house design classes

hello, everyone. my name is ben gromicko. i'm from internachi. that's the internationalassociation of certified home inspectors. we're gonna go over how to become certified. and these are the three web pages url's that i'd like to share with you. solet's go to the first one. about certification that set match .org forward slash certification and thereare two steps to become certified first stepis joining it actually the second step isyou become certified

pretty simple so let's go back to step1: joined internet g as a member we havetwo options forty nine dollars a month or 499dollars a year there's no contract you cancancel anytime members when you join become a member internet she and membershave unlimited access to the online training course and you learn at your own pace and it'sfree to members when you're ready

you can attain more than 30 certifications at no additional cost so let's say you want to be a homeinspector well that is a certification program that international provides its onlineand free to members so to be certified you first have to to step number one joyner actuallyseptember 2 is you simply choose which certificationyou want and you go through the program at no additional cost and thecertification program

is online and free to members okay so to become certified is really twosteps joining that she step two is you choose yourcertification at no additional cost so if you go here at step one jointiraqi you can join at forty nine dollars amonth or per year and you have access to internet is online training let's go there be go toour education page you want to go directlyits natcher

or forward slash education and here's a a really long page that lists our entirecurriculum online training courses educationcourses so the left hand side is the title of thecourse and the right hand side column is wherethat course has been approved a roof inspection course for example when you become a member you can takeour roof inspection course free and online it's been approved in many states andprovinces all over the world

and then our next course is here so when you become a member in you have unlimited access to olive internet is online trainingcourses learn at your own pace and when you're ready to be certified choose which certification so it'sreally two steps to be certified so it's choose one let's say you joinedas a member you have unlimited access to thetraining even taken some courses here in

there taking some exams and you're ready becertified let's say it has to be a certified home inspectorwell you click that's certified professional inspector andthis is how you become a certified home inspector we call it cp i certified professional inspector becauseit's a federally registered certification mark no one else on theplanet can say i'm a certified professionalspecter cp i unless you are trained and certified byinternet g and to get certified

two steps first join internati andsecond you get certified you choose your certification at no additional cost and what are the certificationrequirements to be a cp i well that step number two you click thatlink me ask you to do a lot of things topretty high designation first rejoinder aji second if the pass the online home inspectorexam it's free online take as many times youwant then have to pass the kind about thatscourse

and the stairs a practice course you'venever done any inspections yet the summit to our report review committee four mokinspections sign a rapid david adhere to the stairsa practice abide by the code about tix continuewith your continuing it education requirements maintain acontinuous continuing education log excuse me andthen within the first year yet to take allthe certification training course there's a lot take a few weeks butthey're all online

free to our members learn at your place that have access to all that training if the first become a member join energy then choose our certification so that'sthat certification let's say you wanted to bea home energy inspector anyone can be a internet recertified home energyinspector anywhere you are all over the world and weprovide all the training and certification andmarketing

tools that you need three-step process first step join internet g second step you take the certification requirementslet's see what that is well we ask you to be a certifiedprofessionals but we require it so if you wanna be a home energyinspector you first actually have to becomecertified professional inspector then on top of that to be home energyinspector get to take the core training that'sfocused really about home energy efficiency issues house is asystem

how does energy move throughout aresidential building comforting climate indoor airquality things like a that's how you become ahome energy inspector we have over 30 certifications from ajudge's he just joined us how to become acertified inspector it's all about certifications well twosteps to join and actually and then you choose from over 30certifications and the certification programs are allonline and free to our members let's say youwant to be a

mean jimmy inspector well three-step process first step is joinand actually second step is fulfill the cp i certification requirements we've seenthis page before third step is you take the fireplace stoves andjimmy's course that's how you become a certified chimney inspector what you get when you become a certified chimneyinspector well you get the use this logo

we designed this logo so that you canput this logo on your business card on your fires brochures rack cards and on your website and if you need business cards fires pressures for yourbusiness internet she has a marketing team thatprovides one-on-one consultation with you and we'll design your business card forfree or design your logo your business logofor free if you have an existing logo

we can redesign it and we can make itbetter let's say you want to be a green building inspector click thatlink and the internet connections little slowbut there it is are becoming green survey green buildinginspector three-step process first join itactually you become a member of internet re members have unlimited access to ourtraining courses training courses are online and free tomembers and when you're ready you can become certified and youcomplete

the certification requirements we require you to be a cp i certificatescertified professional inspector and then on top of that we ask you to take the free online green buildinginspection course with those three steps you are a certified green buildinginspector you can use the logo i lets choose onemore up i have a question here have a questionfrom

quality care home inspections saysdoesn't good morning my question is i was to join in that shedo you assist with the and are pp nationalexam with on my course for radon testing oris this something we need to have in classroom training to becomecertified for radon testing well what state or province are you fromi would asked that first i'm because they're there are certain state specificrequirements some states don't require the sniper training some do i'm

