house design minecraft

hello everyone, this is mumbo and welcome back to another minecraft video! and in this one we're going to be take a look at the piston house. now, for anyone who's been on my channel for a little while, you may remember the first piston house i ever posted. it went down incredibly well. a lot of people really enjoyed it. and then i uploaded another piston house that went down even better. in fact, it's one of my most viewed videos on my channel. then i've uploaded another piston house and then a few more piston houses unfortunately the concept began to get just a tiny bit boring now don't get it wrong

people are still really enjoying the videos but i was struggling to think of redstone contraptions to fill the houses with which meant i unfortunately had to stop the series now just under a year has past since the previous piston house and i am filled with redstone contraption ideas so i've created this latest one right here which i think is pretty epic

now i think a fairly obvious place to start in this video is with the exterior of the house. and i just wanna mention that this was actually designed by me which may seem really quite surprising because, as you guys know, i'm not the best builder in the history of minecraft generally speaking i tend to struggle with that sort of thing and i definitely struggle with houses, especially ultra-modern houses like this one but, i decided to set aside a few hours on my weekend and actually get to work on some purely decorative building

and, i think i've done a half-decent job i mean, it's not too ugly, it doesn't make me want to vomit, which is always a positive thing we're using plenty of spruce wood, quartz, we got some stone bricks some really big windows that allow you to see right the way through the house which is a very nice feature indeed and if we take a look around the back, ifeel like it all fits together quite nicely. i mean it's not awful; let me know downin the comments section if you do think it's awful, but anyway the most importantthing about this build isn't the crazy exterior, it's actually the crazy interiorwith all the redstone contraptions

that we have going on in the inside now you may have noticed we've got a ratherlarge perimeter fence going around the outside of the property but there is noobvious entrance of this thing there's no big fence gates or any gigantic doorsor anything like that it is quite simply a couple of fenceshere with some sticky pistons underneath and that is because when we hit this button righthere these fences actually drop down intothe ground so we can pop on through now you may be sat there thinking how onearth does this block power anything it's floating above the ground but that isbecause this piston right here is

actually being constantly updated bythis redstone which means that when this button powers that block the pistonwill detect it due to the bud powering principle and it will actually extendcausing a redstone signal to go through to these pistons. i know it's incrediblylong winded but i personally think it looks really quite cool. anyway up herewe have got ourselves some invisible pressure place, we can walk over thoseand the doors will open and that will take us through into the cloakroom. nowas you can see these two armor stands they've already got some coats on themso all we have to do is swap them out we'll get ourselves a fresh armor stand and we canplace our coats on top of him

nice and easy. as far as the entrance isconcerned that's pretty much everything other than this rather wonderfulpainting back here so let's just pop through into the kitchen and as you cansee we've got a few more redstone builds going on including this ratherinteresting looking thing that i'll be getting onto in the next couple seconds. so first off we've got this oven right here we've got a few side areas so wecan prepare all of the food that we never going to make because this is minecraft we also have a sink a few brewing standsso we can make some drinks and most importantly we've got ourselves aworking freezer that is filled with raw

fish i'm sure i'm going to be preparingthat later on and someone has been doing plenty of fishing right here i mean that is hours upon hours of work, so i think that deserves some credit anyway if you pop through into this areayou can see we've got ourselves a working television set - we hit the buttonthat turns off the tv and we hit the button once again and that turned it back onand then off to my left we have got my working redstone digital pet. yes i know it'scompletely ridiculous this right here is a virtual mumbo it'sthe closest thing you can possibly get

to a real life mumbo in the form ofredstone, redstone lamps, and various different redstone circuits that we'll be taking a look at in the next couple seconds he has a happiness meter right now he'spretty happy but he will eventually get unhappy due to the way the system works. the waythat we increase his happiness is by throwing him diamonds, redstone, stone slabs,roast chicken, and tnt - those are the five items in minecraft that really do make mumbo a happything. now if you take a look at all the redstone behind it you can see we've gotplenty of things going on down here

we've got an item sort of which detects all of those different types of items, that then sends a redstone signalthrough into this line right here which goes into this comparator clock that comparator clock then runsthrough into this dropper right here which will send the items from this dropper into this dropper which will increase the happiness because we've gota comparison running out from this which takes a redstone signal strength from itand the more items inside this dropper the stronger the signal strength whichmeans that it will be happy, it will show a happy face on the screen

however we also have this hopper clockover here which periodically powers this dropper right here sending items from that dropper into thisdropper which decreases the redstone signalstrength, and if the signal strength gets too low, then unfortunately it will showunhappy face which means the mumbo is in fact sad that's how it works. now i get it, thatwas a very confusing and complicated redstone creation explanation, and iwill totally understand if you totally didn't understand. and if you don'tunderstand redstone at all, well i apologize

because that probably all sounded like white noise. so if you do want to take a closer lookat this world and perhaps have a look through all the redstone systems thenthere will be a world download down in the description that you can check out foryourselves, or alternatively if there are plenty of comments i will consider doinga tutorial for this thing because it's pretty sweet and i'd love to see it popping up in afew more builds in the future anyway we are now going to pop upstairsand take a look at what's going on up there were going to use ourtranslocation piston elevator which will

suck us through the floor and here weare now there's nothing too exciting going on up here we've got ourselvesthis redstone lamp and also this double bed right here but this redstone lamp isreally quite interesting when the light is on you can't sleep as soon as the lightturns off like, to the second, as soon as that light turns off, that bed becomesactive it's actually done using comparators, one comparator sort of takes signal strength away from the other comparator and it makes it extremelyaccurate which i think is pretty amazing finally onto the last room of the houseand that is the bathroom now due to poor

house design it's right in front of thisgigantic window ok, and that is the toilet right there can you imagine beingsat there doing your business and knowing that anyone could just stare in i don't know if that's really for me,personally, but hey-ho we also have a sink right here and alsoa shower in this corner that works wonderfully in fact it worksalmost too well; it's a very very strong shower we have plenty of water falling downright there you get drenched instantly that's it. anyway that is everything donewe hit this button opens up the door we

can hit this button right here thatdrops down level and then we can pop back through and take a look at what'sgoing on in the garage. i will just warn you: don't get too excited for thisone. we flip the lever, and the garage door opens we don't really have too muchgoing on, we've got a car it's a - it's a lovely car, it's run of themill, you know your average car it's nothing too exciting it's not exactly amclaren p1 or anything like that i would say it's like a ford fiesta; it'sgood, not thrilling, but it's definitely a good car so that's that, the garage is now done, flick the lever

garage door closes up, absolutelywonderful this piston house is all done and dustedi hope you enjoyed this little piston house tour experience i personallyhad a blast building this thing and let me know down in the comments section ifyou want to see more of these piston houses because i'll be more than happyto crack on with them, but unfortunately that is all i've got time for today, i hope youenjoyed this video. if you did please hit that like button, and if you really lovedit and make sure to subscribe, but thanks for watching guys, this has been mumbo, and i'm out, i'll see you later.

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