house design google sketchup
firstly switch the camera to parallel projection (camera / parallel projection) choose the top view (camera / standart views / top) create auxiliary vertical lines of the walls using tape measure tool. and horisontal. copy and move lines on the distance which equal to the thickness of the walls. lead the outer contour round of the house using line tool. in order to make an inner contour use the offset tool. use the rectangle tool to make inner walls. or just draw lines.
reverse the faces in order to see walls better (right click / reverse faces). or you can just paint it. draw all of other walls in the same way. group everything (right click / make group). and copy it as a base for other floors. it's better to make stairs in its own group. insert "x", your number and enter in order to copy an object several times. it works in the same way with rotate tool. to make doorways with dotted lines, firstly show hidden entity (view / hidden geometry).
then use eraser tool with pressed alt. drawing the door. because we'll use the doors several times, we make it as an component (right click / make component). to make the door with other width, make it unique (right click / make unique). (i made a mistake with dimensions)
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