house design layout plan

hi, my name is lynn taylor and my companyis taylor made plans and today i'd like to showyou a set of construction drawings for abrand new house or stock plans which i sell on my website. primarily these are inner-cityhistoric neighborhood house designs. there are craftsman, victorians, and alsovery contemporary craftsmanand victorians. so they're considered stock plans, is what you call themit is like a pre-done plan. you just go through and search your square footagethat you're interested in and all the specsand then you can buy a set of construction

drawings from like seven hundred fiftydollars, files sent then you can build that house one timeand then if you'd like to build it more you send a reuse fee in. so that is whata stock plan is. it's a pre-done plan you can alsothen take that plan if you want to do modifications to it you could hire me thento modify or change a few things and that will add on to the price ofthe stock plan fee you could also just do a total customplan where we take just start from scratch completely andthat would be more expensive course and i would have to give you the1:11 fees on that. today we're going to look

at a set ofplans and this is my cover sheet. now, on the cover sheet i've just got some basicinformation. climate zones information. these aredesigned in nashville tennessee and the building code which is basedon 2006 international residential code. some information here for the estimatorand the lumberyard. these house plans like i said fit into historic neighborhoodsand they have a historic feel to them.they're designed to fit in and we're notusing customize or replicating the exact trim workbut the materials you would use off the

shelf at one of the lumberyardsor a big box store like lowes or home depot.but they're not like what you'd build out in the suburbsso if a builder is just used to building houses in the suburbs it might throw themfor a little loop. you just need to pay attention to thedetails more because it's a little different arrangement of materials toget that historic feel. let's go to the next section. primarilyi want to show you what you're getting in yourconstruction drawings. sometimes you know construction plans are not createdequal .you can have a great design and

then maybe the designer doesn'thave enough technical experience really put together a houseeverybody has a different level of experience so we put a lot of timean effort and time into our details so that when the builder gets out there there'sthe least amount of problems, you get a better estimate on your drawingsand less guessing and head-scratching, is what i call it in the most of the plans are set up the same way.same type sheets. different if you have a two story or one story.this here is a first floor plan. you got your dimensions, your window sizes righthere

by the windows. of course your plumbing,any particular notes that would be required here. talkingabout especially like here beside a tub youwant to put a energy breaks there, which is you goahead and insulate that, a half inch piece of foam or a quarter-inchpiece of foam behind the tub prior to setting the tub.that's an energy break and an energy-efficient note that i have on the drawings.let's see what else. i also have dimension and notes on theporch columns and things like that trim detail over here.and here is some general information

here about energy star windows and whatyou would want to do if you want to get more energy efficient intoyour home. so that is the first floor plan and thenthis is the electrical layout. i do not put electricaland all the notes and dimensions on one plan. i separate them outso here you have your basic legend in just where your switches andlights and this is based on standard recommendation kind of thing.very straight forward. we have a big note here that saysto subcontractors if you make a hole, seal it.this is to stop the air infiltration

going from your crawlspaceinto your house if you're subcontractors are not careful and do not caulkand seal up everything then you�re just going to have air moving back and forth.we recommend actually doing a sealed crawl space with some air conditioning init andthis just helps with better air quality control and also not breathing the dirtfrom your crawl space. again, these are notes from the drawings butunless the contractor or you enforces it they still may not do it just because thenotes are on the drawings. the next sheet we usually have isinterior trim details. i give different

options here.we can go pure craftsman or traditional design making it more modern.we can have a very a simple inexpensive trim detail, soreally you can pick and choose which ones ofthese you want. these are all custom trim sothey are made out of inexpensive wood you could pull off the shelfor you can just go ahead and buy what's in stock. so these are just going togive you a little variation on your interior trim details.sometimes i have interior elevations, sometimes kitchen elevations come withsmaller houses because of community development

affordable housing5:23 organizations need them for certain reasons. this particular house has a fireplacewith built-in bookshelves and so i have moredetail there. also houses with stairs in two-storiesi'll have a stair section cut just to show you the headroomalso trying to give the framers some dimensions so that you can move a piece offurniture up those stairs when it's built.

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