guys.stop teasing goldie now. hey, guys. he looks like me, doesn't he?- yes, he does.

lt is you, rajveer.- really? it's vey nice. thanks. you sketch vey well. and one more even dance vey well. thanks, raiveer. bye. - did you takethe first-aid kit? bye. - bye. we're going to cloud ninetonight. will you come? l will surely come.

see you there. wow, nikhil. this place is great. there. there is the gang. hey. well, well. - hi, mate. hi, shalini. l was iust thinking about you. like always,you're looking vey beautiful! what will you have? excuse me.

priya. priya, hi. - hi. how come you're here?- oh forget that. did you see rajveer around?- he should be around. anyway, meet my friend joe.shalini. - hi. have you seen rajveer?- no, darling. let's dance. like always, she's gone. ''love!'' ''love is such a fragrancethat enchants life!''

''love is such a magicthat it blossoms life!'' you. you get out of here now.come on. stop that. stop that.what is happening? be cool. guys. calm down. why were you cying? that's because l can'tbear to see violence. even if someone talks loudly,l get frightened. lt was the first timethat l ever came to a discotheque. what?

yes. my parents dislike all this. they are afraid lestl do the same as my brother. he married a foreignerand has left us. even l feel vey uneasy at parties. but l wanted to come here today. lt's because you called me. hence l had to sneak out withthe help of my cousin nikhil. you mean, your parentsdon't know you're out? no. l came through thewindow and down a tree.

l don't believe this. l know it's funny. but l wanted to meet you. l did all this because l like you. you're not what you look like.- what do you mean? you got beautiful eyes. we should be going home now. are you sure? - yes. okay. let's go.

hey, kabir. how are you doing? waiter, whisky on the rocks.hi, guys. where are the girls?- their mood was off, so they left. rajveer, you knockedall of them single-handedly. you're too good. let alone confronting you,now sameer won't even challenge us. forget that. did anythingwork out with the new girl? come on, tell us. yes. did you readthat beautiful book?

yes. did you score? of course. tell us, rajveer.- should l? yes, of course. she made me suddenly stop the car. we got off the car. she took off her shoes. and then herjeans...- jeans? yes!

she folded herieans. and got on to a tree.- what? and she entered her roomthrough the window. and then?- and then l came here. that's a film dialogue. can't help it.that's the way it was. you mean,nothing happened. don't wory. he will get her one day. cheers to that. - cheers. cheers.

lt's vikram's letter.he has asked us to... ... keep our eyes open fora groom for his daughter, rani. has she grown that big?- hi, eveybody. what about rajveer?get him married. who? me? - yes. - no way. don't even think about me.- nobody is thinking about you. you can't take care of yourself,how will you take care of her? okay, father. cool it. l got the point. l'm out of here.

should we talk to ranveer? lt's a good to him today. brother is amazing! he comesto the farm evey saturday. l wonder what hegets in this jungle! he's spoilt my weekend! l'm hungy. it would be greatif we could get something to eat. as l said it's ajungle. neitherwill you get to eat nor drink. quiet, rocky! joginder, you'llget whatever you want.

you will get buttermilkand 'parathas'. iook there. sir!- what? your father is here.- cay on, l'm coming. hello, uncle! give me a hug, my nephew!- no way. ranu! listen to me! hey rocky! even you've come?- l was brought here. god bless you! l feel veynice to see you at the farm. are you harvesting the crop?- yes.

lt rained here a few days agowhich spoilt the crops. hence l am getting it harvested. son, l have todiscuss something with you. tell me, father? l got a letter from vikram.- what has he written? he wants me to look for agroom for his daughter rani. as you know,vikram has favoured us a lot. and moreover he is avey good friend of mine. l would want this friendshipto culminate into a relationship.

you haven't chosen any girl,have you? you don't object tothis proposal, do you? no, you deem best. vey good, son!you can get back to work. mother, ranveer has agreed. may god bless him with a long life!he never disagrees with us. whereas the younger onenever agrees to what we say. father, l can't possiblyheed you evey time. brother, you agreedfor the marriage?

are you crazy? how can you mary a girlwhom you've never seen? tell me, brother? will you mary a village belle? a girl who will have thisiong a veil and say to you.... listen! you are my lordand l am at your service... ... and l yearn for your love. which is that festivalwhat the women believe in? ln which they keep waiting forthe moon and don't eat all day.

this girl will do the same. she will wait for the moon. and till you bless her,she won't eat. you mustn't poke fun atsomething which you don't know! let's see who getsto the tube well first? yes? what? okay? hey! cheat! you can't defeat me.- can't defeat you?

you ought to win.iook at the way you're huffing! why don't you give up smoking?- you've begun to scold me again. hey, you need a goodspanking. naughty fellow. lt's so nice to seeboth of you together. rocky, you must also comeand help your brother sometimes. you're always busywith your friends. have buttermilk. no, grandma. no 'buttermilk' for me.

what do want to have? whiskey? okay. okay, grandma. now l have to look fora beautiful girl for you. l'm going to mr. dhanuwa'sfor a musical night. l'll look for a cute girl for you. you better take me there. me? no way, grandma. l won't go. ask brother.

all right, you needn't come. l am hail and hearty.l can go on my own. l'll tell people that l havehypo young robust grandsons. but they don'thave the time for me. son, your car is so expensivebut can't get me there on time. this is a car, not a plane.and look at the traffic. here we are. so here's your musical night. lt has already begun.rocky would have got me on time.

so who got youhere finally? me. yes, you're right. you're theone who always comes to help. hello!- hello! we're waiting just for you.- my grandson got me late. please come.- come on. what time do l pick you up?- 4 o'clock. all right. l'll take your leave.- not without eating. ''the bachelors haveraided the locality...''