if you are in a state that requires youto be an rpp aaa rst certified raid on tester there's two things you have to do oneyou have to take approved training and rpp a rst approved training internationalprovides that training course its online and free to memberssecond you have to take the exam it's the nrp paar st exam our course helps you prepare for that exam

the exam there's a fee because you takeit through that third-party organization and our pp arstthe course is required to become certified i'm you can take a through internationaland if you need the direct link to that course i can provide that foryou just email me i'm on the contact page if you go to the er education page waspretty which we have about visited before and do a search for the advanced radon measurement serviceprovider course

here's the main landing page the firstpage of the course and to see if it's approved by nr pp arst we have it there you can take alook at the certifications in approvals from those two third party organizations so if you'refrom a state that requires you to be certified and rpp or arst certified two-step process those two organizationsrequire you to take training and then pass their exams whatinternet she provides the training

the training courses online and free tomembers and then you take the exam so i hope i quality care i hope i answered yourquestion good question and there's the main url for today's class nachhatar towardforward slash certification we go there we have a two step processto be certified first you join the rachis second youbecome certified at no additional cost let's say youwanted to be the residential property inspector

well that simply the certificationrequirements that we've reviewed already let's say you wanted tobe the i am let's see how to crawl spaceinspector let's say you're in the south or an area where there's a lot across basis youwanted to show your clients that you are trained to be in this crawlspace you take in specific training in fact i would use this as a brandingopportunity branding is what distinguishes you from your competition well take any matchestraining and certification programs

over 30 the choose from take amal putall those certification low-dose on your marketing on your website toshow your clients visually quickly the you are trained andcertified in all of these things one of them couldbe across basis so to be a certify crawl space inspectorfirst at the joint at chi you can access that training then youcomplete the certification requirements which is the federally registeredtrademark certification mark the cp i certification and then the third step would be to takeour advanced

inspection crawl space course which is areally good online video course alright um after you become certified the scroll down the page i would startmarketing and branding your business internet she has a marketing teamavailable to you what we do is we consult with youone-on-one and we help you design and build your marketing pieces and your brand a brand is who you are whatdistinguishes you from the rest

why should i hire you instead of thisother inspector that your brand and yourmarketing is getting that message out so we helpyou design your business cards brochures flyers and all that design work is free all youhave to do is place an order whatcha gonna do anyways and we candesign your business logo or redesign your existing one so you gothere sirs you become certified a whole worldof opportunity actually a opens up for you internet chisel as i'm

will provide a lot of business tools anonline services followed by certified inspectors theother website that i would like to show you is theeverything page nachhatar dork forward slash everythingyou can't find what you need you can always go to the everything page we try to put everything or you can use our search button at the topright corner so let's say i wanted to search for i'msomething about hvac well type in hvac in our search buttonand you get

how to inspect the hvac systems courseits casey system design and installation become a certified hvac inspector home maintenance changing the sp hvacthought so use the search told that we have on ourwebsite if you can't find what you need this isa step-by-step checklist to become a certified successful home inspector right to are own and operate a successful homeinspection business to run a successful home inspection business and there are15 steps

first step is probably guessed it joininternet g why because unita access all the online training to becomecertified you become certified at no additionalcost the certification programs are free inour mind to our members and there are over 30 serb occasionprograms from which to choose third step is you work with internet ismarking team to design your marketing so it's reallygood professionally designed in all thatdesign work is free when you

place an order and we help you brandyour business step four is you take are business course unless you're an mba or have taken i a college course on howto run a business you really should take this homeinspection business course ahmed step number four then every member has and online members only account this is the portal through which youaccess all the tools

that international provides sixth up you've got 'em put your businessonline build a great website and we provide you a free online liveclass to help you build a website we show youhow to build a free website and we provide you the tools thewebmaster tools is simply drag and drop them into yourwebsite nowadays you don't need any special skills nospecial skills are necessary to build a fantastic free website let me show you how to doit and there are many others

step 4: take advantage of all thebenefits membership benefits are incredible youboost your business to participate in all these otherprograms that internet she provides you ans you get equipped you learn how to write great reportsthere goes on and on and that's on our not you dot org goback to that you are not at ord for its sizeeverything so we've done all those three url's and the main one was the certification

and to summarize there's really two steps become certified jointinternational you join and she is a member there's nocontract cancel anytime and members have unlimited access to ouronline trainee the training courses or online and freeto our members and you learn at your own pace and whenyou're ready you can attain more than 30 certifications at noadditional cost that step 2 step two is you choose yourcertification it's no additional cost to members we have many to choose fromand that's it for a live cross

about how to become certified my name'sben gromyko i'm from internet g the internationalassociation of certified home inspectors i see you next time

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