house design by gun

north carolina house bill 723 the gun safety act wait till you hear what's actually in that bill all right guys we're talking about north carolina house bill 723 the gun safety act this is a bill that was introduced in the north carolina general assembly today you might have heard it on the news already described as a bill to repeal the north

carolina stand your ground law now if you don't know what that is north carolina stand your ground law sometimes called the castle lal says that as long as you're in your home vehicle or workplace you can defend yourself with deadly force without the duty to retreat this bill will repeal parts of that law and if that's not bad enough wait till you

hear what kind of things they've snuck in there behind that that they're not telling you about now hopefully north carolinians are smart enough not to let this bill be passed anyway i'm calling this bill the bull shit sandwich there are some things at the beginning in the end of the bill that they're trying to pass off as common sense gun reform and

then right there in the middle is that bullshit something that they're hoping they can sneak in there and it'll just be overlooked by everybody now before you take a bite of this thing you're going to want to watch this whole video to see what's in there because you're going to be surprised what you see so what we said that this bill is going to

repeal the stand your ground law now what it's actually going to do is take away the vehicle and workplace part of the bill and leaves the part about your home so as long as you're in your home you can still use deadly force to defend yourself without the duty to retreat anywhere else outside of your home you have a duty to retreat before you can

use deadly force now obviously i don't support this most people spend more time in their vehicle and their workplace and they ever do at home i think i should have the same rights to defend myself there as i do at home but i could see how some people could pass this off as a compromise yeah they're letting us keep part of it and then they're getting rid

of part of it so maybe the people could see it as a compromise i don't but let's move on now that's all i've heard about in the news is the stand your ground part of this bill well behind that there's a lot of the things that you're going to want to hear about now the part of north carolina law that you see every time you buy a gun they

hand you that little piece of paper that has the storage of firearms to protect minors act now basically what that said before is that if you store your gun in a way that a minor can get ahold of it and use it in a crime or to hurt themselves or anybody else then you're violating the law and you're gonna get in trouble for that what this bill does is it rewords it to also

include any unauthorized persons so that means felons or anybody else that's not supposed to have access to firearms i can get behind that we obviously don't want criminals to have guns anyway but there is a line in there that says that if your gun is not stored in a proper storage container that you'll be in violation of law they don't exactly tell

you what a proper storage container is so they leave that up to interpretation let's move on now i'm going to briefly touch on a few other things that you see in the bill and then we're going to get to the meat of this thing there's another part of this bill that says that if if a local sheriff refuses someone's concealed carry permit or handgun permit

he has to turn over their information to the federal government basically so that they know that you tried to buy a gun now we're starting to get into the juicy stuff there is actually a part of this bill that requires anybody in north carolina that owns a gun not just carries a gun but owns a gun to have one hundred thousand dollars worth of

accidental gun insurance now i don't think having some accident insurance as a bad thing but requiring it not sure about that there's also a section in this bill that's really going to impact concealed carriers as of right now each year north carolina looks at what other states have reciprocity with us what that means is that those states

recognized north carolina concealed carry permits and the way it's always worked is if you recognize ours we'll recognize yours now what this bill does is reword that to say that it's going to look at what kind of requirements those states have to get your concealed carry permit so for example in north carolina requires an eight-hour concealed carry

course basically any state that doesn't that requires a shorter class maybe a four hour online class like some states do we will no longer recognize those states concealed carry permits and what that's going to do concealed carriers is if we stopped recognizing certain other states concealed carry permits those states are going to turn

around and stop recognizing our concealed carry permits so while they're not directly attacking north carolina concealed carry they are going to make it harder for other people to carry in our state and for us to carry in other states now there are a few other things in this bill that i'm not really going to touch on i'm just getting to the main

points but here's the big one this is the one that they're going to try to pass by you without you knowing about magazines ....states like california and new york already have a magazine capacity band and we thought it would never happen in north carolina well here it is in house bill 723 there's a part of this bill that outlaws high-capacity

magazines you know the way they worded is any magazine over 15 rounds is considered high capacity and is illegal to own yes that means ar 15 mags but it's not just ar-15 your standard m&p 9-millimeter mag this thing holds 17 rounds this would be illegal this includes our shotguns with magazine tubes that can hold more than eight

rounds now what this bill says is that if you already own them before the bill passes then you're grandfathered in like that makes it any better so after that bill passes you will not be able to get your hands on any high-capacity magazines if you buy them or sell them you are in violation of the law now they think they're throwing us a bone there

actually said that this does not apply to 22 rimfire cartridges so whatever also say that it does not apply to tubular fixed magazines on lever-action rifles so yeah guys when you hear on the news about this new bill that is trying to repeal the stand your ground law yeah that's bad enough already but what they're not telling you is right in the

middle of that bill is section design to outlaw high-capacity magazines in north carolina you thought it wouldn't happen here it is alright guys know in the description i'm going to put a link to this bill so you can read it for yourself i'm also going to try to find contact information for north carolina senators and congressmen

so that you can contact them directly and tell them to oppose this bill thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time

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