''rest assured,one will flip for you'' ''one bachelor offersto buy you an anklet'' ''another bachelor offersto help you wear it'' ''the others are all ecstatic...'' ''there's this boy in your lane...''- ''there's this boy in your lane...'' ''who has a roving eye'' ''he once came to me andtook away some spicy lentil-cury'' ''some spicy lentil-cury'' ''there's this boy in your lane...who has a roving eye''

''the cursed chapwanted more!'' ''l sprinkled somepepper at his eyes...'' ''when he asked for more'' ''on ludhiana station...'' ''let's see the sucker'' ''a lovely house...'' ''come to my lane once, my love'' ''settle down with one,handsome'' ''l'll make a place in your heart.hold me in your arms, handsome''

yes! we did it! we did it! we did it! lt's great fun here. your turn. - did you see that? come on. - yes. let's go. thanks. goldie, did you see that? hi, raiveer. - hi. come on. let me play.- hey shefali, let me play. you are looking good. - thanks. l'll catch you later.

goldie, will you havean ice cream? - yes. what about you? - same. yes! - what a strike, man? will you have an ice cream?softy? what's this? nothing. nothing. lce cream, guys? what about you? yes. one for me. you don't throw the ball like that. then how?

here. keep your left leg in front. bend down. like that. hold it like this and throw. that's it. your softies, sir. yes. thanks. hey girls. where is shalini? l don't know.

here, shalini. your ice cream. raiveer, l don't want it. why? you had asked for it.- yes, but l don't want it now. why? what happened? ls it necessay toteach eveyone to bowl? eveyone? you mean donna? so what? so what? l don't like it.- you don't like it? what's wrong?

anyway, it's your turn to's your ice cream. l don't want the ice-cream. sorry. anyway, you didn't want it. hey, what are you doing?- your shirt got dirty. lt's okay. it is iust a shirt. relax. no. it's not iust a shirt. this shirt looks vey nice on you. lf your dy cleaningsession is over...

shall we play the game? let's play. - okay. ''ln the land of dreams...'' ''in the shadowsof the eyes...'' ''love...'' ''that one heist in life...'' ''on that heist...'' ''l saw you...'' ''and felt...''

''you are a blossoming bud...'' ''a mischievous ray of light...'' ''a flowing river...'' ''a rose-gardenfull of fragrance'' ''from you, flows freshness'' ''from you, comes life'' ''and l say...'' ''yes, this is love...'' ''l openly admit it...''

''l'm crazy,l'm in love...'' ''just you hear that,sweetheart'' ''l'm stunned...'' ''what am l to sayand do...?'' ''your tresses are likea dark night'' ''your face is as beautifulas the moon'' ''lips that are like rose-petals'' ''your words are a melody'' ''who knows...?''

''o beautiful one...'' ''sweetheart, heart-throb...'' ''what lies in my heart...'' ''you do not know...'' ''l've been silent...'' ''but l wish to say...'' ''that which l co..uldnever say... brother, am l missing something? the ceiling does have somethingspecial, but l can't see it.

rocky, when did you come? exactly 6 minutesand 26 seconds ago. rocky, l am in love.- oh no! not you, brother. l saw her at the musical night. and now l can seeonly her eve_here. go off to sleep;evemhing will be fine. when l shut my eyes l see do l sleep? take sleeping'll sleep well.

rocky, l am in love! haven't you ever fallen inlove? me? no way. brother, no way. by the way,what is this love? this is love. you are crazy, brother. l thank god that l don't sufferfrom this ailment and never will. l'm getting out of here. listen, rocky!

now what it is? listen...- don't touch me. lt could be contagious. what the hell are you doing, brother?what the hell is this? you're making fun! you're laughing at me! are you crazy?- l can do anything today. l can even thrash you. you would do the samehad you been in love.

now do you know what's love?- yes, l know. but what about thegirl from punjab? you've given your word. you're right. now what? now what?- what will l tell father? no problem, brother. why should you tell him?l am there. yes. father! grandma! father!

father! shut up! grandma! rocky, shut up! what happened?- is evemhing all right? what are you doing? you had us scared. grandmother...- no! l am not in love! he's stuck.

who is the girl?- l don't know. what's her name?- l don't know. where does she stay?- l don't know. so what do you know?- l know. you do?- well, l don't really know. but l know thatshe is vey pretty. she hails from a respectablefamily and l like her. but vikram...- you didn't give your word. ty to understand.he is in love.

how can he iust fall in love! just the way you fell in lovewith kiran? have you forgotten? don't you remember how youwould take her to the fair! l didn't know you alsosuffered from this ailment. quiet! don't wory, son. l'll find outabout the girl tomorrow itself. lt's alright. hello? - hello. rama mehra here.

l am mother speaking.- whose mother? l'm veer singh's mother, theowner of kiran intercontinental. oh yes! hello!tell me? l saw your daughter atdhanuwa's daughter's musical night. yes?- she's vey pretty. yes. l was wondering if l couldask... ... for her hand in marriagefor my grandson ranveer. he likes her, too.

pardon?- what happened? l had never imaginedthat shalini... ... would get a marriage proposalfrom such a renowned family. shalini. oh, my! the name is as lovely as her! so when can we come to meetyou? saturday.l've got half a day off. come the day-after-tomorrow.l have a holiday. no, we'll come tomorrow.

we don't want anyone else stealingyour diamond before ranveer does. you mean oncethis proposal is fixed... daughter will leave me? so will you keep your youngdaughter with you all your life? but she's yet a child. l've been tellingyou to wear spectacles. we aren't the first set of parentswhose daughter has grown up. this day was inevitable. l pray that this gets fixed.

why won't it get fixed? theywon't get a girl like shalini. what are you saying?- shalini too should like the boy. right. come. iet's go and talk to her.- now? she must be sleeping. we'll wake her up. come.- but... look at how peacefullyshe's sleeping. iet her sleep. we'll talk in the morning.- wait. child! ''so much of colourall along the way...''

''eve_here l cast a glance,there's is youthful splendour'' ''evey moment of lifehas something new to offer...'' ''l'm on a high...all day and night'' ''lf it is indeedyouthful splendour...'' ''if there is indeedcolour along the way...'' ''do not forget...'' ''there's someone with you...'' ''in your hands...'' ''is someone else's hand''

''at evey step,at evey moment...'' ''there's a new excitement'' ''why think today...'' ''of what happened yesterday'' ''lt was only yesterdaythat you and l met'' ''don't ever forget that'' ''this caravan of the heartwill never stop'' ''my gaze is now here,now there'' ''my pining has increased...''

''my heart-beat has quickened'' ''she was just a dreamtill yesterday...'' ''and l'll meet her tomorrow'' ''my heart shall haveits goal tomorrow'' ''the earth and the skieswill then rejoice'' shalini, where are you taking me? what are you doing?- come on! - shalini! what are you doing?- l am vey happy, rajveer. l am vey happy!- l can see that. but why?

because l am in love! l am in love. yes, raiveer. l am in love with you. not only your eyes,but you are vey beautiful! we've reached the shore. come on, rajveer. - rajveer,come on, dude. - guys, we are coming. let's go to that party.- no, rajveer. now l have to go home. come on, shalini. you're already how does it matter...

... ifyou get home at 4 a.m.your parents will be sleeping. yes, but not today. the next time l shall remainwith you as long as you want. ok l'll drop you home. what happened?why are you laughing? you've made me a monkey! l love you, raiveer. bye. bye-bye.- bye, see you, go now.

hey! mom.. hey, who are you?!where are you off to?!... wait! what are you doing there?!get in!... come on! shameless! where did you go?! answer! l went for a dance.- how do we know that?! whether you went for a dance orsomething else with that rogue! what else do you do?!

do you smoke?!do you drink?! do you take drugs?!tell me, what do you do?! l am not that kind.- then what sort are you?! had we not come upstairstoday,... ... we would have never knownthat you are fooling us. mother, l...- don't talk to me! father, please explain tomother. what do l explain?what's left to explain? we used to be so proud of you.

you have shamed us. we were so happy. we had come to ask youabout your marriage. marriage?! no, l can't... after all this,she is still refusing. rama, don't cy. mother, please don't cy. l love you, mother. please don't cy, mother.

mother, what do l do? l... l beg of you. lf you have even alittle bit of love for us... ... please don't let us down... ... in front of the boy whois coming to see you tomorrow. yes, please?- one whisky and coke. - yes, sir. hi, raiveer. would you like to dance with me? let's go.

hello!- l am shalini's father. please come in. good day!- good day! hello. welcome!- hello! l am sory butour house is a bit small. lt's important tohave place in the heart. ls there place in your heart?- oh yes. don't wory about that.

priya, see if shalini is ready?- yes, aunt. meet my son.- hello! and he's my grandson, ranveer.- hello! and he...- l am her grandson's uncle. joginder. here's my card. you'll gets the best vestsof ludhiana through me. and if this marriage gets fixed,l'll get you a 200lo discount. what will you have?tea, coffee, or a cold drink?

we only want your daughter.but where is she? she's beautiful! she is as beautiful as themoon! come and sit nextto me, lovely girl! do you bathe her in milk? all we have is our daughter. we don't want anything else. the only thingmissing was a daughter. and today that hasbeen taken care of.

will you only stare at heror even talk to her? have we come here to talkabout your marriage or mine? he was in such a hury to come.and now he is not saying a word. at least talk to her. he won't speak to her here. take shalini out. now you have to spend therest of your lives together. lt would be better if you talkand understand each other. go.

lt's a nice place, isn't it?- pardon?... yes. your order, sir? what will you take?- nothing. at least have a cup of tea. two cups of tea please. you're looking veypretty in this dress. lt wasn't at the musical nightthat l saw you for the first time. l sawyou at a signalvey close from here. l'll take you there.

lt was eveningand a slight drizzle. evemhing was so beautiful! and then l saw were the most beautiful thing. and l couldn'ttake my eyes off you. you got lost in the crowdand l was lost in you. and then l didn't realizewhen the signal turned green. anyway. l did pass thatway quite often hoping... ...that l might see you again. but l never saw you.

evemhing became a dream. had my grandmother not forcedme to come to the musical night... ...l would havenever seen you again. you were sitting so close to me. and then you turned aroundand kept the child in my lap. and l saw you. l couldn't takemy eyes away from you. l didn't realize whenthe girls pulled me in. do you remember,you took my glasses and wore them?

shalini, l love you.l love you vey much. l love you. hello? brother, you had called.what's the matter? nothing.l am here with someone. with someone? are you withthe girl of your dreams? where are you?l am coming right away. no. l'll talk to you later.

lt was my younger brother. l think l spoke too much. what did you feel when yousaw me for the first time? tell me please. mr. ranveer, l can't mary you. what? what did you say? l am in love with someone else.and l want to maryjust him. please don't misunderstand me. my intention wasn't to hurt you.

you are a vey nice person. any girl would considerherself fortunate to mary you. but l am helpless. l am sorry. l'm really sorry. l can understand your feelings. lf you don't want to get married,then why did you agree to meet? that's because of my parents.they compelled me. l didn't have the courage to say no.

my parents misunderstandthe boy l am in love with. whereas he is vey nice. he loves me a lot. l want to mary only him. the decision will hurt my parents. but what do l do? you tell me,what should l do? get married to the one you love. shall we leave?

listen. you forgot this. you shouldn't have done that.- yes, priya. but.. what happened?why did they leave in a hury? did you tell...- l told him the truth. even he told me thatl must mary the one l love. and l love rajveer, mother.l really love him. you spurned such a goodproposal for that rajveer?! do you know him?- yes.

nikhil was saying thathe studies in her college. wine, women and funis all he likes doing! and these days,she is his new favourite. that's not true. father, that's not true.she is lying. he is not this me, father. l trusted you once. you will have to give meone more opportunity. what they say about rajveeris not true.

only l know him. raiveer is a nice person. he will come tomeet you tomorrow. and then you'll be convinced... ... that your daughter'schoice is not wrong. please give me one chance. all right. call him. baba, what happened? youwanted to stand next to that girl? he dare not. - he kept standing.

hi. - hi. hi, shalini. how are you? l have to talk to you.- tell me. not here.- why not? not here, raiveer. tell me.- not here either. what are you doing?- please rajveer. tell me.- that night after you left... l completely forgot.what happened?

l tried your mobile and evenieft messages. where were you? l was at a party. l drank too muchso kept sleeping all day. anyway, what happened? there was a proposal for parents want to get me married. yes. they don'tlike me going out. they are right. hanging downa tree and then climbing back... lt's silly. you know? you ought to take the door.- you're right. that's why l want youto meet my parents once.

me?- or ask your parents to meet mine. or else...- hey, wait a second. why should my parentsmeet your parents? raiveer how will we get marrieduntil our parents don't meet? marriage? and ours? why? if we love each other,won't we get married? what's happened to you suddenly?why marriage and parents? go to a doctor.- this is no time for ajoke.

learn to be serious at times.- l've got a whole lifetime for that. lt's time to have fun and enioy! let's fly and relax. raiveer, you love me, don't you? shalini, you.. raiveer, iust tell me. rajveer, you love me, don'tyou? why are you insuch a strange mood? either say yes or no.

do you love me or not? look, shalinil don't know what love is. all l know isthat l like meeting you. l like the things you say.and l like spending time with you. that's it? you are with me onlybecause you want to while your time? don't you love me? you don't love me? no, raiveer. you love me, raiveer.

you love me. you love me, rajveer. l know it. you..- okay. shall we go?- yes. iet's go. meet my parents. let's get married. what the hell is this? marriage and love! that means you don't love me. you don't love me, rajveer.- yes, l don't!

l don't love you. okay?l don't love you. that means peopleare right about you. what? what are they right about?! that you don't careabout anyone's feelings. with girls... what do l do with girls?! what have l done with you?! have l ever touched youwithout your permission?! have l ever slept with you?

l won't ever meetyou again, rajveer. who are you to say that?! l say that l will notsee you ever again! l don't want to see you. understand?now get lost from here. a guy like sameer won'twait for this proposal. should we implementwhat you say immediately?! shalini wants usto meet that boy once. lf not,we'll consider that proposal. what did you say his name was?

he doesn't love me, father. he does not love me. he says that he never loved me. he doesn't even know what love is. or what marriage is. and l loved such a man! l loved him like crazy!oh, my god. l made a fool of myself. l want to die!

l want to die, father. what nonsense are you talking?!you mustn't speak so. don't ever talkof taking your life. l made a mistake, father. please forgive me. you were humiliated because of me. l broke your trust in me.l made a mistake. all for that boywho never loved me. l made a mistake,please forgive me.

there's no need for that.we all make mistakes, don't we? lf rajveer was a wrong boy,it doesn't mean all of them are bad. no, father. now l don'twant to mary anybody. l only want to live with you. promise me that you willnever separate me from you. l don't want to go an_here.... not even to college. who is sending you from here. you will live with us.- yes. father and daughter will live together.- yes.

you'll look after me, right?- yes, father. how is it, dear? give me a drink. ''when even your shadowdeserts you...'' ''there's only loneliness'' ''you feel like cying,but tears won't flow...'' ''such is your loneliness'' ''lf this is the statein which...'' ''your beloved were to leave you...''

''why wouldn't the heartbe fed up of life itself'' ''ln love with you...'' ''darkness and miseyhave been my legacy'' ''even those are now lost to me...'' ''such is my loneliness'' ''l'm remindedof the days gone by...'' ''when you used to cometo placate me, because l sulked'' ''my heart is now sulking,and pain placates it...'' ''such is my stateof loneliness''

come on. hey, guys. let's go. nonsense. yes, please? one glass and some ice.- yes, sir. what happened?- nothing. let's move from here. let's go somewhere else.- now where? do you like the film?- the film is nice. but you seem to be in abad mood since a few days now.

l think you are missing shalini. what?- yes, rajveer. you're in love with shalini. eveybody is saying it.- eveyone is saying it? dimple, jai, shefali. do you think l amin love with shalini? speak up!- hey, we're watching a movie. do all of you thinkl am in love with shalini? come on, speak up!

yes, we thinkyou are in love with her. yes, you are..- we think you are in love, rajveer. you are in love. - absolutely. l am in love with shalini! me?! come on. get up. come with me. pick up your cards. ls shalini there?- who are you? so you are rajveer?- yes, l am rajveer.

mother, it's raiveer. now why have you come here?!- l want to talk to shalini. you can tell me. l can talk only to her. look. look, you have alreadybroken my daughter's heart. she has constrained her tearswith great difficulty. do you want her to cy again? excuse me, sir.

l don't know what yourdaughter has told you. lf she relates friendship andspending time with me to love... .., it isn't my fault! love?! l don't love her. this is what l came to tell herin front of all my friends. because even they thinkthat l am in love with shalini. call her. shalini has realizedthat you don't love her!

you have already madea fool of her once. you've humiliated her enough. l won't let this happen again!please leave. l won't leave until l havetold shalini what l have to say... what do you think of yourself! don't you know how totalk to your elders?! lt only reflects the familybackground you come from! - hey! don't talk about my family! talk to me!what is your status after all?!

talk about your family first! your daughter would comeand meet me on the sly! your daughter!- should l call the police?! call the police. what have l done? l only came to talk to her. what have l done?call the police! he points fingers at my family! what is your status!

leave me. shalini l only came to tell youthat l don't love you! you heard me?!l don't love you! now do you know?!l don't love her! okay. let's get out of here.come on. let's go. stop the car! you coward! you'rerunning away! stop the car! come on. come on. come on.

bastard! raiveer, please. raiveer! your turn, uncle. yes, rocky?- l'm goldie speaking. where is rocky?- he's fighting. whom is he fighting with?!what are you talking about?! there are lots of them.they have surrounded him. where are you?!- at the juhu flying club. rocky!

rocky? - brother. how dare you challenge me! rocky, stop it. stop it, rocky. brother, l'll kill him. rocky, l'll hit you!... come on! can't even walk properly! goldie, bring the other car.- yes, brother. who were these boys? why don't you speak up?!

they were from my college.- your college? you have such hooligansstudying in your college?! why did you drink so much today?! hold this here!you're bleeding! hello, dr. shah? l am ranveer here.please come home fast. rocky is hurt quite badly.come there soon. people are right.l have spoilt you! you're taking advantage ofthe freedom l've given you!

had goldie not called me... had l not got there on time, doyou know what would have happened?! lf not yourself,at least think about us! how much we love you! why aren't you speaking up?! l'm sory, brother. oh dear! what happened?- nothing. please get the first aid kit. what happened, rocky?- don't wory, father.

l have called the doctor.he should be here any moment. he's bleeding and yousay nothing has happened. what happened, rocky?say something. were you involved in a fight? rocky? rocky? move aside.put this on his head. don't move. shut up! you're going toget no sympathies today. this boy will kill us someday!

sit down. how did this happen? he got into a smallbrawl with a few boys. small brawl?did the police come there? no, father. l havetaken care of evemhing. enough! l know how you take care! the hypo of you have spoilt him! and you,no more going to college! you've had enoughof college and studies!

ls this what you learn?!hooliganism and bloodshed! now onwards you will helpyour brother with the hotel. lf there's anything to be learnt,iearn to be responsible. that's bloody unfair. am l some 5 year old kidwho will do as told. what did you say?! l am still your father! the day our relationship ends,you can take this right away! l won't say a word then!

look at yourselfand look at him! son, l can see yourdestruction. l wish l don't live to see that day. mark my words. he won't even beon time for my funeral! he will be with his wayward friends! yes, l won't come on time! thisis what you want to hear, right?! l am bad, bad, bad. oh dear!- grandmother! hey, ms geeta and padu?

good evening, sir. - good evening. no new dishes today? no, sir. this timewe have a request. request? padu and l have organizeda 'garba' (dance) function. sir, we want youto come for a while. yes, sir. please won't say no, right? l'll surely come. really? - thank you, sir.- thank you.

thank you vey much, sir. ''even though you havetinkled your anklets.'' ''why is your love not come yet?'' ''l have.'' ''l have tinkled my anklets.come now, oh my love!'' hello! ''you're in my heart, o dear!'' greetings. - greetings. how are you?and how is business?

lt's doing finewith your blessings. how is your father and grandmother?didn't they come? they are... welcome, sir.- welcome, sir. thank you, sir. sir, this is real entertainment.please come, sir. l only came to wish.nothing more than that. priya, who is he? he's the boy whocame to see shalini. ls he the one?- yes.

he's handsome. looking at him, l don't thinkshalini should have refused. you're saying that were backing her then. but you were with her.why didn't you explain to her? you talk as thoughl asked her to refuse! nisha,...- priya, let's not fight today. let's do something today.- all right. come. join us. go on and play.

l don't know how to play, lt's vey only have to follow the rhythm. rhythm? yes. that's it.... shall we ty? this is how it goes. one. - one. and two. l'm sory. l'm sory. l'm sory. no. it's okay.

shall we ty again?watch. one and turn. that's once more. you've got it.- oh yes. we'll do it once more. let's ty. one and.. blood...! one second. excuse me. l need some ice.... it's nothing.

sit here. ls it hurting? my finger has become numb.l can't feel anything. now it will stop bleeding. l told you...- it's all right. l'm sory. - it's really okay. really. your bo_riendhasn't come with you? we aren't friends.- but you were... l was about to mary him!l even loved him!

but nothing happened as permy wishes! because he never loved me! okay? l didn't mean to. actually l don't knowwhat's happened to me. l have a certain kindof bitterness within me. probably becausemy faith has broken. l used to takepeople at face value. l used to believewhat my eyes would see. but that's not how it is.

evemhing is false.... evemhing is fake. and love... iove is only a word. should l go or not? but if l don't go,l won't be able to talk. go on!- l'm going. l'm leaving.check the stock before leaving. okay. - see you. bye. you?- what are you doing here? l work here.

l didn't know you work here. you want to buy something?- yes. please come. l didn't know you worked here. what do you want to buy? those. candles? which one do you like?- it's beautiful! l'll get it collected. - okay.

thank you. you didn't knowthat l work here. yes. you are right. l didn't know. you went on like a parrot in there! l didn't know she worked here. l didn't know she worked here.l'll talk to her. l'll tell her.- wait a minute. what will you tell her?- l'll tell her... let me think.- okay.

l'll tell her that...- what will you say? l would want... who are you talking to? where are you going? station. can l come with you? will you talk to her or not?! were you saying something?- no. you were saying. perhaps we weretalking to ourselves.

perhaps you were, not me. will you have coffee?there's a restaurant close by. no, thank you. my friend iswaiting for me at the station. oh l see! snacks? two 'bhels' please.- how do you want it? make it plain and medium.- the same for me. the owner of a 5-star hotel... woos a girl with bhel ata roadside stall?

you can't do a thing properly! where are you? lost somewhere?- no. how much is it?- rs. 20. the 'bhel' wasvey nice, wasn't it? we reached the station vey fast. lt's come?- yes. oh yes, it's came vey soon. anyway, l'll makea move now. bye. what are you upto...? saysomething nice, something romantic!

did you say something?- bye. ldiot! idiot! you wasted a meeting! give her 'bhelpuri'!want to fall in love indeed! what do l do if l don't know howto fall in love?! what do l do? hey mister!- what? what is it? hey my flowers!what about the money?! why did you get so late?- sorry. l...

for me?- yes. l had the car.l could have dropped her home. the flowers are vey nice.- yes, he... shalini, ranveer still loves you. his eyes spoke of love for you. l had seen love in his eyes too. but then what happened? not only you buteven l misunderstood him. that doesn't meanevey boy is the same.

eveyone makes mistakes. but not eveyone gets achance to correct their mistakes. you're getting it!- forget it. l don't want to talkabout that topic. who gave you these flowers?- ranveer. ranveer?- yes. where did you meet him?what did he come for? did he come to meet you? lf incidents wouldend the world...

...the world would havebeen over long since. one doesn't stop seeing dreamswith the fear of nightmares. when dreams and reality strike... ...dreams are shattered. l don't want to break again. where are you going this early? what are you doing, son?- nothing, grandmother. ranveer, have you gone crazy? please drive slowly.

lf l drive slowly,l will lose the destination. destination?- l found out with great difficulty. don't talk in riddles.where are you taking me? l am taking you toa vey nice place. does that place have a name? here it is.- this is a temple. you're still in the car?come on. hury up. hury... hury, grandmother! you've actually gone crazytoday.

what do l do?- put me down. she comes here evey morning.she woke me up from my sleep. although she doesn't goanywhere without me. right? come here, my child.- yes? come. so you are following me? you are walking in front of me. what do you want?- to walk with you. l heard that youdon't go anywhere.

no, grandmother.there's no such thing. you haven't been to yourfarm house since days, ranveer. l'll go today itself.shall l? don't ask. go.both of you must go. that's our order. lt's a beautiful place!l'm coming here for the first time. you've come here many a times.- what? you're coming here with mefor the first time. but you've come many a timesin my thoughts.

do you come here often?- yes... when l am tired of my mobile phoneand meetings. and my energy level dips,... ...l come here. lt's so peaceful here.- come. please come.this is my room. whose picture is that? this is my mother. she expired whenl was eight years old.

l am sory. you've met mygrandmother and father. but you haven't metmy younger brother. this is him. he looks vey stubborn. he's the younger one after all. shall we eat?- yes, l am hungy. what's this?- that's the butter. listen... hello!- hello!

can l make one?- sure. lt's like a village here. l have retained mychildhood memories here. this is wheat, right?- yes. yes, it will turn golden ina few days and then harvested. greetings. - greetings.- greetings, sir. - greetings. should l?- sure. put it in?- in this? she's eating it.

cute, isn't it? lt's so beautiful! would you like to see someplace even more beautiful? more beautiful? ''pranks are but mischieffrom the heart...'' ''but pranks are also aboutbeautiful desires'' ''pranks could drive heartsberserk in a matter of moments...'' ''pranks could give a manthe affliction of love'' wear this or you'll catch a cold.

''ls it true...?'' ''that you're in love with me too?'' ''that which your eyes said...'' ''that which my eyes heard...'' ''is it all true? tell me'' ''your eyes suggest you're shy...'' ''but there's a hint of a smileon your lips'' ''what is it that remains hiddenbehind the way you act?'' ''l'm dying to hear it from youas to how you feel''

''ls it all true? tell me'' ''how will l tell youwhat you mean to me?'' ''you are the one who broughtme to my goal...'' ''or l'd have been lost in oblivion'' ''you have come bearinggifts of love...'' ''things l could only dream of'' ''yes, it's true'' ''yes, it's true...'' ''you're the one l love''

''that which your eye.s. heardmy eyes say... ''evey word of it was true'' ''lf your heart wasimmersed in love...'' ''you ought to have told me'' ''stumbling on one's way...'' ''it takes time gettingwhere one wants to get'' ''we're together now..'' ''why should we have any grief'' ''what's happenedis in the past''

''ls it true?'' ''you've fallen in love with me?- l've fallen in love with you'' ''that which my eyes..heardyour eyes say... ''yes, evey word of it is true'' ''tell me if it's true'' ''evey word of it is true'' ''yes'' ''ls it all true? tell me.'' ''yes.''

what happened?- you're not what you appear to be. meaning? you're vey heavy. shalini, l have written something.will you listen to it? shalini, l love you. like the waythe sun loves its rays. like the waythe moon loves its moonlight. and the wayflowers love their fragrance. let's make a world of our dreams.

where evemhingwill be vey beautiful. and with us shall be... this is blank. lt's all here. shalini, you won'tever leave me, will you? ranveer, let's get married. ''what traveller is the heart...'' ''that did not recognise its goal?'' ''lonely, it wanders...''

''this crazy heart'' ''what am l to do?'' ''l'm all at sea,how will l say...'' ''what grief l suffer'' ''what have l lost?'' ''evemhing is the same,so what is lacking...?'' ''what's happenedto you, o heart?'' ''what has my heart done?it put me to sleep...'' ''now that l awaken,it's darkness all around''

''there was someone with me.she has left...'' ''l miss her'' ''this crazy heart.'' rocky! what were you doing? brother. l am doing what you did. me?- yes. don't you rememberwhat you did in the pool? stupid, that was the pool.this is the ocean. you could die.

yes, this is the ocean. rocky, you're in love. right? you're in love, right?- l don't know. wherever l look,l seem to see only her. really? go to sleep.evemhing will be fine. how do l sleep? l shut my eyes and l see heragain. why don't you take sleeping pills? brother...- don't touch me!

what if l get the disease! ls this love? am l really in love? yes, you are in love. but why are you in this state? where's the girl? she's gone?- gone? doesn't she love you? she loves meand wants to mary me.

but l insulted herin front of all my friends. she even stopped coming to college. l even went to her houseand insulted her father. l have lost her forever. what do l do?- say sory to her. sory? l should say sory to her? you love her, don't you?- yes, l do. you're the one who was wrong.- right. then obviouslyyou have to say sorry.

will she come back if l say sorry? she will. no girl can remainangy with you for vey long. take me for instance. l toohad lost my love. it's come back. where are you going?- to say sorry. at this hour?go in the morning. at least look a bit decent. let's go home. you're vey nice, you must havebeen my mother in my last birth. you remember our mother?- a little bit?

our mother was vey nice. what's he doing inthe ladies compartment? that too in a ladies compartment!- yes, look! god knows what iswrong with these guys? shalini! hi! what are you doing inthe ladies compartment? these are for you. thanks!

you've changed. l love you, shalini. lt's too late. l am sory, shalini. now l know what love is. you want me to talk toyour parents, don't you? l am ready. raiveer, l love someone else. l know you are angy with me.

l know l have hurt you,but l am sorry. let's go meet your parents.come on, let's get married. what are you doing? ty to understand.- what do l have to understand? we both love each otherand want to get married. what is the problem? l am going to bemarried to him soon, you can't love another man! you are only mine!l told you l love you! then how can youlove someone else?!

l will kill that bastard!you understand, l will kill him! l will kill him! you belong to me!no one can snatch you from me! l will kill him! shut up! as l told you,you are only mine! no one can snatch you from me! l will kill him! l mean what l say.shalini, l will kill him! ls it the first timethat you will be killing? open it!

rajveer, goldie here.- tell me? shalini is in cafe royal.- with whom? rajveer, l..- whom is she with?! rajveer, l...- with whom?! l can't tell you.come and have a look. ranveer, l am scared.l am feeling vey uneasy. how many times do l tell youthat you needn't wory. look at this. lt's beautiful!whom is it for?

lt's for that girlwho is sitting across. lt's for you.give me your hand. what are you doing?- why? lt's a custom to be fulfilledin front of family and friends. lt's called an engagement. l am hungy.shall we call for something? l'll place an order. rocky, here? you've come? come here.iet me introduce you to my shalini.

lsn't he handsome? one can't take one's eyes off him. what are you standing there for?come here. rocky, what happened? didn't that girl agree? don't wory. l'll comewith you and we'll coax her. l think he's upset because he'shad a fight with his girlfriend. he needs me.l'll be back. what are you doing, rocky?

l hate this car! you have given me this car!l don't want anything! l don't want anything! what's wrong with you? you love me a lot, don't you? that's a lie! lt's all a farce! you had only one reasonfor giving me things! so that you be goodand l be the bad one!

l am bad! yes, l am bad! you had promised mother thatyou would give me evey happiness! you lived upto yourpromise vey well! rather than havinga brother like you,... would be betterif l had none! don't touch me! don't ever touch me again! why? what will you do?will you hit me? don't touch me. - will you hit me?- don't touch me.

you will hit me, will you?- don't touch me. you will hit me?- don't touch me! are you blind?!- rocky. why are you runningaway from me, rocky? you're happy, aren't you?so what's your problem?! why should youbother about what l do! leave me alone! lf you're not happy,how can l be happy? tell me your problem,l'll solve it for you.

tell me.- what will you solve?! what do you think of yourself!are you god?! you will solve evemhing indeed! you can't do a thing! can you stop me fromjumping off this bridge?! you can't stop me!you can't do anything! rocky, don't iump. rocky! l beg of you,please come down. lf l have done you wrong,please tell me.

rocky, please tell me. you want to know? you want to know?! your shalini is mine! ranveer. oh my god! ranveer! ranveer! oh my god! talk to me. talk to me.

ranveer, talk to me!talk to me! your shalini is here,ranveer! doctor! somebody get thedoctor! save my ranveer! talk to me, ranveer! you proved what you said. shalini, you can'tlove another man! you belong only to me! you can't love someone elsebecause l love you!

you proved what you said! you have killed your brother! you think you've won?! no, raiveer! you've lost! rajveer, love isn't abouttaking someone else's life! love is aboutietting the others live! love is to give lifeand happiness! but you wouldn'tunderstand all this! you don't know what love is!

you can only hate! and now onwards,people will hate you! look at him! his stubbornbehaviour killed his brother! you killed my ranveer! we might need todo an emergency surgey. page dr. srivastava immediately. please leave him.wait here. nurse, stop this lady please. you can't go in. nothingwill go wrong. come out.

l want to see mybrother ranveer singh. one second. he was iust brought in! he's on the 16th floor.he is being operated. rather than a brother like you,l wish l had none! who do you thinkyou are?! god?! rocky, don't iump.rocky, don't iump. grandmother, ranveer...! calm down, shalini.ranveer will get all right.

excuse me. who is rocky?- it's me. the patient didcome to his senses. but he kept saying rocky,don't jump and slipped into coma. rocky, what happened?how did this happen? tell me. doctor, will he be fine?- nothing can be said. my grandson willbe fine, won't he? l am absolutely fine,brother. nothing has happened to me.

l am absolutely fine.look at me, brother. look at me. l am fine. l didn't iump. can you hear me, brother? why are you cying, brother? l'm sory, brother. l love you. l behaved vey rudely with you. l raised my voice in front of you. l raised my hand on you.

l drank in front of youand said a lot of rude things. l am so fortunate tohave you as my brother. and l... brother, hit me...give me a sound thrashing. l am indeed vey bad. but you get all right. l promise,l will become nice. l will become like you. l'll give up all the vices.

l am vey stubborn, brother. nobody has ever refused me. so when shalini said no to me,l was vey angy! l don't love her.l was just being stubborn. that's right.l love only you, ranveer! shalini isn't mine.she is only yours. l am only yours!l love only you. only you. get up, ranveer! that's true, brother.

l love someone else.- she loves me a lot. l want to mary only him.- she wants to mary me. you love her, don't you?- yes. he has forgiven all your mistakes.. l can see only her everywhere. l shut my eyesand l can see her. will she come backif l say sory? mother will be recognisedworld over, brother. hence you take care of rocky.

love him and give him allthe happiness in the world. yes, mother. l'll givehim all the happiness. mother, can l sleep next to you? brother? - ranveer? ranveer? - brother? come, come. bring it fast.move, move away. - keep it here. keep it. - connect the mains.move away. move. move. move back. - don't touch the bed. doctor, ready. - yes, sir.

okay. now. now. nurse, iniection. my son...!

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